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mysql 数据库 day_04

2017-10-12 22:10 295 查看



insert into tb1(a,b,c,d) values(1,2,3,4);

查询数据 select

1*)where 字句过滤条件
=   等于
<>  不等
>   大于
<   小于
<=  小于等于
>=  大于等于
between 小值 and 大值 范围
in  指定固定的取值
like    模糊查询 通常只查字符串
is null
not between and
not in
is not null
\ : 指定转移运算符
\_  普通下划线字符

2*)order by 字句
select ...
from ...
where ...
order by a   --按 a 字段从小到大排序
order by a,b --按 a 字段排,a字段相当按b排

asc ascend  升序(默认)
desc    descend 降序
order by a asc  a 升序
order by a desc b 降序
order by a desc, b asc  a 降序 b 升序

3*)distinct --去除重复数据

select distinct a
select distinct a,b

select name n,age a,gender g,

mysql 中 where 子句不能使用字段别名

mysql 函数


char_length(‘a中’) –字符数

length(‘a中’) –字节数

concat() –字符串连接,

concat_ws() –用分隔符连接字符串

instr(‘abcdefgdef’,’def’) –返回第一个子串的位置,从1开始

ibsert(‘abcdefghijkl’,2, 11, ‘—’) – 用子串取代从2位置开始的11个字符

lower('AdFfLJf') -- 变为小写
upper('AdFfLJf') -- 变为大写
left('AdFfLJf',3) --- 返回最左边的三个字符
right('AdFfLJf',3) -- 返回最右边的三个字符
lpad('abc', 8, '*') -- 左侧填充,指定长度比源字符串少,相当于left
rpad('abc', 8, '*') -- 右侧填充,指定长度比源字符串少,相当于left
trim('  a  bc   ') -- 去除两端空格
substring('abcdefghijklmn', 3) -- 从3位置开始的所有字符
substring('abcdefghijklmn', 3, 6) -- 从3位置开始的6个字符
repeat('abc', 3) -- 重复三遍abc
REPLACE('Hello MySql','My','Your') -- 子串替换
REVERSE('Hello') -- 翻转字符串
SPACE(10) -- 返回10个空格


floor(3.94) -- 舍掉小数
format(391.536, 2) --数字格式化为字符串,###,###.###,四舍五入,第二个参数为小数位数
round(673.4974) -- 四舍五入
round(673.4974, 2) -- 四舍五入到小数点后两位
round(673.4974, -2) -- 四舍五入到百
TRUNCATE(234,31, 1) -- 舍去至小数点后1位


NOW()   --返回当前的日期和时间
CURDATE()   --返回当前的日期
CURTIME()   --返回当前的时间
DATE(时间)    --提取日期或日期/时间表达式的日期部分
TIME(时间)        --提取日期或日期/时间表达式的时间部分
EXTRACT(字段 From 日期)     --返回日期/时间按的单独部分

DATE_ADD(日期, INTERVAL 数量 字段)    --给日期添加指定的时间间隔

DATE_SUB(日期, INTERVAL 数量 字段)    --从日期减去指定的时间间隔
DATEDIFF(日期1, 日期2)  --返回两个日期之间的天数
DATE_FORMAT(日期, 格式)     --用不同的格式显示日期/时间
格式字符:  %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
LAST_DAY(日期)    -- 返回当月最后一天
IFNULL(数据1,数据2) - 数据1是null返回数据2;不是null返回数据1

coalesce(数据1,数据2,……) - 从左向右第一个不是null的数据


count() 计数,数量
max()       求最大
min()       求最小
avg()       求平均
sum()       求合


1,销售提成 commission_pct 不是null 的员工

use hr; –进入 hr 数据库

select employee_id,first_name,salary,commission_pct,job_id from employees

where commission_pct is not null;

2,没有上司的人 mannager_id

select employee_id,first_name,salary,manager_id

from employees

where manager_id is null;

3,没有部门的人 department_id

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where department_id is null;

4,部门 50 中,薪水大于等于 5000 的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where department_id=50 and salary>=5000;

5, 姓名中有 en ,和在 80 部门中的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where (first_name like ‘%en%’ or last_name like ‘%en%’)

and department_id=80;

6,部门 90 中所有员工,和工种后缀时 CLERK 的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id,job_id

from employees

where department_id=90 or job_id like ‘%CLERK’;


select employee_id,first_name,salary

from employees

order by salary;


select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

order by department_id desc,salary asc;

9,薪水大于等于 10000 的员工,按姓名排序

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where salary>=10000

order by first_name,last_name;

10,查询 员工 first_name 是 Bruce 的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where first_name=’Bruce’;

11,查询 薪水大于 10000,且在 100 部门的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where salary>10000 and department_id=100;

12,查询 薪水小于 3000 的员工,以及 100 部门所有的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where salary<3000 or department_id=100;

13,查询员工编号为 100,150,200,250 的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where employee_id in(100,150,200,250);

14,工资不在 3000-10000 范围内的员工

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

where salary not between 3000 and 10000;


select employee_id,first_name,sal

from employees

where job_id not in(‘IT_PROG’,’SH_CLERK’,’PU_CLERK’,’ST_CLERK’)sa;


select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id

from employees

order by department_id,first_name;

