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Python的安装很容易,直接到官网:http://www.python.org/下载安装就可以了。Ubuntu一般都预安装了。没有的话,就可以#apt-get install python。Windows的话直接下载msi包安装即可。Python
程序是通过解释器执行的,所以安装后,可以看到Python提供了两个解析器,一个是IDLE (Python GUI),一个是Python (command line)。前者是一个带GUI界面的版本,后者实际上和在命令提示符下运行python是一样的。运行解释器后,就会有一个命令提示符>>>,在提示符后键入你的程序语句,键入的语句将会立即执行。就像Matlab一样。



方法1:直接在解释器中,>>> print ‘helloWorld’。


1)在终端中:python hello.py


import py_compile


再在终端中:python hello.pyc


python -O -m py_compile hello.py

python hello.pyo




需要注意的一个是:5/2 等于2,5.0/2才等于2.5。

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### compute #######

# raw_input() get input from keyboard to string type

# So we should transfer to int type

# Some new support computing type:

# and or not in is < <= != == | ^ & << + - / % ~ **

print 'Please input a number:'

number = int(raw_input())

number += 1

print number**2 # ** means ^

print number and 1

print number or 1

print not number

5/2 # is 2

5.0/2 # is 2.5, should be noted



通常的int, long,float,long等等都被支持。而且会看你的具体数字来定义变量的类型。如下:

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### type of value #######

# int, long, float

# do not need to define the type of value, python will

# do this according to your value

num = 1 # stored as int type

num = 1111111111111 # stored as long int type

num = 1.0 # stored as float type

num = 12L # L stands for long type

num = 1 + 12j # j stands for complex type

num = '1' # string type



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### type of string #######

num = "1" # string type

num = "Let's go" # string type

num = "He's \"old\"" # string type

mail = "Xiaoyi: \n hello \n I am you!"

mail = """Xiaoyi:


I am you!

""" # special string format

string = 'xiaoyi' # get value by index

copy = string[0] + string[1] + string[2:6] # note: [2:6] means [2 5] or[2 6)

copy = string[:4] # start from 1

copy = string[2:] # to end

copy = string[::1] # step is 1, from start to end

copy = string[::2] # step is 2

copy = string[-1] # means 'i', the last one

copy = string[-4:-2:-1] # means 'yoa', -1 step controls direction

memAddr = id(num) # id(num) get the memory address of num

type(num) # get the type of num



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### sequence type #######

## can access the elements by index or slice

## include: string, tuple(or array? structure? cell?), list

# basis operation of sequence type

firstName = 'Zou'

lastName = 'Xiaoyi'

len(string) # the length

name = firstName + lastName # concatenate 2 string

firstName * 3 # repeat firstName 3 times

'Z' in firstName # check contain or not, return true

string = '123'



cmp(firstName, lastName) # return 1, -1 or 0

## tuple(or array? structure? cell?)

## define this type using ()

user = ("xiaoyi", 25, "male")

name = user[0]

age = user[1]

gender = user[2]

t1 = () # empty tuple

t2 = (2, ) # when tuple has only one element, we should add a extra comma

user[1] = 26 # error!! the elements can not be changed

name, age, gender = user # can get three element respectively

a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)



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## list type (the elements can be modified)

## define this type using []

userList = ["xiaoyi", 25, "male"]

name = userList[0]

age = userList[1]

gender = userList[2]

userList[3] = 88888 # error! access out of range, this is different with Matlab

userList.append(8888) # add new elements

"male" in userList # search

userList[2] = 'female' # can modify the element (the memory address not change)

userList.remove(8888) # remove element

userList.remove(userList[2]) # remove element

del(userList[1]) # use system operation api

## help(list.append)


######## object and class ######

## object = property + method

## python treats anything as class, here the list type is a class,

## when we define a list "userList", so we got a object, and we use

## its method to operate the elements



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######## dictionary type ######

## define this type using {}

item = ['name', 'age', 'gender']

value = ['xiaoyi', '25', 'male']

zip(item, value) # zip() will produce a new list:

# [('name', 'xiaoyi'), ('age', '25'), ('gender', 'male')]

# but we can not define their corresponding relationship

# and we can define this relationship use dictionary type

# This can be defined as a key-value manner

# dic = {key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}, key and value can be any type

dic = {'name': 'xiaoyi', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male'}

dic = {1: 'zou', 'age':25, 'gender': 'male'}

# and we access it like this: dic[key1], the key as a index

print dic['name']

print dic[1]

