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2017-05-02 10:02 483 查看
ps1: 本文不讲AC算法的原理及数学证明, 具体请参考这篇文章:efficient_string_matching_an_aid_to_bibliographic_search.pdf

ps2: 源码主页:multifast


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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "ahocorasick.h"

AC_ALPHABET_t * sample_patterns[] = {

"he", "she", "his", "hers"


#define PATTERN_COUNT (sizeof(sample_patterns)/sizeof(AC_ALPHABET_t *))

AC_ALPHABET_t * input_text1 = {"ushers"};

AC_ALPHABET_t * input_text2 = {"whatever you are be a good one"};

AC_ALPHABET_t * input_text3 = {"out of clutter, find simplicity"};

#define BUFFER_ROW 20000

#define BUFFER_COL 512

int main (int argc, char ** argv)


unsigned int i = 0;

// 1. Define AC variables:


AC_PATTERN_t tmp_pattern;

AC_TEXT_t tmp_text;

// 2. Get a new automata

atm = ac_automata_init ();

// 3. Add patterns to automata

for (i=0; i<PATTERN_COUNT; i++)


tmp_pattern.astring = sample_patterns[i];

tmp_pattern.rep.number = i+1; // optional

tmp_pattern.length = strlen(tmp_pattern.astring);

ac_automata_add (atm, &tmp_pattern);


// 4. Finalize automata

ac_automata_finalize (atm);

// after you have finished with adding patterns you must finalize the automata

// from now you can not add patterns anymore.

// 4.1. Display automata (if you are interested)

// ac_automata_display (atm, 'n');

// the second argument determines the cast type of the pattern representative.

// 'n': as number

// 's': as string

// because we use the integer part of union (tmp_patt.rep.number) so we used 'n'

printf ("Searching: \"%s\"\n", input_text1);

// 5. Set the input text

tmp_text.astring = input_text1;

tmp_text.length = strlen(tmp_text.astring);

ac_automata_settext (atm, &tmp_text, 0);

// 6. find

AC_MATCH_t * matchp;

while ((matchp = ac_automata_findnext(atm)))


unsigned int j;

printf ("@%2ld: ", matchp->position);

for (j=0; j < matchp->match_num; j++)

printf("#%ld (%s), ", matchp->patterns[j].rep.number, matchp->patterns[j].astring);

// CAUTION: be careful about using m->matched_patterns[j].astring

// if 'astring' has permanent allocation inside your program's

// memory area, you can use it. otherwise it will point to

// an incorrect memory place.

printf ("\n");


printf ("Searching: \"%s\"\n", input_text2);

// you can do more search

// just use function pair ac_automata_settext/ac_automata_findnext

tmp_text.astring = input_text2;

tmp_text.length = strlen(tmp_text.astring);

ac_automata_settext (atm, &tmp_text, 0);

while ((matchp = ac_automata_findnext(atm)))


unsigned int j;

printf ("@%2ld: ", matchp->position);

for (j=0; j < matchp->match_num; j++)

printf("#%ld (%s), ", matchp->patterns[j].rep.number, matchp->patterns[j].astring);

printf ("\n");


printf ("Searching: \"%s\" with \'keep\' enabled\n", input_text3);

// and again

tmp_text.astring = input_text3;

tmp_text.length = strlen(tmp_text.astring);

ac_automata_settext (atm, &tmp_text, 1);

// when the keep option (3rd argument) in set, then the automata

// considers that the given text is the next chunk of the previous text.

// to understand the difference try it with 0 and 1 and compare the result

while ((matchp = ac_automata_findnext(atm)))


unsigned int j;

printf ("@ %2ld: ", matchp->position);

for (j=0; j < matchp->match_num; j++)

printf("#%ld (%s), ", matchp->patterns[j].rep.number, matchp->patterns[j].astring);

printf ("\n");


// 7. Release the automata

ac_automata_release (atm);

// do not forget to release the automata after you have done with it

return 0;


哈哈, 是不是一开始被这么多代码吓住了, 没有分析的勇气了?淡定!耐心看一下, 源码的作者在例子代码中给予我们提供了AC源码的使用方式, 并列出了 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7的步骤, 我们只需要顺藤摸瓜,即可破析源码!


