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【scala 笔记(3)】 控制结构 -- 模式匹配

2017-10-10 16:14 435 查看
scala 有一个十分强大的模式匹配机制, 可以应用在很多场合中, switch语句、 类型查询 , 以及 “析构”(获取复杂表达式中的不同部分)。 除此之外, scala 还提供了样例类, 对模式匹配进行了优化。


类似 C 风格的switch语法, 与default等效的是以 case _ 捕获所有情况, 若未进行 case _ 处理,在未能进行匹配到的情况下会抛出 MatchError异常。与switch不同的是你再也不用在每个分支后面添加一个break,以免掉入下一个分支

scala> val func = (x:Int, y:Int, option:Char) => {
|       option match {
|         case '+' => x+y
|         case '-' => x-y
|         case '*' => x*y
|         case '/' => x/y
|         case _ => "unknow option"
|       }
|     }
func: (Int, Int, Char) => Any = $$Lambda$1075/2124448375@6401d0a0

scala> func(10, 20, '+')
res0: Any = 30


在一些情况下,我们可能希望match 像switch一样可以在匹配到特定的几个值的时候,处理同一个方法, 不用像在 match 中重复调用多次相同的代码等, 这时候我们可以为模式 添加一个守卫,该守卫可以处理更多的可能情况, 十分强大。


scala> val func = (x:Int) => {
|       x match {
|         case 1 =>
|           println("x = 1")
|         case 2 =>
|           println("x = 2")
|         case _ if (x>2 && x<5) =>
|           println(
"x range (2, 5)")
|         case _ =>
|           println("x >= 5")
|       }
|     }
func: Int => Unit = $$Lambda$1095/1939970407@5e746d37

scala> func(3)
x range (2, 5)



注意: 变量模式可能会与常量表达式有冲突, 那么scala 是如何判断常量和变量呢? 默认命名规则是 变量必须是小写字母开头; 如果你有一个小写字母的常量,则需要将它包含在反引号中。

scala> val month = 10
month: Int = 10

scala> val func = (x:Int) => {
|       x match {
|         case 1 =>
|           println("x = 1")
|         case `month` =>
|           println("x = %d".format(month))
|         case v if (v>2 && v<5) =>
|           println("x range (2, 5)")
|         case _ =>
|           println("x >= 5")
|       }
|     }
func: Int => Unit = $$Lambda$1238/1843885967@367d34c0

scala> func(3)
x range (2, 5)

scala> func(10)
x = 10

scala> func(11)
x >= 5

for 表达式中的模式


scala> val options = Map(1 -> "cpp", 2->"scala", 3-> "java", 4-> "scala")
options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> cpp, 2 -> scala, 3 -> java, 4 -> scala)

scala> for ((k, "scala") <- options){
|       println("key = %d".format(k))
|     }
key = 2
key = 4


在scala 中进行类型判断时, 更倾向于使用模式匹配,而不是 isInstanceOf 操作符

scala> val func = (obj:Any) => {
|       obj match {
|         case x: Int =>
|           println("Int x = %d".format(x))
|         case s: String =>
|           println("String s = %s".format(s))
|         case _ =>
|           println("unknow obj ...")
|       }
|     }
func: Any => Unit = $$Lambda$1249/1483228092@17134190

scala> func(10)
Int x = 10

scala> func("10")
String s = 10


匹配符合一定条件的数组、列表或元组, 如下样例:


scala> val func = (arr: Array[Int]) => {
|       arr match {
|         case Array(0, y) =>
|           println("Int y = %d".format(y))
|         case Array(x, 0) =>
|           println("Int x = %d".format(x))
|         case Array(1, _*) =>  // 匹配以1开始的数组
|           println("array (1 ...)")
|         case _ =>
|           println("other")
|       }
|     }
func: Array[Int] => Unit = $$Lambda$1342/341315292@3f2a7ca0

scala> func(Array(0,10))
Int y = 10

scala> func(Array(12,0))
Int x = 12

scala> func(Array(1,0,1))
array (1 ...)


scala> val func = (lst: List[Int]) => {
|       lst match {
|         case 0::Nil =>
|           println("list(0)")
|         case 1::y::Nil =>
|           println(y)
|         case 2::tail =>
|           println(tail)
|         case _ =>
|           println("other")
|       }
|     }
func: List[Int] => Unit = $$Lambda$1390/1363130483@2a4a95c4

scala> func(0::Nil)

scala> func(1::3::Nil)

scala> func(2::3::4::Nil)
List(3, 4)


scala> (0, 1) match {
|       case (0, _) =>
|         println("0 ...")
|       case (_, 0) =>
|         println("... 0")
|       case _ =>
|         println("neither is 0")
|     }
0 ...