# another methods create dictionary

fdict = dict(['x', 1], ['y', 2]) # factory mode

ddict = {}.fromkeys(('x', 'y'), -1) # built-in mode, default value is the same which is none

# access by for circle

for key in dic

print key

print dic[key]

# add key or elements to dictionary, because dictionary is out of sequence,

# so we can directly and a key-value pair like this:

dic['tel'] = 88888

# update or delete the elements

del dic[1] # delete this key

dic.pop('tel') # show and delete this key

dic.clear() # clear the dictionary

del dic # delete the dictionary

dic.get(1) # get the value of key

dic.get(1, 'error') # return a user-define message if the dictionary do not contain the key




# dictionary has many operations, please use help to check out



if age < 21:





if (age < 21)










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######## procedure control #####

## if else

if expression: # bool type and do not forget the colon

statement(s) # use four space key

if expression:

statement(s) # error!!!! should use four space key

if 1<2:

print 'ok, ' # use four space key

print 'yeah' # use the same number of space key

if True: # true should be big letter True

print 'true'

def fun():

return 1

if fun():

print 'ok'


print 'no'

con = int(raw_input('please input
a number:'))

if con < 2:

print 'small'

elif con > 3:

print 'big'


print 'middle'

if 1 < 2:

if 2 < 3:

print 'yeah'


print 'no'

print 'out'


print 'bad'

if 1<2 and 2<3 or 2 < 4 not 0: # and, or, not

print 'yeah'


bsp; for的作用是循环执行某段代码。还可以用来遍历我们上面所提到的序列类型的变量。

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######## procedure control #####

## for

for iterating_val in sequence:


# sequence type can be string, tuple or list

for i in "abcd":

print i

for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

print i

# range(start, end, step), if not set step, default is 1,

# if not set start, default is 0, should be noted that it is [start, end), not [start, end]

range(5) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

range(1, 5) # [1, 2, 3, 4]

range(1, 10, 2) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

for i in range(1, 100, 1):

print i

# ergodic for basis sequence

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango']

for fruit in range(len(fruits)):

print 'current fruit: ', fruits[fruit]

# ergodic for dictionary

dic = {1: 111, 2: 222, 5: 555}

for x in dic:

print x, ': ', dic[x]

dic.items() # return [(1, 111), (2, 222), (5, 555)]

for key,value in dic.items(): # because we can: a,b=[1,2]

print key, ': ', value


print 'ending'


import time

# we also can use: break, continue to control process

for x in range(1, 11):

print x

time.sleep(1) # sleep 1s

if x == 3:

pass # do nothing

if x == 2:


if x == 6:


if x == 7:

exit() # exit the whole program

print '#'*50



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######## procedure control #####

## while

while expression:


while True:

print 'hello'

x = raw_input('please input something, q for quit:')

if x == 'q':



print 'ending'



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## switch ####

## this structure do not support by python

## but we can implement it by using dictionary and function

## cal.py ##


from __future__ import division

# if used this, 5/2=2.5, 6/2=3.0

def add(x, y):

return x + y

def sub(x, y):

return x - y

def mul(x, y):

return x * y

def div(x, y):

return x / y

operator = {"+": add, "-": sub, "*": mul, "/": div}

operator["+"](1, 2) # the same as add(1, 2)

operator["%"](1, 2) # error, not have key "%", but the below will not

operator.get("+")(1, 2) # the same as add(1, 2)

def cal(x, o, y):

print operator.get(o)(x, y)

cal(2, "+", 3)

# this method will effect than if-else




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######## function #####

def functionName(parameters): # no parameters is ok


def add(a, b):

return a+b # if we do not use a return, any defined function will return default None

a = 100

b = 200

sum = add(a, b)

##### function.py #####


#coding:utf8 # support chinese

def add(a = 1, b = 2): # default parameters

return a+b # can return any type of data

# the followings are all ok



add(y = 1)

add(3, 4)

