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2017-06-25 15:48 337 查看
源码可在https://github.com/learnmoreonce/SLAM 下载




#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "cartographer/common/port.h"
#include "ceres/ceres.h"

namespace cartographer {
namespace common {

// Clamps 'value' to be in the range ['min', 'max'].
template <typename T>
T Clamp(const T value, const T min, const T max) {
if (value > max) {
return max;
if (value < min) {
return min;
return value;

// Calculates 'base'^'exponent'. 计算base的exp次方
template <typename T>
constexpr T Power(T base, int exponent) {
return (exponent != 0) ? base * Power(base, exponent - 1) : T(1);

// Calculates a^2.  特化,求平方
template <typename T>
constexpr T Pow2(T a) {
return Power(a, 2);

// Converts from degrees to radians.角度到弧度的转换. 60° -> pi/3
constexpr double DegToRad(double deg) { return M_PI * deg / 180.; }

// Converts form radians to degrees.弧度到角度的转换, pi/3 -> 60°
constexpr double RadToDeg(double rad) { return 180. * rad / M_PI; }

// Bring the 'difference' between two angles into [-pi; pi]
template <typename T>
T NormalizeAngleDifference(T difference) {
while (difference > M_PI) {
difference -= T(2. * M_PI);
while (difference < -M_PI) {
difference += T(2. * M_PI);
return difference;

atan2 返回原点至点(x,y)的方位角,即与 x 轴的夹角,
也可以理解为计算复数 x+yi 的辐角,范围是[-pi,pi]
ATAN2(1,1) -> pi/4:以弧度表示点(1,1)的反正切值,即pi/4(0.785398)
template <typename T>
T atan2(const Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1>& vector) {  //范围是[-pi,pi]
return ceres::atan2(vector.y(), vector.x());

}  // namespace common
}  // namespace cartographer



#include "cartographer/common/math.h"

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace cartographer {
namespace common {
namespace {

TEST(MathTest, testPower) {
EXPECT_EQ(0., Power(0, 42));// 0的42次方==0
EXPECT_EQ(1., Power(0, 0)); //0^0 ==0
EXPECT_EQ(1., Power(1, 0)); // 1^0 ==0
EXPECT_EQ(1., Power(1, 42));//1^42==1
EXPECT_EQ(4., Power(2, 2)); //2^2==4

TEST(MathTest, testPow2) {
EXPECT_EQ(0., Pow2(0)); //0^2==0
EXPECT_EQ(1., Pow2(1)); //1^2==1
EXPECT_EQ(4., Pow2(2)); //2^2==4
EXPECT_EQ(49., Pow2(7));//7^2==49

TEST(MathTest, testDeg2rad) {
EXPECT_NEAR(M_PI, DegToRad(180.), 1e-9);        // 180° ==pi
EXPECT_NEAR(2. * M_PI, DegToRad(360. - 1e-9), 1e-6);//360° ==2pi

TEST(MathTest, testRad2deg) {
EXPECT_NEAR(180., RadToDeg(M_PI), 1e-9);         //pi ==180°
EXPECT_NEAR(360., RadToDeg(2. * M_PI - 1e-9), 1e-6);//2pi ==360°

TEST(MathTest, testNormalizeAngleDifference) {
EXPECT_NEAR(0., NormalizeAngleDifference(0.), 1e-9);        //0==0
EXPECT_NEAR(M_PI, NormalizeAngleDifference(M_PI), 1e-9);    //pi==oi
EXPECT_NEAR(-M_PI, NormalizeAngleDifference(-M_PI), 1e-9);  //-pi==-pi
EXPECT_NEAR(0., NormalizeAngleDifference(2. * M_PI), 1e-9);   //2pi==0
EXPECT_NEAR(M_PI, NormalizeAngleDifference(5. * M_PI), 1e-9); //5pi==pi
EXPECT_NEAR(-M_PI, NormalizeAngleDifference(-5. * M_PI), 1e-9);//-5pi=-pi

}  // namespace
}  // namespace common
}  // namespace cartographer


* http://www.jianshu.com/u/9e38d2febec1

* https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/learnmoreonce

* http://blog.csdn.net/learnmoreonce

* slam源码分析微信公众号:slamcode
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