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1 PADIactive discovery initiation

2 PADO active discovery offer

3 RADR active discovery request

4 PADS active discovery session-confirmation




1. 发现阶段

发现阶段是无状态的,目的是获得PPPoE终结端(在局端的ADSL设备上)的以太网MAC地址,并建立一个惟一的PPPoE SESSION-ID。

host ———–PADI—————–> server

host <———–PADO—————– server

host ———–PADR—————–> server

host <———–PADS—————– server

1.1 PADI,active discovery initiation

1.主机广播发起分组,分组的目的地址为以太网的广播地址 0xffffffffffff

/* Set destination to Ethernet broadcast address */
memset(packet.ethHdr.h_dest, 0xFF, ETH_ALEN);

Ethernet II, Src: Dell_49:3f:5f (24:b6:fd:49:3f:5f), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
Destination: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
Source: Dell_49:3f:5f (24:b6:fd:49:3f:5f)
Type: PPPoE Discovery (0x8863)

2.CODE(代码)字段值为0×09(PADI Code),SESSION-ID(会话ID)字段值为0x0000。

packet.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery);
//#define ETH_PPPOE_DISCOVERY 0x8863
packet.vertype = PPPOE_VER_TYPE(1, 1);
//#define PPPOE_VER_TYPE(v, t)    (((v) << 4) | (t))
packet.code = CODE_PADI;
//#define CODE_PADI           0x09
packet.session = 0;


/* If we're using Host-Uniq, copy it over */
if (conn->hostUniq) {
PPPoETag hostUniq;
int len = (int) strlen(conn->hostUniq);
hostUniq.type = htons(TAG_HOST_UNIQ);
hostUniq.length = htons(len);
memcpy(hostUniq.payload, conn->hostUniq, len);
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload, len + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &hostUniq, len + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += len + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen += len + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery
0001 .... = Version: 1
.... 0001 = Type: 1
Code: Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) (0x09)
Session ID: 0x0000
Payload Length: 20
PPPoE Tags
Host-Uniq: 010000000000000001000000

3.PADI分组必须至少包含一个服务名称类型的标签(Service Name Tag,字段值为0x0101),向接入集中器提出所要求提供的服务。

if (!omit_service_name) {
plen = TAG_HDR_SIZE + namelen;
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload, plen);

svc->type = TAG_SERVICE_NAME;
svc->length = htons(namelen);

if (conn->serviceName) {
memcpy(svc->payload, conn->serviceName, strlen(conn->serviceName));
cursor += namelen + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen = 0;

1.2 PADO, active discovery offer


服务器:pppoe-server.c processPADI


PPPoETag acname;
PPPoETag servname;
PPPoETag cookie;

2.其中CODE字段值为0×07(PADO Code),SESSION-ID字段值仍为0x0000。

PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery
0001 .... = Version: 1
.... 0001 = Type: 1
Code: Active Discovery Offer (PADO) (0x07)
Session ID: 0x0000
Payload Length: 50
PPPoE Tags
Host-Uniq: 010000000000000001000000

/* Generate a cookie */
cookie.type = htons(TAG_AC_COOKIE);
cookie.length = htons(COOKIE_LEN);
genCookie(packet->ethHdr.h_source, myAddr, CookieSeed, cookie.payload);
*%FUNCTION: genCookie
* peerEthAddr -- peer Ethernet address (6 bytes)
* myEthAddr -- my Ethernet address (6 bytes)
* seed -- random cookie seed to make things tasty (16 bytes)
* cookie -- buffer which is filled with server PID and
*           md5 sum of previous items
* Nothing
* Forms the md5 sum of peer MAC address, our MAC address and seed, useful
* in a PPPoE Cookie tag.

/* Construct a PADO packet */
memcpy(pado.ethHdr.h_dest, packet->ethHdr.h_source, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pado.ethHdr.h_source, myAddr, ETH_ALEN);
pado.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery);
pado.ver = 1;
pado.type = 1;
pado.code = CODE_PADO;
pado.session = 0;

3.PADO分组必须包含一个接入集中器名称类型的标签(Access Concentrator Name Tag,字段值为0x0102),以及一个或多个服务名称类型标签,表明可向主机提供的服务种类。

plen = TAG_HDR_SIZE + acname_len;

CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, acname_len+TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &acname, acname_len + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += acname_len + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