###### the global and local value #####

## global value: defined outside any function, and can be used

## in anywhere, even in functions, this should be noted

## local value: defined inside a function, and can only be used

## in its own function

## the local value will cover the global if they have the same name

val = 100 # global value

def fun():

print val # here will access the val = 100

print val # here will access the val = 100, too

def fun():

a = 100 # local value

print a

print a # here can not access the a = 100

def fun():

global a = 100 # declare as a global value

print a

print a # here can not access the a = 100, because fun() not be called yet


print a # here can access the a = 100


## other types of parameters

def fun(x):

print x

# the follows are all ok

fun(10) # int

fun('hello') # string

fun(('x', 2, 3)) # tuple

fun([1, 2, 3]) # list

fun({1: 1, 2: 2}) # dictionary

## tuple

def fun(x, y):

print "%s : %s" % (x,y) # %s stands for string

fun('Zou', 'xiaoyi')

tu = ('Zou', 'xiaoyi')

fun(*tu) # can transfer tuple parameter like this

## dictionary

def fun(name = "name", age = 0):

print "name: %s" % name

print "age: " % age

dic = {name: "xiaoyi", age: 25} # the keys of dictionary should be same as fun()

fun(**dic) # can transfer dictionary parameter like this

fun(age = 25, name = 'xiaoyi') # the result is the same

## the advantage of dictionary is can specify value name


## redundancy parameters ####

## the tuple

def fun(x, *args): # the extra parameters will stored in args as tuple type

print x

print args

# the follows are ok


fun(10, 12, 24) # x = 10, args = (12, 24)

## the dictionary

def fun(x, **args): # the extra parameters will stored in args as dictionary type

print x

print args

# the follows are ok


fun(x = 10, y = 12, z = 15) # x = 10, args = {'y': 12, 'z': 15}

# mix of tuple and dictionary

def fun(x, *args, **kwargs):

print x

print args

print kwargs

fun(1, 2, 3, 4, y = 10, z = 12) # x = 1, args = (2, 3, 4), kwargs = {'y': 10, 'z': 12}



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## lambda function ####

## define a fast single line function

fun = lambda x,y : x*y # fun is a object of function class

fun(2, 3)

# like

def fun(x, y):

return x*y

## recursion

# 5=5*4*3*2*1, n!

def recursion(n):

if n > 0:

return n * recursion(n-1) ## wrong

def mul(x, y):

return x * y

numList = range(1, 5)

reduce(mul, numList) # 5! = 120

reduce(lambda x,y : x*y, numList) # 5! = 120, the advantage of lambda function avoid defining a function

### list expression

numList = [1, 2, 6, 7]

filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, numList)

print [x for x in numList if x % 2 == 0] # the same as above

map(lambda x : x * 2 + 10, numList)

print [x * 2 + 10 for x in numList] # the same as above



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## built-in function of python ####

## if do not how to use, please use help()

abs, max, min, len, divmod, pow, round, callable,

isinstance, cmp, range, xrange, type, id, int()

list(), tuple(), hex(), oct(), chr(), ord(), long()

callable # test a function whether can be called or not, if can, return true

# or test a function is exit or not

isinstance # test type

numList = [1, 2]

if type(numList) == type([]):

print "It is a list"

if isinstance(numList, list): # the same as above, return true

print "It is a list"

for i in range(1, 10001) # will create a 10000 list, and cost memory

for i in xrange(1, 10001)# do not create such a list, no memory is cost

## some basic functions about string

str = 'hello world'

str.capitalize() # 'Hello World', first letter transfer to big

str.replace("hello", "good") # 'good world'

ip = ""

ip.split('.') # return ['192', '168', '1', '123']


import string

str = 'hello world'

string.replace(str, "hello", "good") # 'good world'

## some basic functions about sequence

len, max, min

# filter(function or none, sequence)

def fun(x):

if x > 5:

return True

numList = [1, 2, 6, 7]

filter(fun, numList) # get [6, 7], if fun return True, retain the element, otherwise delete it

filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, numList)

# zip()

name = ["me", "you"]

age = [25, 26]

tel = ["123", "234"]

zip(name, age, tel) # return a list: [('me', 25, '123'), ('you', 26, '234')]

