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leetcode题解-151. Reverse Words in a String && 557. Reverse Words in a String III

2017-11-07 10:56 411 查看

151, Reverse Words in a String,题目:

Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.

For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue",
return "blue is sky the".

Update (2015-02-12):
For C programmers: Try to solve it in-place in O(1) space.


public String reverseWords(String s) {
String[] words = s.trim().split(" +");
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=words.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
res.append(words[i] + " ");
return res.toString();


public static String reverseWords1(String s) {
if (s == null)
return null;

char[] str = s.toCharArray();
int start = 0, end = str.length - 1;

// Trim start of string
while (start <= end && str[start] == ' ')

//Trim end of string
while (end >= 0 && str[end] == ' ')

if (start > end)
return new String("");

int i = start;
while (i <= end) {
if (str[i] != ' ') {
// case when i points to a start of word -  find the word reverse it
int j = i + 1;
while (j <= end && str[j] != ' ')
reverse(str, i, j - 1);
i = j;
} else {
if (str[i - 1] == ' ') {
//case when prev char is also space - shift char to left by 1 and decrease end pointer
int j = i;
while (j <= end - 1) {
str[j] = str[j + 1];
} else
// case when there is just single space
//Now that all words are reversed, time to reverse the entire string pointed by start and end - This step reverses the words in string
reverse(str, start, end);
// return new string object pointed by start with len = end -start + 1
return new String(str, start, end - start + 1);

private static void reverse(char[] str, int begin, int end) {
while (begin < end) {
char temp = str[begin];
str[begin] = str[end];
str[end] = temp;

557,Reverse Words in a String III,题目:

Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order.

Example 1:
Input: "Let's take LeetCode contest"
Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc"
Note: In the string, each word is separated by single space and there will not be any extra space in the string.


public static String reverseWords(String s) {
if(s.equals("") || s.equals(" "))
return s;
char[] ss = s.toCharArray();
int i = 0, j;
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
while(j < ss.length && ss[j] != ' ') j++;
res.append(reverse(ss, i, j-1));
res.append(" ");
return res.toString();

public static String reverse(char[] ss, int i, int j){
String res = "";
for(int k=j; k>=i; k--)
res += ss[k];
return res;


public String reverseWords1(String s) {
String[] str = s.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) str[i] = new StringBuilder(str[i]).reverse().toString();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String st : str) result.append(st + " ");
return result.toString().trim();
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