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// 1. Define AC variables:


AC_PATTERN_t tmp_pattern;

AC_TEXT_t tmp_text;

这些数据机构宏定义, 我们跟踪到定义的最开始地方:


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typedef struct AC_AUTOMATA


/* The root of the Aho-Corasick trie */

struct AC_NODE * root;

/* maintain all nodes pointers. it will be used to access or release

* all nodes. */

struct AC_NODE ** all_nodes;

unsigned int all_nodes_num; /* Number of all nodes in the automata */

unsigned int all_nodes_max; /* Current max allocated memory for *all_nodes */

/* this flag indicates that if automata is finalized by

* ac_automata_finalize() or not. 1 means finalized and 0

* means not finalized (is open). after finalizing automata you can not

* add pattern to automata anymore. */

unsigned short automata_open;

/* It is possible to feed a large input to the automata chunk by chunk to

* be searched using ac_automata_search(). in fact by default automata

* thinks that all chunks are related unless you do ac_automata_reset().

* followings are variables that keep track of searching state. */

struct AC_NODE * current_node; /* Pointer to current node while searching */

unsigned long base_position; /* Represents the position of current chunk

* related to whole input text */

/* The input text.

* used only when it is working in settext/findnext mode */

AC_TEXT_t * text;

/* The lase searched position in the chunk.

* used only when it is working in settext/findnext mode */

unsigned long position;

/* Statistic Variables */

/* Total patterns in the automata */

unsigned long total_patterns;



ac自动机的root字段:类型是AC_NODE, 这个AC_NODE又是什么东东?跟踪一下,如下:

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/* automata node */

typedef struct AC_NODE


int id; /* Node ID : for debugging purpose */

short int final; /* 0: no ; 1: yes, it is a final node */

struct AC_NODE * failure_node; /* The failure node of this node */

unsigned short depth; /* depth: distance between this node and the root */

/* Matched patterns */

AC_PATTERN_t * matched_patterns; /* Array of matched patterns */

unsigned short matched_patterns_num; /* Number of matched patterns at this node */

unsigned short matched_patterns_max; /* Max capacity of allocated memory for matched_patterns */

/* Outgoing Edges */

struct edge * outgoing; /* Array of outgoing edges */

unsigned short outgoing_degree; /* Number of outgoing edges */

unsigned short outgoing_max; /* Max capacity of allocated memory for outgoing */

} AC_NODE_t;


id字段:标示节点的, 比如这是第几个节点, 注释也说了, for debugging, 没什么实际作用。

final字段:代表该节点是不是模式串的最后一个节点, 也就说当我匹配到这里的时候,发现该节点的final为1, 那么就代表我们已经发现了一个匹配。

failure_node字段:该节点匹配失败的跳转节点, 如果你不懂什么叫跳转失败节点, 那么下面的分析你就不要看了, 先去看看那边论文吧。

depth字段:AC自动机说穿了就是一个trie树, 既然是树的话, 那么就有深度的概念, 不懂深度?去复习一下tree这种数据结构吧。

outgoing字段:边的数组。什么叫边的数组呢?就是从这个节点出发, 可以有多少种出路。好吧, 其实就是出度, 不懂出度?去复习一下数据结构吧。

outgoing_degree字段:边数组的大小, 也就是该节点的出度, 看变量名字就知道 outgoing degree, 多么直白啊。

outgoing_max字段:表示出度数组能容量的最大数目, 这里使用的是预分配的概念, 不懂吗?复习一下数据结构的动态数组吧。

其他字段不是核心字段, 在这里就不解释了。


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/* The Edge of the Node */

struct edge


AC_ALPHABET_t alpha; /* Edge alpha */

AC_NODE_t * next; /* Target of the edge */


其中alpha代表边上的字母, 一个边对应一个字母;next代表通过该边能到达哪个节点。








其他字段不是核心字段, 在这里就不分析了。


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// 2. Get a new automata

atm = ac_automata_init ();

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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_init

* Initialize automata; allocate memories and set initial values



AC_AUTOMATA_t * ac_automata_init ()


AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz = (AC_AUTOMATA_t *)malloc(sizeof(AC_AUTOMATA_t));

memset (thiz, 0, sizeof(AC_AUTOMATA_t));

thiz->root = node_create ();

thiz->all_nodes_max = REALLOC_CHUNK_ALLNODES;

thiz->all_nodes = (AC_NODE_t **) malloc (thiz->all_nodes_max*sizeof(AC_NODE_t *));

ac_automata_register_nodeptr (thiz, thiz->root);

ac_automata_reset (thiz);

thiz->total_patterns = 0;

thiz->automata_open = 1;

return thiz;



1. 分配自动机内存并初始化;

2. 创建自动机root节点;

3. 预分配自动机保存所有节点的数组;

4. 调用ac_automata_register_nodeptr方法把root节点加到all_nodes数组;

5. 标记自动机可以添加模式串(open = 1)


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// 3. Add patterns to automata

for (i=0; i<PATTERN_COUNT; i++)


tmp_pattern.astring = sample_patterns[i];

tmp_pattern.rep.number = i+1; // optional

tmp_pattern.length = strlen(tmp_pattern.astring);

ac_automata_add (atm, &tmp_pattern);


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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_add

* Adds pattern to the automata.


* AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz: the pointer to the automata

* AC_PATTERN_t * patt: the pointer to added pattern


* the return value indicates the success or failure of adding action


AC_STATUS_t ac_automata_add (AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz, AC_PATTERN_t * patt)


unsigned int i;

AC_NODE_t * n = thiz->root;

AC_NODE_t * next;

AC_ALPHABET_t alpha;



if (!patt->length)


if (patt->length > AC_PATTRN_MAX_LENGTH)


for (i=0; i<patt->length; i++)


alpha = patt->astring[i];

if ((next = node_find_next(n, alpha)))


n = next;





next = node_create_next(n, alpha);

next->depth = n->depth + 1;

n = next;

ac_automata_register_nodeptr(thiz, n);





n->final = 1;

node_register_matchstr(n, patt);





1. 首先检查各种条件,如自动机是不是打开添加标记的,添加的模式串是不是长度在允许的范围等等;

2. 先从根节点开始查找当前字符是否在自动机节点中,如果在, 以查找到的节点开始继续查找;如果不在调用node_find_next函数创建一个新节点,更新新节点深度, 最后把新节点添加到all_nodes中;

3. 将最有添加的一个节点的final设置为1,表示该节点是该模式串的最后一个节点;

说明:实际上这里创建的就是一个trie树, 如果不懂trie树, 百度一下吧。


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// 4. Finalize automata

ac_automata_finalize (atm);

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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_finalize

* Locate the failure node for all nodes and collect all matched pattern for

* every node. it also sorts outgoing edges of node, so binary search could be

* performed on them. after calling this function the automate literally will

* be finalized and you can not add new patterns to the automate.


* AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz: the pointer to the automata


void ac_automata_finalize (AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz)


unsigned int i;


AC_NODE_t * node;

ac_automata_traverse_setfailure (thiz, thiz->root, alphas);

for (i=0; i < thiz->all_nodes_num; i++)


node = thiz->all_nodes[i];

ac_automata_union_matchstrs (node);

node_sort_edges (node);


thiz->automata_open = 0; /* do not accept patterns any more */



1. 设置失败节点跳转;

2. 对所有相同深度的节点排序;

3. 关闭自动机添加标示。

对于ac_automata_traverse_setfailure函数, 如下代码:

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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_traverse_setfailure

* Traverse all automata nodes using DFS (Depth First Search), meanwhile it set

* the failure node for every node it passes through. this function must be

* called after adding last pattern to automata. i.e. after calling this you

* can not add further pattern to automata.


static void ac_automata_traverse_setfailure

(AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz, AC_NODE_t * node, AC_ALPHABET_t * alphas)


unsigned int i;

AC_NODE_t * next;

for (i=0; i < node->outgoing_degree; i++)


alphas[node->depth] = node->outgoing[i].alpha;

next = node->outgoing[i].next;

/* At every node look for its failure node */

ac_automata_set_failure (thiz, next, alphas);

/* Recursively call itself to traverse all nodes */

ac_automata_traverse_setfailure (thiz, next, alphas);




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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_set_failure

* find failure node for the given node.


static void ac_automata_set_failure

(AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz, AC_NODE_t * node, AC_ALPHABET_t * alphas)


unsigned int i, j;

AC_NODE_t * m;

for (i=1; i < node->depth; i++)


m = thiz->root;

for (j=i; j < node->depth && m; j++)

m = node_find_next (m, alphas[j]);

if (m)


node->failure_node = m;




if (!node->failure_node)

node->failure_node = thiz->root;


这个代码是核心代码, 写的很简洁, 双重循环, 但是不好理解。首先我们考虑既然匹配到当前位置并且在当前位置失败,那么对于目标串当前位置前面的一部分肯定是匹配过的,

那么这匹配过的部分有可能是其他模式串的开始部分(前缀),如果是的话, 这些匹配过的部分就不需要再匹配了, 直接跳过其他模式串相同的前缀部分, 这样目标串就不用回溯,