# map()

map(None, name, age, tel) # also return a list: [('me', 25, '123'), ('you', 26, '234')]

test = ["hello1", "hello2", "hello3"]

zip(name, age, tel, test) # return [('me', 25, '123', 'hello1'), ('you', 26, '234', 'hello2')]

map(None, name, age, tel, test) # return [('me', 25, '123', 'hello1'), ('you', 26, '234', 'hello2'), (None, None, None, 'hello3')]

a = [1, 3, 5]

b = [2, 4, 6]

def mul(x, y):

return x*y

map(mul, a, b) # return [2, 12, 30]

# reduce()

reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # return ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)




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## package and module ####

## a .py file define a module which can be used in other script

## as a script, the name of module is the same as the name of the .py file

## and we use the name to import to a new script

## e.g., items.py, import items

## python contains many .py files, which we can import and use

# vi cal.py

def add(x, y):

return x + y

def sub(x, y):

return x - y

def mul(x, y):

return x * y

def div(x, y):

return x / y

print "Your answer is: ", add(3, 5)

if __name__ == "__main__"

r = add(1, 3)

print r

# vi test.py

import cal # will expand cal.py here

# so, this will execute the following code in cal.py

# print "Your answer is: ", add(3, 5)

# it will print "Your answer is: 8"

# but as we import cal.py, we just want to use those functions

# so the above code can do this for me, the r=add(1, 3) will not execute

result = cal.add(1, 2)

print result

# or

import cal as c

result = c.add(1, 2)

# or

from cal import add

result = add(1, 2)


python 的每个.py文件执行某种功能,那有时候我们需要多个.py完成某个更大的功能,或者我们需要将同类功能的.py文件组织到一个地方,这样就可以很方便我们的使用。模块可以按目录组织为包,创建一个包的步骤:

# 1、建立一个名字为包名字的文件夹

# 2、在该文件夹下创建一个__init__.py空文件

# 3、根据需要在该文件夹下存放.py脚本文件、已编译拓展及子包

# 4、import pack.m1,pack.m2 pack.m3

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#### package 包

## python 的模块可以按目录组织为包,创建一个包的步骤:

# 1、建立一个名字为包名字的文件夹

# 2、在该文件夹下创建一个__init__.py 空文件

# 3、根据需要在该文件夹下存放.py脚本文件、已编译拓展及子包

# 4、import pack.m1, pack.m2 pack.m3

mkdir calSet

cd calSet

touch __init_.py

cp cal.py .

# vi test.py

import calSet.cal

result = calSet.cal.add(1, 2)

print result



Python提供了功能强大的正则表达式引擎re,我们可以利用这个模块来利用正则表达式进行字符串操作。我们用import re来导入这个模块。




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## 正则表达式 RE

## re module in python

import re

rule = r'abc' # r prefix, the rule you want to check in a given string

re.findall(rule, "aaaaabcaaaaaabcaa") # return ['abc', 'abc']

# [] 用来指定一个字符集 [abc] 表示 abc其中任意一个字符符合都可以

rule = r"t[io]p"

re.findall(rule, "tip tep twp top") # return ['tip', 'top']

# ^ 表示 补集,例如[^io] 表示除i和o外的其他字符

rule = r"t[^io]p"

re.findall(rule, "tip tep twp top") # return ['tep', 'twp']

# ^ 也可以 匹配行首,表示要在行首才匹配,其他地方不匹配

rule = r"^hello"

re.findall(rule, "hello tep twp hello") # return ['hello']

re.findall(rule, "tep twp hello") # return []

# $ 表示匹配行尾

rule = r"hello$"

re.findall(rule, "hello tep twp hello") # return ['hello']

re.findall(rule, "hello tep twp") # return []

# - 表示范围

rule = r"x[0123456789]x" # the same as

rule = r"x[0-9]x"

re.findall(rule, "x1x x4x xxx") # return ['x1x', 'x4x']

rule = r"x[a-zA-Z]x"

# \ 表示转义符

rule = r"\^hello"

re.findall(rule, "hello twp ^hello") # return ['^hello']

