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2017-10-21 01:57 573 查看
# 文件read操作
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument:报错处理 http://blog.csdn.net/m0_37667602/article/details/73350528 open函数定义
格式应为路径+文件名+后缀。例如d:/abc.exe ‘d:/’为盘符,‘abc’为文件名,‘.exe’就是后缀。
所以 infile=open("C:\number.txt","r")
#file_path = 'D:/dhd/python/19期\day5/11.txt'
#file_path = 'D:/dhd/vim.txt'

# with open(file_path,encoding="utf-8") as f:
#     for line in f:
#         print(line.rstrip())
# file_name = "11.txt"
# with open(file_name, encoding="utf-8") as f:
#     for line in f:
#         #rstrip:去除换行符
#         print(line.rstrip()) #逐行读取所有的行
#         if line.startswith("i"):
#             #print("\033[31;1mred\033[0m")
#             print("\033[31;1m %s \033[0m" % line.title())
#with open('22.txt') as f:
# # read方法会读取文件的所有内容,将其作为字符串存储在变量contents中
# contents = f.read()
# print(contents)
# file_name = "22.txt"
# with open(file_name, encoding="utf-8") as f:
#     #创建一个包含文件各行的列表
#     lines = f.readlines()
# pi_string = ''
# for line in lines:
#     #print(line)     #打印每一行
#     #print(line.rstrip())  #去除每一行后面的换行符
#     #循环将各行加入到pi_string变量,即将多行文本打印成一行,且去除换行符
#     #pi_string += line.rstrip()
#     #循环将各行加入到pi_string变量,即将多行文本打印成一行,且删除每一行左边的空格
#     pi_string += line.strip()
# print(pi_string)
# print(pi_string[:12] + "......")   #只打印12个字符,即小数点后10位
# print(len(pi_string))   #len包含所有的字符统计

# file_name = 'pai.txt'
# with open(file_name) as f:
#     lines = f.readlines()
# pi_string = ''
# for line in lines:
#     pi_string += line.strip().replace(" ",'') #去除文本中的空格
# #print(pi_string[:12])
# birthday = input(">>:").strip()
# if birthday in pi_string: #当连续全匹配时候才匹配
#     print("in")
# else:
#     print("not in")

# 文件的write操作
#print("\033[30;1mI Love Xiao Yu !!! \033[0m\033[31;1m我爱小雨!!!\n"*100)

#file_name = 'prog.txt'

# with open(file_name,'w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
#     f.write("i love xiao yu !!! 我爱小雨!!!\n"*3)
# with open(file_name,encoding="utf-8") as n_f:
#     for lines in n_f:
#         #pass
#         print(lines.strip().title())
# file_name = 'prog.txt'
# with open(file_name,'a',encoding="utf-8") as f:
#     f.write("i love xiao yu very much !!!\n" *3)
#     f.write("我非常的想小雨乖乖!!!\n"*3)
# with open(file_name,encoding="utf-8") as f:
#     for lines in f.readlines():
#         print(lines.strip().title())
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