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2017-12-08 02:47 162 查看
1. 准备环境

我使用的是虚拟机,准备了3台虚拟机,安装CentOS 7 x86_64系统。每台机器是4核CPU,4 GB内存和80 GB存储空间。三台虚拟机hostname分别叫做node1,node2,node3。

存储空间中的50 GB单独分区作为ceph系统的OSD存储空间。划分步骤如下:

a) fdisk -l


 b) 如果分区表个数小于4可以按照如下步骤创建新的分区,linux最多允许4个primary分区。

 i) fdisk -c /dev/vda

hit n -> for creating a new partition

hit p -> for creating a primary partition

hit Enter twice -> For selecting the entire available disk space to come under this new partition

hit w for saving the changes and quitting

ii) ### For Best Practice###

fdisk -c /dev/vda

hit t -> For changing partition type

hit the partition number (1-4): 4 (According to the above example)

hit the hex code for the partition type: 8e -> For making the partition of type linux LVM

hit w for saving the changes and quitting

iii) Reboot the VM using reboot command OR run partprobe if don't want to reboot.   



我是采用的源码安装的方式:git clone https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy.git。也可以直接登录地址https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy下载压缩包版本。
run "yum install python-pip"

run "pip install ceph-deploy"

3. 配置

a) 安装ntp

sudo yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc

保证启动了NTP服务并且每个节点都使用相同的NTP server。

b) 安装ssh server

sudo yum install openssl-server

c) 创建ceph-deploy账号,这里为了防止后面权限出问题,我使用了root账号作为ceph-deploy的账号。使用root账号前三步可以略过。

ssh root@node1/node2/node3

sudo useradd -d /home/{username} -m {username}

sudo passwd {username}

echo "{username} ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/{username}

sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/{username}

d) 无需密码的ssh访问


 run "ssh-keygen" on node1

 ssh-copy-id root@node1

 ssh-copy-id root@node2

 ssh-copy-id root@node3

编辑文件~/.ssh/config, 内容如下:

 Host node1

 Hostname node1

 User root

 Host node2

 Hostname node2

 User root

 Host node3

 Hostname node3

 User root

e) 网络配置

 i) 关闭防火墙

 sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=ceph-mon --permanent

 sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=ceph --permanent

 sudo firewall-cmd --reload

ii) 配置iptables

 #port 6789 for ceps-monitors and port 6800:7300 for ceph OSDs#

 sudo iptables -A INPUT -i {iface} -p tcp -s {ip-address}/{netmask} --dport 6789 -j ACCEPT

iii) 关闭selinux

 sudo setenforce 0

iv) 配置yum源

 sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities

4. 创建集群

a) mkdir my-cluster

cd my-cluster/

b) # 如果想要删掉之前创建的集群,需要执行下面的操作 #

ceph-deploy purge {ceph-node} [{ceph-node}]

ceph-deploy purgedata {ceph-node} [{ceph-node}]

ceph-deploy forgetkeys

rm ceph.*

c) ceph-deploy new node1

d) 在ceph.conf文件的[global]字段中添加“public network =”,注意mon_host与public network要在同一网段

e) ceph-deploy install node1 node2 node3

# 还可以选择编译源代码的方式安装ceph,但是gcc需要安装4.9+,linux kernel需要安装3+,而且需要安装在/usr/bin目录下,而且需要手动做如下步骤 #

# 创建/etc/ceph #

# 创建/etc/systemd/system/ceph.target,文件内容在github上 #

# 升级libstdc++.so #

f) ceph-deploy mon create-initial

g) ceph-deploy admin node1 node2 node3

h) ceph-deploy osd create node1:vda4 node2:vda4 node3:vda4

ceph-deploy osd activate node1:vda4 node2:vda4 node3:vda4

i) ceph health

ceph -s

5. 扩展集群

a) ceph-deploy mon add node2 node3

检查monitor cluster状态:ceph quorum_status --format json-pretty

b) 安装对象存储gateway



rgw frontends = civetweb port=80



rgw frontends = civetweb port=[::]:80

6. 存储/获取对象:

a) 创建pool:

ceph osd pool create my_pool 100 100

ceph osd pool ls

b) 创建对象:

ceph osd map my_pool my_obj

7. Troubleshooting:

ceph -s 出现如下warnings:

a) clock skew detected on mon.node2


i) 重新同步:

systemctl stop ntpd

ntpdate #ntp server hostname#

restart ceph-mon@node2.service

ii) ceph.conf中添加如下内容:


host = node2

mon_data = /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node2

mon_addr =

mon clock drift allowed = 2

mon clock drift warn backoff = 30

同步到node2:ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf admin node2

重启mon服务:systemctl restart ceph-mon@node2.service
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