# \d 匹配一个数字字符。等价于[0-9]。

# \D 匹配一个非数字字符。等价于[^0-9]。

# \n 匹配一个换行符。等价于\x0a和\cJ。

# \r 匹配一个回车符。等价于\x0d和\cM。

# \s 匹配任何空白字符,包括空格、制表符、换页符等等。等价于[ \f\n\r\t\v]。

# \S 匹配任何非空白字符。等价于[^ \f\n\r\t\v]。

# \t 匹配一个制表符。等价于\x09和\cI。

# \w 匹配包括下划线的任何单词字符。等价于“[A-Za-z0-9_]”。

# \W 匹配任何非单词字符。等价于“[^A-Za-z0-9_]”。

# {} 表示重复规则

# 例如我们要查找匹配是否是 广州的号码,020-八位数据

# 以下三种方式都可以实现

rule = r"^020-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d$"

rule = r"^020-\d{8}$" # {8} 表示前面的规则重复8次

rule = r"^020-[0-9]{8}$"

re.findall(rule, "020-23546813") # return ['020-23546813']

# * 表示将其前面的字符重复0或者多次

rule = r"ab*"

re.findall(rule, "a") # return ['a']

re.findall(rule, "ab") # return ['ab']

# + 表示将其前面的字符重复1或者多次

rule = r"ab+"

re.findall(rule, "a") # return []

re.findall(rule, "ab") # return ['ab']

re.findall(rule, "abb") # return ['abb']

# ? 表示前面的字符可有可无

rule = r"^020-?\d{8}$"

re.findall(rule, "02023546813") # return ['020-23546813

re.findall(rule, "020-23546813") # return ['020-23546813']

re.findall(rule, "020--23546813") # return []

# ? 表示非贪婪匹配

rule = r"ab+?"

re.findall(rule, "abbbbbbb") # return ['ab']

# {} 可以表示范围

rule = r"a{1,3}"

re.findall(rule, "a") # return ['a']

re.findall(rule, "aa") # return ['aa']

re.findall(rule, "aaa") # return ['aaa']

re.findall(rule, "aaaa") # return ['aaa', 'a']

## compile re string

rule = r"\d{3,4}-?\d{8}"

re.findall(rule, "020-23546813")

# faster when you compile it

# return a object

p_tel = re.compile(rule)


# the parameter re.I 不区分大小写

name_re = re.compile(r"xiaoyi", re.I)






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# the object contain some methods we can use

# match 去搜索字符串开头,如果匹配对,那就返回一个对象,否则返回空

obj = name_re.match('Xiaoyi, Zou')

# search 去搜索字符串(任何位置),如果匹配对,那就返回一个对象

obj = name_re.search('Zou, Xiaoyi')

# 然后可以用它来进行判断某字符串是否存在我们的正则表达式

if obj:


# findall 返回一个满足正则的列表


# finditer 返回一个满足正则的迭代器


# 正则替换

rs = r"z..x"

re.sub(rs, 'python', 'zoux ni ziox me') # return 'python ni python me'

re.subn(rs, 'python', 'zoux ni ziox me') # return ('python ni python me', 2), contain a number

# 正则切片

str = "123+345-32*78"

re.split(r'[\+\-\*]', str) # return ['123', '345', '32', '78']

# 可以打印re模块支持的属性和方法,然后用help


##### 编译正则表达式式 可以加入一些属性,可以增加很多功能

# 多行匹配

str = """

hello xiaoyi

xiaoyi hello

hello zou

xiaoyi hello


re.findall(r'xiaoyi', str, re.M)



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# () 分组

email = r"\w{3}@\w+(\.com|\.cn|\.org)"

re.match(email, "zzz@scut.com")

re.match(email, "zzz@scut.cn")

re.match(email, "zzz@scut.org")


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# 另外,分组可以优先返回分组内匹配的字符串

str = """

idk hello name=zou yes ok d

hello name=xiaoyi yes no dksl

dfi lkasf dfkdf hello name=zouxy yes d


r1 = r"hello name=.+ yes"

re.findall(r1, str) # return ['hello name=zou yes', 'hello name=xiaoyi yes', 'hello name=zouxy yes']

r2 = r"hello name=(.+) yes"

re.findall(r2, str) # return ['zou', 'xiaoyi', 'zouxy']

# 可以看到,它会匹配整个正则表达式,但只会返回()括号分组内的字符串,

# 用这个属性,我们就可以进行爬虫,抓取一些想要的数据



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## 一个小爬虫

## 下载贴吧 或 空间中的所有图片

## getJpg.py


import re

import urllib

# Get the source code of a website

def getHtml(url):

print 'Getting html source code...'

page = urllib.open(url)

html = page.read()

return html

# Open the website and check up the address of images,

# and find the common features to decide the re_rule

def getImageAddrList(html):

print 'Getting all address of images...'

rule = r"src=\"(.+\.jpg)\" pic_ext"

imReg = re.compile(rule)

imList = re.findall(imReg, html)

return imList

def getImage(imList):

print 'Downloading...'

name = 1;

for imgurl in imList:

urllib.urlretrieve(imgurl, '%s.jpg' % name)

name += 1

print 'Got ', len(imList), ' images!'