17,查询 50 和 80 部门的员工,按工资降序排列,工资相同按工种代码排序

select employee_id,first_name,salary,department_id,job_id

from employees

where department_id in(50,80)

order by salary desc,job_id;


select department_id

from employees;

select distinct department_id
from employees;     --删除重复部门

select distinct department_id
from employees
where department_id is not null; --把null部门去掉


select distinct job_id –去除重复job_id

from employees

order by job_id;

20,主管 id

select distinct manager_id –去除重复manager_id

from employees

where manager_id is not null;


select distinct department_id,manager_id

from employees

where department_id is not null and manager_id is not null

order by department_id,manager_id;




concat(first_name,last_name) name, –字段 别名

salary*12 anu_sal

from employees

where salary*12>100000; –这是对的

where anu_sal>10000; –这是错的,where后面不能跟别名


select char_length(‘a中’);

select length(‘a中’);

use stu
select char_length(name),length(name) from kecheng;

select instr('abcdefgdef','def');
select instr('abcdefgdef','xxx');--找不到得到0

--first_name 第三四个字符是 'en'
select employee_id, first_name, salary
from employees
where instr(first_name,'en')=3;

25,电话号码中的 44 替换成 88

select employee_id,first_name,salary,


from employees;

26, email 中去除第一个字符,与last_name 不相同的员工

select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary,email,


from employees

where last_name<>substring(email,2);

27, first_name,last_name 长度相同

select employee_id,first_name,last_name

from employees

where char_length(first_name)=char_length(last_name);

28,first_name,last_name 拼接显示,空格居中

select concat(lpad(first_name,20,’ ‘),’ ‘,last_name) name

from employees;


select floor(3.94); –向下舍去小数,不能取整到十位,百位

select floor(-3.94); –向下舍去小数

select format(214343435.234,2); –数字格式化为字符串

select round(673.4974); –四舍五入

select round(673.4974,2); –四舍五入到小数点2位

select round(673.4974,-2); –四舍五入到百

select truncate(234.91,1); –舍去至小数点后1位

select truncate(234.11,1); –舍去至小数点后1位

30,涨工资 11.37%,向上取整到 10 位

select employee_id,first_name,salary,


from employees;

select employee_id,first_name,salary,
from employees;


select now(); 当前日期时间

select curdate(); 返回当前日期

select curtime(); 返回当前时间

select date();

use stu;
insert into xueshengs(name,birth) values('hanjie',now());
select*from xueshengs order by id desc limit 1;

select date(now()); --取日期部分
select time(now()); --取时间部分
select extract(year from now());    --取年
select extract(month from now());   --取月
select extract(day from now()); --取日

select date_add(now(),interval 10 year);    --加10年
select date_add(now(),interval -24 month);  --减2年

select datediff(now(),'1992-9-15'); --取中间天数

格式字符:%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s');
select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s');
select date_format(now(),'%d-%m-%Y');
select date_format(now(),'%Y年%m月%d号');

select last_day(now()); --月份最后一天


select employee_id,first_name,salary,hire_date

from employees

where hire_date



create table tb_collect(

id bigint(20) primary key auto_increment comment ‘收藏夹编号,自增长’,

user_id bigint(20) not null comment ‘用户编号’,

item_id bigint(20) not null comment ‘商品编号’,

item_title varchar(100) comment ‘商品标题’,

item_price bigint(20) comment ‘商品单价’,

item_image varchar(200) comment ‘商品主图’,

item_param_data varchar(200) comment ‘商品参数’,

status int(4) default 1 comment ‘收藏夹状态1正常2删除’,

created datetime comment ‘创建时间’,

updated datetime comment ‘修改时间’,

foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id),

foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)

)engine=innodb charset=utf8;


create table tb_cart(

id bigint(20) primary key auto_increment comment’购物车编号’,

user_id bigint(20) not null comment’用户编号’,

item_id bigint(20) not null comment’商品编号’,

num int(10) default 1 comment’商品数量’,

item_title varchar(100) comment’商品标题’,

item_image varchar(200) comment’商品主图’,

item_price bigint(20) comment’商品价格’,

created datetime comment’创建时间’,

updated datetime comment’修改时间’,

foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id),

foreign key(item_id) references tb_item(id)

)engine=innodb charset=utf8;


create table tb_order_shipping(

order_id varchar(50) primary key comment ‘order_id’,

receiver_name varchar(20) comment ‘收货人全名’,

receiver_phone varchar(20) comment ‘固定电话’,

receiver_mobile varchar(30) comment ‘移动电话’,

receiver_state varchar(10) comment ‘省份’,

receiver_city varchar(10) comment ‘城市’,

receiver_district varchar(20) comment ‘区/县’,

receiver_address varchar(200) comment ‘具体街道地址’,

receiver_zip varchar(6) comment ‘邮政编码’,

cereated datetime comment ‘创建时间’,

updated datetime comment ‘更新时间’,

foreign key(order_id) references tb_order(order_id)

)engine=innodb charset=utf8;

1,查询 first_name 以 es 结尾的人

select employee_id,first_name,salary

from employees

where first_name like ‘%es’;

2,first_name 和 last_name首字母相同的人

select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary

from employees

where substring(first_name, 1,1)=

substring(last_name, 1,1);

3,做文员的员工人数(job_id 中含有CLERK)的

select count(1)

from employees

where job_id like ‘%CLERK%’;

4,销售人员 job_id:SA_xxxx 的最高薪水

select max(salary)

from employees

where job_id=SA_REP;


select max(hire_date),min(hire_date)

from employees;

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