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2017-11-07 19:35 399 查看





mysql> select * from student;


| ID | NAME |


| 11 | aa |

| 12 | aa |

| 13 | bb |

| 14 | bb |

| 15 | bb |

| 16 | cc |


6 rows in set

mysql> create temporary table temp as select min(id),name from student group by name;

Query OK, 3 rows affected

Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> truncate table student;

Query OK, 0 rows affected

mysql> insert into student select * from temp;

Query OK, 3 rows affected

Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from student;


| ID | NAME |


| 11 | aa |

| 13 | bb |

| 16 | cc |


3 rows in set

mysql> drop temporary table temp;

Query OK, 0 rows affected



mysql> create temporary table temp as select min(id) as MINID from student group by name;

Query OK, 3 rows affected

Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> delete from student where id not in (select minid from temp);

Query OK, 3 rows affected

mysql> select * from student;


| ID | NAME |


| 11 | aa |

| 13 | bb |

| 16 | cc |


3 rows in set 


mysql> delete from student where id not in (select min(id) from student group by name);

执行报错:1093 - You can't specify target table 'student' for update in FROM clause




mysql> delete from student where id not in (select minid from (select min(id) as minid from student group by name) b);

Query OK, 3 rows affected

mysql> select * from student;


| ID | NAME |


| 11 | aa |

| 13 | bb |

| 16 | cc |


3 rows in set


首先一个, 没看出来你为什么需要第一个in 子查询;

第二个, "You can't specify target table 'x' for update in FROM clause"

-- 不能 更新表的 同时, 在子查询里 select同样的表.

给出sql, 注意去重的话, 我们只需group by再取最小id即可, 不需要 having count(*)>1, 切切:

[java] view
plain copy

delete B   

from bt_ask_to_cate_backup B,  

   (SELECT min(id) id  

     FROM bt_ask_to_cate_backup   

     group by ask_id,cate   

   ) T  

where B.id <> T.id;  

不对以上sql造成后果负责! 注意备份!


mysql> desc test1;
| Field        | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| ID           | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| SENDERNAME   | varchar(32)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| RECEIVERNAME | varchar(64)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| SENDER       | varchar(64)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| RECEIVER     | varchar(64)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| SUBJECT      | varchar(512)     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| CONTENT      | text             | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| PRIORITY     | int(11)          | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| STATUS       | int(11)          | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| CREATETIME   | datetime         | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| SENDTIME     | datetime         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

subject和RECEIVER   需要做uniq key,但设计时未做,后面的数据就有很多重复的记录。

1. 查询需要删除的记录,会保留一条记录。

select a.id,a.subject,a.RECEIVER from test1 a left join (select c.subject,c.RECEIVER ,max(c.id) as  bid from test1 c where status=0 GROUP BY RECEIVER,SUBJECT having count(1) >1) b on a.id< b.bid where  a.subject=b.subject and a.RECEIVER = b.RECEIVER and a.id
< b.bid

2. 删除重复记录,只保留一条记录。注意,subject,RECEIVER 要索引,否则会很慢的。

delete a from test1 a, (select c.subject,c.RECEIVER ,max(c.id) as  bid from test1 c where status=0 GROUP BY RECEIVER,SUBJECT having count(1) >1) b where a.subject=b.subject and a.RECEIVER = b.RECEIVER and a.id < b.bid;

一个比较巧的方法 from http://www.php18.com/archives/Mysql_3012.html



把不重复的记录复制到一个新table,  之后删除旧table, 再把新table改回旧table的名不就行了?

create table new_table_name  select *, count(distinct title_name) from old_table_name  group by title_name


old_table_name 为原表名

title_name 就是不想重复的字段

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