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卫星图像中的车辆分析--A Large Contextual Dataset for Classification, Detection and Counting of Cars

2017-09-30 15:03 543 查看
A Large Contextual Dataset for Classification, Detection and Counting of Cars with Deep Learning



本文针对卫星图像中的车辆分析建立了一个新的数据库:Cars Overhead with Context (COWC),然后使用几个 CNN网络对该数据库进行了分析:主要是分类、检测、计数

首先来看看这个新的数据库 Cars Overhead with Context (COWC)

数据库含有 32716个不同的车,来自6个不同的图像库,图像覆盖的区域包括:Toronto Canada [5], Selwyn New Zealand [6], Potsdam [7] and Vaihingen Germany [8], Columbus [9] and Utah [4] United States。

我们的数据库还标记了 58247个有用的负样本,这些样本和正样本比较相似,难以区分,Examples of these are boats, trailers, bushes and A/C units

context is included around targets. Context can help tell us something may not be a car (is sitting in a pond?) or confirm it is a car (between other cars, on a road).

我们对输入图像做了一个归一化,不用考虑车辆的尺度问题。 standardized to 15cm per pixel at ground level from their original resolutions. This makes cars range in size from 24 to 48 pixels。 车辆在图像中的尺寸是 24-48像素之间。有灰度图像,也有彩色图像。

quality, appearance or rotation 这些都是不可控的,需要通过算法来解决

图像是像素级标记的,每个车在其中心点标记一个 dot

The image set is annotated by single pixel points. All cars in the annotated images have a dot placed on their center

对 occlusions, Large trucks, Vans and pickups 做了相应的约定。




1)two-class classifier,即判断图像块中有无车辆

2) detection and localization

3) vehicle counting 这里没有密度图,走检测计数的路线

4 Classification and Detection


我们从卫星图像中裁出 256 × 256 大小的图像块

a set of 308,988 training patches and 79,447 testing patches

4.1 Does Context Help?

从上面可以看出,context 增加到一定之后,性能就下降了。

4.2 Detection

5 Counting


5.2 Counting Efficiency

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