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Creating the Value Set for a DropDownByKey Element

2017-12-01 16:08 387 查看


When using a DropDownByKey or DropDownByIndex element, the set of possible values is available automatically only for context attributes having a data type with fixed values defined in the underlying domain. Here we show how to manually create the set of possible
values when fixed values are not available in the data type’s domain.


You want to create a DropDownByKey UI element for data element VSBED (Shipping Conditions) which has its possible values defined in check table TVSB.


1.0 Create a Context Node

In the COMPONENTCONTROLLER, create a context node with cardinality 1..1 and selection 0..1. Then create the attribute VSBED, defined as follows.

2.0 Populate the Attribute Value Set

In method WDDOINIT of the COMPONENTCONTROLLER, enter the following code to define the set of possible values for context attribute VSBED.

method WDDOINIT.
DATA lo_nd_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
DATA lo_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info.
DATA lt_value_set TYPE wdr_context_attr_value_list.
* -- Bind value set for the DropDownByKey element
lo_nd_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_node ).
lo_node_info = lo_nd_node->get_node_info( ).
SELECT tvsb~vsbed  AS value
tvsbt~vtext AS text
FROM tvsb
JOIN tvsbt ON tvsbt~vsbed = tvsb~vsbed
INTO TABLE lt_value_set
WHERE tvsbt~spras = sy-langu
ORDER BY text.
name      = 'VSBED'
value_set = lt_value_set

3.0 Create the DropDownByKey UI Element

Copy the context node from the COMPONENTCONTROLLER to the desired view. Now create a DropyDownByKey UI element and bind its selectedKey property to context attribute NODE.VSBED.


The value set for context attribute VSBED is populated upon initialization of the COMPONENTCONTROLLER and is displayed in the view’s DropDownByKey UI element.

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