看到上面模式对数组、列表、元组的匹配,那么它是如何进行匹配的呢? 这些功能的背后是提取器(extractor)机制 – 带有从对象中提取值的 unapply或unapplySeq方法 的对象。


// tuple2 的源码

final case class Tuple2[@specialized(Int, Long, Double, Char, Boolean/*, AnyRef*/) +T1, @specialized(Int, Long, Double, Char, Boolean/*, AnyRef*/) +T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)
extends Product2[T1, T2]
override def toString() = "(" + _1 + "," + _2 + ")"

/** Swaps the elements of this `Tuple`.
* @return a new Tuple where the first element is the second element of this Tuple and the
* second element is the first element of this Tuple.
def swap: Tuple2[T2,T1] = Tuple2(_2, _1)


object Product2 {
def unapply[T1, T2](x: Product2[T1, T2]): Option[Product2[T1, T2]] =


// list 源码
object List extends SeqFactory[List]{

/** A template for companion objects of Seq and subclasses thereof.
*  @since 2.8
abstract class SeqFactory[CC[X] <: Seq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]]
extends GenSeqFactory[CC] with TraversableFactory[CC] {

/** This method is called in a pattern match { case Seq(...) => }.
*  @param x the selector value
*  @return  sequence wrapped in an option, if this is a Seq, otherwise none
def unapplySeq[A](x: CC[A]): Some[CC[A]] = Some(x)



class Position(val x:Int , val y: Int){

object Position{
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Position = new Position(x, y)
// unapply 和 apply 恰恰相反 unapply接受参数是 Position对象, apply 接受的是初始化成员变量
def unapply(arg: Position): Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((arg.x,arg.y))

object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

val A = Position(10, 20)

A match {
case Position(x, y) =>
println("x = %s, y = %s ".format(x,y))
case _ =>
println("can't match! ")

// output: x = 10, y =20

正则表达式是另一个使用提取器的场景, 例如:

scala> val ipMatch = "([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)".r
ipMatch: scala.util.matching.Regex = ([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)


scala> "" match {
|   case ipMatch(v1, v2, v3, v4) =>
|     println("%s:%s:%s:%s".format(v1, v2, v3, v4))
|   case _ =>
|     println("不能识别 ip 地址")
| }

Regix 源码中定义的 unapplySeq

/** Tries to match a [[java.lang.CharSequence]].
*  If the match succeeds, the result is a list of the matching
*  groups (or a `null` element if a group did not match any input).
*  If the pattern specifies no groups, then the result will be an empty list
*  on a successful match.
*  This method attempts to match the entire input by default; to find the next
*  matching subsequence, use an unanchored `Regex`.
*  For example:
*  {{{
*  val p1 = "ab*c".r
*  val p1Matches = "abbbc" match {
*    case p1() => true               // no groups
*    case _    => false
*  }
*  val p2 = "a(b*)c".r
*  val p2Matches = "abbbc" match {
*    case p2(_*) => true             // any groups
*    case _      => false
*  }
*  val numberOfB = "abbbc" match {
*    case p2(b) => Some(b.length)    // one group
*    case _     => None
*  }
*  val p3 = "b*".r.unanchored
*  val p3Matches = "abbbc" match {
*    case p3() => true               // find the b's
*    case _    => false
*  }
*  val p4 = "a(b*)(c+)".r
*  val p4Matches = "abbbcc" match {
*    case p4(_*) => true             // multiple
*    case _      => false
*  }
*  val allGroups = "abbbcc" match {
*    case p4(all @ _*) => all mkString "/" // "bbb/cc"
*    case _            => ""
*  }
*  val cGroup = "abbbcc" match {
*    case p4(_, c) => c
*    case _        => ""
*  }
*  }}}
*  @param  s     The string to match
*  @return       The matches
def unapplySeq(s: CharSequence): Option[List[String]] = s match {
case null => None
case _    =>
val m = pattern matcher s
if (runMatcher(m)) Some((1 to m.groupCount).toList map m.group)
else None


注意: 超类被声明为 sealed, 让编译器可以帮我们检查match 语法的完整性。 枚举实现主要依赖样例类

scala> sealed abstract class Color
defined class Color

scala> case object Red extends Color
defined object Red

scala> case object Green extends Color
defined object Green

scala> case object Yellow extends Color
defined object Yellow

scala> val color:Color = Green
color: Color = Green

scala> color match {
|   case Red =>
|     println("红色")
|   case Green =>
|     println("蓝色")
|   case Yellow =>
|     println("黄色")
|   case _ =>
|     println("other")
| }

Option 类型

scala 标准库中的 Option类型用样例类来表示那种可能存在、也可能不存在的值。 它有两种表达形式:

- Some(x) 的形式, 其中x 为实际值;

- None 对象, 代表缺失的值;

例如: Scala的 Map 的get 方法会在查找到key 的情况下返回 Some(value), 在没有找到key的时候返回None。

scala> val options = Map(1 -> "cpp", 2->"scala", 3-> "java")
options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> cpp, 2 -> scala, 3 -> java)
scala> val func = (key :Int) => {
|   options.get(key) match {
|     case Some(v) =>
|       println("value = " + v)
|     case _ =>
|       println("key not exist")
|   }
| }
func: Int => Unit = $$Lambda$1349/71599579@1f6f0fe2

scala> func(3)
value = java

scala> func(12)
key not exist
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