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2017-08-09 22:14 676 查看

  suricata的基本组成。[b]Suricata[/b]是由所谓的线程(threads)、线程模块 (thread-modules)和队列(queues)组成。Suricata是一个多线程的程序,因此在同一时刻会有多个线程在工作。线程模块是依据 功能来划分的,比如一个模块用于解析数据包,另一个模块用于检测数据包等。每个数据包可能会有多个不同的线程进行处理,队列就是用于将数据包从一个线程传 递到另一个线程。与此同时,一个线程可以拥有多个线程模块,但是在某一时刻只有一个模块在运行(原文是If they have more modules, they can only be active on a a time.看不大懂,感觉是这个意思)。


  以下命令可以查看所有 可用的运行模式

[root@suricata ~]# sudo /usr/local/bin/suricata --list-runmodes
------------------------------------- Runmodes ------------------------------------------
| RunMode Type  | Custom Mode       | Description
| PCAP_DEV          | single            | Single threaded pcap live mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded pcap live mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pcap_live_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers pcap live mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging
| PCAP_FILE         | single            | Single threaded pcap file mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded pcap file mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pcap-file-auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread
| PFRING(DISABLED)  | autofp            | Multi threaded pfring mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pfring_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Single threaded pfring mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers pfring mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging
| NFQ               | autofp            | Multi threaded NFQ IPS mode with respect to flow
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Multi queue NFQ IPS mode with one thread per queue
| NFLOG             | autofp            | Multi threaded nflog mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Single threaded nflog mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers nflog mode
| IPFW              | autofp            | Multi threaded IPFW IPS mode with respect to flow
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Multi queue IPFW IPS mode with one thread per queue
| ERF_FILE          | single            | Single threaded ERF file mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded ERF file mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread
| ERF_DAG           | autofp            | Multi threaded DAG mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "dag_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Singled threaded DAG mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers DAG mode, each thread does all  tasks from acquisition to logging
| AF_PACKET_DEV     | single            | Single threaded af-packet mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers af-packet mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi socket AF_PACKET mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread.
| NETMAP(DISABLED)  | single            | Single threaded netmap mode
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers netmap mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging
|                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded netmap mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread.
| UNIX_SOCKET       | single            | Unix socket mode
[root@suricata ~]#

  [b]Suricata的运行方式[/b]就是上面介绍的线程(threads)线程模块(thread-modules)[b]队列(queues)[/b]三种元素的不 同组合方式。

  上图中的RunMode Type并不是配置文件中的runmodes选项,而是后面的Custom Mode也就是自定义模式才可以在此处设置。比如默认的Runmodes是autofp,在线实时检测流量的模式中其结构如下,单线程模块获取数据包和解码,多线程模块检测。



[b]Example of the default runmode:(即这是Suricata的的默认运行模式:autofp)[/b]


[b]In the pfring mode, every flow follows its own fixed route in the runmode.[/b]

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