## main

htmlAddr = "http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2510089409"

html = getHtml(htmlAddr)

imList = getImageAddrList(html)





[python] view
plain copy


### memory operation

## 浅拷贝:对引用对象的拷贝(只拷贝父对象)

## 深拷贝:对对象资源的拷贝

a = [1, 2, 3]

b = a # id(a) == id (b), 同一个标签,相当于引用

a.append(4) # a = [1, 2, 3, 4], and b also change to = [1, 2, 3, 4]

import copy

a = [1, 2, ['a', 'b']] # 二元列表

c = copy.copy(a) # id(c) != id(a)

a.append('d') # a = [1, 2, ['a', 'b'], 'd'] but c keeps not changed

# 但只属于浅拷贝,只拷贝父对象

# 所以 id(a[0]) == id(c[0]),也就是说对a追加的元素不影响c,

# 但修改a被拷贝的数据后,c的对应数据也会改变,因为拷贝不会改变元素的地址

a[2].append('d') # will change c, too

a[1] = 3 # will change c, too

# 深拷贝

d = copy.deepcopy(a) # 全部拷贝,至此恩断义绝,两者各走

# 各的阳关道和独木桥,以后毫无瓜葛




[python] view
plain copy


## file and directory

# file_handler = open(filename, mode)

# mode is the same as other program langurage

## read

# method 1

fin = open('./test.txt')



# method 2, class file

fin = file('./test.txt')



## write

fin = open('./test.txt', 'r+') # r, r+, w, w+, a, a+, b, U



### 文件对象的方法

## help(file)

for i in open('test.txt'):

print i

str = fin.readline() # 每次读取一行

list = fin.readlines() # 读取多行,返回一个列表,每行作为列表的一个元素

fin.next() # 读取改行,指向下一行

# 用列表来写入多行


# 移动指针

fin.seek(0, 0)

fin.seek(0, 1)

fin.seek(-1, 2)

# 提交更新

fin.flush() # 平时写数据需要close才真正写入文件,这个函数可以立刻写入文件


os模块提供了很多对系统的操作。例如对目录的操作等。我们需要用import os来插入这个模块以便使用。

[python] view
plain copy


## OS module

## directory operation should import this

import os

os.mkdir('xiaoyi') # mkdir

os.makedirs('a/b/c', mode = 666) # 创建分级的目录

os.listdir() # ls 返回当前层所有文件或者文件夹名到一个列表中(不包括子目录)

os.chdir() # cd

os.getcwd() # pwd

os.rmdir() # rm




[python] view
plain copy



import os

def dirList(path):

fileList = os.listdir(path)

allFile = []

for fileName in fileList:

# allFile.append(dirPath + '/' + fileName) # the same as below

filePath = os.path.join(path, fileName)

if os.path.isdir(filePath):



return allFile


[python] view
plain copy

# os.walk 返回一个生成器,每次是一个三元组 [目录, 子目录, 文件]

gen = os.walk('/')

for path, dir, filelist in os.walk('/'):

for filename in filelist:

os.path.join(path, filename)



[python] view
plain copy


### 异常处理

# 异常抛出机制,为程序开发人员提供一种在运行时发现错误,

# 进行恢复处理,然后继续执行的能力

# 用try去尝试执行一些代码,如果错误,就抛出异常,

# 异常由except来捕获,并由我们写代码来处理这种异常


fin = open("abc.txt")

print hello

### your usually process code here

except IOError, msg:

print "On such file!"

### your code to handle this error

except NameError, msg:

print msg

### your code to handle this error

finally: # 不管上面有没有异常,这个代码块都会被执行

print 'ok'

# 抛出异常,异常类型要满足python内定义的

if filename == "hello":

raise TypeError("Nothing!!")
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