这就是AC算法的核心。那么对于该函数,第二次for循环就是在找其他模式串的最大相同开始部分, 也就是最大前缀, 如果找到, 那么就跳出第一重for循环, 函数直接返回;没找到的话,

从新的已经匹配的部分下一个位置继续寻找, 即第一重for循环保证能找到所有其他模式串的分支,最后如果什么也没找到, 那么就代表没有相同的部分, 只能跳回到root节点,从新的



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* FUNCTION: node_sort_edges

* sorts edges alphabets.


void node_sort_edges (AC_NODE_t * thiz)


qsort ((void *)thiz->outgoing, thiz->outgoing_degree, sizeof(struct edge),



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* FUNCTION: node_edge_compare

* Comparison function for qsort. see man qsort.


int node_edge_compare (const void * l, const void * r)


/* According to man page:

* The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or

* greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be

* respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second. if two

* members compare as equal, their order in the sorted array is undefined.


* NOTE: Because edge alphabets are unique in every node we ignore

* equivalence case.


if ( ((struct edge *)l)->alpha >= ((struct edge *)r)->alpha )

return 1;


return -1;


至于为什么要排序, 分析到后面就明白了, 这里先不讲。


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// 5. Set the input text

tmp_text.astring = input_text1;

tmp_text.length = strlen(tmp_text.astring);

ac_automata_settext (atm, &tmp_text, 0);

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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_settext


void ac_automata_settext (AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz, AC_TEXT_t * text, int keep)


thiz->text = text;

if (!keep)


thiz->position = 0;



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// 6. find

AC_MATCH_t * matchp;

while ((matchp = ac_automata_findnext(atm)))


unsigned int j;

printf ("@%2ld: ", matchp->position);

for (j=0; j < matchp->match_num; j++)

printf("#%ld (%s), ", matchp->patterns[j].rep.number, matchp->patterns[j].astring);

// CAUTION: be careful about using m->matched_patterns[j].astring

// if 'astring' has permanent allocation inside your program's

// memory area, you can use it. otherwise it will point to

// an incorrect memory place.

printf ("\n");


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* FUNCTION: ac_automata_findnext


AC_MATCH_t * ac_automata_findnext (AC_AUTOMATA_t * thiz)


unsigned long position;

AC_NODE_t * current;

AC_NODE_t * next;

static AC_MATCH_t match;

if (thiz->automata_open)

return 0;

if (!thiz->text)

return 0;

position = thiz->position;

current = thiz->current_node;

match.match_num = 0;

/* This is the main search loop.

* it must be as lightweight as possible. */

while (position < thiz->text->length)


if (!(next = node_findbs_next(current, thiz->text->astring[position])))


if (current->failure_node /* we are not in the root node */)

current = current->failure_node;






current = next;



if (current->final && next)

/* We check 'next' to find out if we came here after a alphabet

* transition or due to a fail. in second case we should not report

* matching because it was reported in previous node */


match.position = position + thiz->base_position;

match.match_num = current->matched_patterns_num;

match.patterns = current->matched_patterns;




/* save status variables */

thiz->current_node = current;

thiz->position = position;

if (!match.match_num)

/* if we came here due to reaching to the end of input text

* not a loop break


thiz->base_position += position;

return match.match_num?&match:0;



1. 调用node_findbs_next函数, 查找下一个匹配位置;

2. 如果没找到跳转到failure_node继续查找;

3. 检查是不是final节点, 如果是的话, 匹配成功。


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* FUNCTION: node_findbs_next

* Find out the next node for a given Alpha. this function is used after the

* pre-processing stage in which we sort edges. so it uses Binary Search.


AC_NODE_t * node_findbs_next (AC_NODE_t * thiz, AC_ALPHABET_t alpha)


int min, max, mid;


min = 0;

max = thiz->outgoing_degree - 1;

while (min <= max)


mid = (min+max) >> 1;

amid = thiz->outgoing[mid].alpha;

if (alpha > amid)

min = mid + 1;

else if (alpha < amid)

max = mid - 1;


return (thiz->outgoing[mid].next);


return NULL;


这里对每一层使用的是二分查找, 现在明白了上面为什么要排序了吧。都是为了加速后面的查找。


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// 7. Release the automata

ac_automata_release (atm);

至此AC自动机源码分析完毕, 其中各个细节实现需要亲自越多源码, 细细揣摩, 方可领悟!

附上第一个例子的程序数据结构图, 如下:

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息