/* If we asked for an MTU, handle it */
if (max_ppp_payload > ETH_PPPOE_MTU && ethif->mtu > 0) {
/* Shrink payload to fit */
if (max_ppp_payload > ethif->mtu - TOTAL_OVERHEAD) {
max_ppp_payload = ethif->mtu - TOTAL_OVERHEAD;
if (max_ppp_payload > ETH_JUMBO_LEN - TOTAL_OVERHEAD) {
max_ppp_payload = ETH_JUMBO_LEN - TOTAL_OVERHEAD;
if (max_ppp_payload > ETH_PPPOE_MTU) {
PPPoETag maxPayload;
UINT16_t mru = htons(max_ppp_payload);
maxPayload.type = htons(TAG_PPP_MAX_PAYLOAD);
maxPayload.length = htons(sizeof(mru));
memcpy(maxPayload.payload, &mru, sizeof(mru));
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, sizeof(mru) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &maxPayload, sizeof(mru) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += sizeof(mru) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen += sizeof(mru) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
/* If no service-names specified on command-line, just send default
zero-length name.  Otherwise, add all service-name tags */
servname.type = htons(TAG_SERVICE_NAME);
if (!NumServiceNames) {
servname.length = 0;
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &servname, TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen += TAG_HDR_SIZE;
} else {
for (i=0; i<NumServiceNames; i++) {
int slen = strlen(ServiceNames[i]);
servname.length = htons(slen);
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, TAG_HDR_SIZE+slen);
memcpy(cursor, &servname, TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor+TAG_HDR_SIZE, ServiceNames[i], slen);
cursor += TAG_HDR_SIZE+slen;
plen += TAG_HDR_SIZE+slen;

CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, TAG_HDR_SIZE + COOKIE_LEN);
memcpy(cursor, &cookie, TAG_HDR_SIZE + COOKIE_LEN);

if (relayId.type) {
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, ntohs(relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &relayId, ntohs(relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += ntohs(relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen += ntohs(relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
if (hostUniq.type) {
CHECK_ROOM(cursor, pado.payload, ntohs(hostUniq.length)+TAG_HDR_SIZE);
memcpy(cursor, &hostUniq, ntohs(hostUniq.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE);
cursor += ntohs(hostUniq.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;
plen += ntohs(hostUniq.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE;

1.3 RADR, active discovery request


1.其中CODE字段为0x19(PADR Code),SESSION_ID字段值仍为0x0000。

memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_dest, conn->peerEth, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_source, conn->myEth, ETH_ALEN);

packet.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery);
packet.vertype = PPPOE_VER_TYPE(1, 1);
packet.code = CODE_PADR;
packet.session = 0;

PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery
0001 .... = Version: 1
.... 0001 = Type: 1
Code: Active Discovery Request (PADR) (0x19)
Session ID: 0x0000
Payload Length: 20
PPPoE Tags
Host-Uniq: 010000000000000002000000


svc->type = TAG_SERVICE_NAME;
svc->length = htons(namelen);
if (conn->serviceName) {
memcpy(svc->payload, conn->serviceName, namelen);
cursor += namelen + TAG_HDR_SIZE;


do {
if (padiAttempts > MAX_PADI_ATTEMPTS) {
warn("Timeout waiting for PADO packets");
conn->discoverySocket = -1;
conn->discoveryState = STATE_SENT_PADI;
waitForPADO(conn, timeout);
} while (conn->discoveryState == STATE_SENT_PADI);

1.4 PADS, active discovery session-confirmation



其中CODE字段值为0×65(PADS Code),SESSION-ID字段值为接入集中器所产生的一个惟一的PPPoE会话标识号码。

/* Send PADS and Start pppd */
memcpy(pads.ethHdr.h_dest, packet->ethHdr.h_source, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pads.ethHdr.h_source, myAddr, ETH_ALEN);
pads.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery);
pads.ver = 1;
pads.type = 1;
pads.code = CODE_PADS;
//#define CODE_PADS           0x65
pads.session = cliSession->sess;

PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery
0001 .... = Version: 1
.... 0001 = Type: 1
Code: Active Discovery Session-confirmation (PADS) (0x65)
Session ID: 0x3f43
Payload Length: 20
PPPoE Tags
Host-Uniq: 010000000000000002000000

4.PADS和PADR的Host-Uniq Tag值相同。

1.5 PADT




为主机唯一标识,类似于PPP数据报文中的标识域,主要是用来匹配发送和接收端的。因为对于 广播式的网络中会同时存在很多个PPPoE的数据报文。


Ac-Cookie是为了防止拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service,简称DOS)。访问集中器(AC)能够根据PADR的源地址来重新产生唯一的Tag_Value。使用这种方法,AC可以确保PADI的 源地址是可达的,并对该地址的并行会话数进行限制。

