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To Install Android Studio in Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 17.04

2017-05-26 12:21 525 查看

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android. It’s open-source, distributed under the Apache license. This tutorial is going to show you how to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu
17.04 using two methods: PPA and Ubuntu make. They are both very easy.

Install Java 8 on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04

No matter which method you choose, you first need to install Java. It’s recommended to install Oracle
Java, because it has a performance edge over OpenJDK. Run the following commands in terminal to install it from PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install java-common oracle-java8-installer

During the installation process you will need to accept the Oracle License agreement. Once installed we need to set Java environment variables such as


 on Ubuntu 16.04/17.04.

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default

source /etc/profile

The above two commands will set the correct Java environment variables.

Installing Android Studio in Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04 via PPA


At the time of this writting, the latest stable version is Android Studio 2.3.1, release on April 2, 2017. Run the following commands to add Android Studio PPA and install it.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/android-studio

sudo apt update

sudo apt install android-studio


During the installation, the latest Android Studio zip file will be downloaded from Google server. Once the installation is finished, you can open Android Studio from Unity Dash or your preferred app launcher.

If the icon didn’t load, then please log out and log back in or use the following command to start Android Studio.

Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK.

If you encounter the error “unable to access Android SDK add-on list”, then you will need to set up a proxy.

Then follow the setup wizard. You will prompted to install Android SDK Tools, Android platform tools, Android support library, etc.

Installing Android Studio in Ubuntu 16.04/17.04 Using Ubuntu Make

You can easily install the latest version of Android Studio via Ubuntu make, which is a command line tool that allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools.

Install Ubuntu make from PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make

sudo apt update

sudo apt install ubuntu-make

Then install Android Studio using Ubuntu make.
umake android --accept-license

umake will download and install all required component like latest android SDK, Android platform tools, etc. It will also create a desktop icon.
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