2. 会话阶段

LCP协商 –》 认证 –》NCP协商


3. 关键数据结构


/* A PPPoE Packet, including Ethernet headers */
typedef struct PPPoEPacketStruct {
struct ethhdr ethHdr;   /* Ethernet header */
unsigned int vertype:8; /* PPPoE Version and Type (must both be 1) */
unsigned int code:8;    /* PPPoE code */
unsigned int session:16;    /* PPPoE session */
unsigned int length:16; /* Payload length */
unsigned char payload[ETH_JUMBO_LEN]; /* A bit of room to spare */
} PPPoEPacket;

/* Header size of a PPPoE packet */
#define PPPOE_OVERHEAD 6  /* type, code, session, length */
#define HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct ethhdr) + PPPOE_OVERHEAD)
/* There are other fixed-size buffers preventing
this from being increased to 16110. The buffer
sizes would need to be properly de-coupled from
the default MRU. For now, getting up to 1500 is
enough. */
//#define ETH_JUMBO_LEN 1508
#define PPP_OVERHEAD 2  /* protocol */

/* PPPoE Tag */

typedef struct PPPoETagStruct {
unsigned int type:16;   /* tag type */
unsigned int length:16; /* Length of payload */
unsigned char payload[ETH_JUMBO_LEN]; /* A LOT of room to spare */
} PPPoETag;

/* PPPoE Tags */
#define TAG_END_OF_LIST        0x0000
#define TAG_SERVICE_NAME       0x0101
#define TAG_AC_NAME            0x0102
#define TAG_HOST_UNIQ          0x0103
#define TAG_AC_COOKIE          0x0104
#define TAG_VENDOR_SPECIFIC    0x0105
#define TAG_RELAY_SESSION_ID   0x0110
#define TAG_PPP_MAX_PAYLOAD    0x0120
#define TAG_AC_SYSTEM_ERROR    0x0202
#define TAG_GENERIC_ERROR      0x0203

/* A client session */
typedef struct ClientSessionStruct {
struct ClientSessionStruct *next; /* In list of free or active sessions */
PppoeSessionFunctionTable *funcs; /* Function table */
pid_t pid;          /* PID of child handling session */
Interface *ethif;       /* Ethernet interface */
unsigned char myip[IPV4ALEN]; /* Local IP address */
unsigned char peerip[IPV4ALEN]; /* Desired IP address of peer */
UINT16_t sess;      /* Session number */
unsigned char eth[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer's Ethernet address */
unsigned int flags;     /* Various flags */
time_t startTime;       /* When session started */
char const *serviceName;    /* Service name */
UINT16_t requested_mtu;     /* Requested PPP_MAX_PAYLOAD  per RFC 4638 */
char user[MAX_USERNAME_LEN+1]; /* Authenticated user-name */
char realm[MAX_USERNAME_LEN+1]; /* Realm */
unsigned char realpeerip[IPV4ALEN]; /* Actual IP address -- may be assigned
by RADIUS server */
int maxSessionsPerUser; /* Max sessions for this user */
#ifdef HAVE_L2TP
l2tp_session *l2tp_ses; /* L2TP session */
struct sockaddr_in tunnel_endpoint; /* L2TP endpoint */
} ClientSession;

typedef struct PPPoEConnectionStruct {
int discoveryState;     /* Where we are in discovery */
int discoverySocket;    /* Raw socket for discovery frames */
int sessionSocket;      /* Raw socket for session frames */
unsigned char myEth[ETH_ALEN]; /* My MAC address */
unsigned char peerEth[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer's MAC address */
unsigned char req_peer_mac[ETH_ALEN]; /* required peer MAC address */
unsigned char req_peer; /* require mac addr to match req_peer_mac */
UINT16_t session;       /* Session ID */
char *ifName;       /* Interface name */
char *serviceName;      /* Desired service name, if any */
char *acName;       /* Desired AC name, if any */
int synchronous;        /* Use synchronous PPP */
int useHostUniq;        /* Use Host-Uniq tag */
int printACNames;       /* Just print AC names */
FILE *debugFile;        /* Debug file for dumping packets */
int numPADOs;       /* Number of PADO packets received */
PPPoETag cookie;        /* We have to send this if we get it */
PPPoETag relayId;       /* Ditto */
int error;          /* Error packet received */
int debug;          /* Set to log packets sent and received */
int discoveryTimeout;       /* Timeout for discovery packets */
int seenMaxPayload;
int mtu;            /* Stored MTU */
int mru;            /* Stored MRU */
} PPPoEConnection;
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