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内存优化:Android API当中提供了一些优化过后的数据集合工具类,如SparseArray,SparseBooleanArray,以及LongSparseArray等,使用这些API可以让我们的程序更加高效。本文整理SparseArray和ArrayMap相关内部实现。




public SparseArray() {

private int[] mKeys;
private Object[] mValues;两个数组进行存储,一个存储key,一个存储value。

public void put(int key, E value) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);

if (i >= 0) {
mValues[i] = value;
} else {
i = ~i;

if (i < mSize && mValues[i] == DELETED) {
mKeys[i] = key;
mValues[i] = value;

if (mGarbage && mSize >= mKeys.length) {

// Search again because indices may have changed.
i = ~ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);

mKeys = GrowingArrayUtils.insert(mKeys, mSize, i, key);
mValues = GrowingArrayUtils.insert(mValues, mSize, i, value);

#ContainerHelpers  二分查找
static int binarySearch(int[] array, int size, int value) {
int lo = 0;
int hi = size - 1;

while (lo <= hi) {
final int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
final int midVal = array[mid];

if (midVal < value) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else if (midVal > value) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else {
return mid; // value found
return ~lo; // value not present
public E get(int key) {
return get(key, null);
public E get(int key, E valueIfKeyNotFound) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);

if (i < 0 || mValues[i] == DELETED) {
return valueIfKeyNotFound;
} else {
return (E) mValues[i];

public void delete(int key) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);

if (i >= 0) {
if (mValues[i] != DELETED) {
mValues[i] = DELETED;
mGarbage = true;


public class ArrayMap<K, V> extends SimpleArrayMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V>ArrayMap继承SimpleArrayMap,实现了Map接口。以key-value的形式存储数据,相比HashMap会占用更少的内存空间。

int[] mHashes;
Object[] mArray;mHashes存储了key的hashcode,mArray存储了key和value的值。

public V put(K key, V value) {
final int hash;
int index;
if (key == null) {
hash = 0;
index = indexOfNull();
} else {
ash = key.hashCode();
index = indexOf(key, hash);
if (index >= 0) {
index = (index<<1) + 1;
final V old = (V)mArray[index];
mArray[index] = value;
return old;

index = ~index;
if (mSize >= mHashes.length) {
final int n = mSize >= (BASE_SIZE*2) ? (mSize+(mSize>>1))
: (mSize >= BASE_SIZE ? (BASE_SIZE*2) : BASE_SIZE);

if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "put: grow from " + mHashes.length + " to " + n);

final int[] ohashes = mHashes;
final Object[] oarray = mArray;

if (mHashes.length > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "put: copy 0-" + mSize + " to 0");
System.arraycopy(ohashes, 0, mHashes, 0, ohashes.length);
System.arraycopy(oarray, 0, mArray, 0, oarray.length);

freeArrays(ohashes, oarray, mSize);

if (index < mSize) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "put: move " + index + "-" + (mSize-index)
+ " to " + (index+1));
System.arraycopy(mHashes, index, mHashes, index + 1, mSize - index);
System.arraycopy(mArray, index << 1, mArray, (index + 1) << 1, (mSize - index) << 1);

mHashes[index] = hash;
mArray[index<<1] = key;
mArray[(index<<1)+1] = value;
return null;



public V get(Object key) {
final int index = indexOfKey(key);
return index >= 0 ? (V)mArray[(index<<1)+1] : null;
int indexOf(Object key, int hash) {
final int N = mSize;

// Important fast case: if nothing is in here, nothing to look for.
if (N == 0) {
return ~0;

int index = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mHashes, N, hash);

// If the hash code wasn't found, then we have no entry for this key.
if (index < 0) {
return index;

// If the key at the returned index matches, that's what we want.
if (key.equals(mArray[index<<1])) {
return index;

// Search for a matching key after the index.
int end;
for (end = index + 1; end < N && mHashes[end] == hash; end++) {
if (key.equals(mArray[end << 1])) return end;

// Search for a matching key before the index.
for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0 && mHashes[i] == hash; i--) {
if (key.equals(mArray[i << 1])) return i;

// Key not found -- return negative value indicating where a
// new entry for this key should go. We use the end of the
// hash chain to reduce the number of array entries that will
// need to be copied when inserting.
return ~end;


public V remove(Object key) {
final int index = indexOfKey(key);
if (index >= 0) {
return removeAt(index);

return null;

public V removeAt(int index) {
final Object old = mArray[(index << 1) + 1];
if (mSize <= 1) {
// Now empty.
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: shrink from " + mHashes.length + " to 0");
freeArrays(mHashes, mArray, mSize);
mHashes = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_INTS;
mArray = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_OBJECTS;
mSize = 0;
} else {
if (mHashes.length > (BASE_SIZE*2) && mSize < mHashes.length/3) {
// Shrunk enough to reduce size of arrays.  We don't allow it to
// shrink smaller than (BASE_SIZE*2) to avoid flapping between
// that and BASE_SIZE.
final int n = mSize > (BASE_SIZE*2) ? (mSize + (mSize>>1)) : (BASE_SIZE*2);

if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: shrink from " + mHashes.length + " to " + n);

final int[] ohashes = mHashes;
final Object[] oarray = mArray;

if (index > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: copy from 0-" + index + " to 0");
System.arraycopy(ohashes, 0, mHashes, 0, index);
System.arraycopy(oarray, 0, mArray, 0, index << 1);
if (index < mSize) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: copy from " + (index+1) + "-" + mSize
+ " to " + index);
System.arraycopy(ohashes, index + 1, mHashes, index, mSize - index);
System.arraycopy(oarray, (index + 1) << 1, mArray, index << 1,
(mSize - index) << 1);
} else {
if (index < mSize) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: move " + (index+1) + "-" + mSize
+ " to " + index);
System.arraycopy(mHashes, index + 1, mHashes, index, mSize - index);
System.arraycopy(mArray, (index + 1) << 1, mArray, index << 1,
(mSize - index) << 1);
mArray[mSize << 1] = null;
mArray[(mSize << 1) + 1] = null;
return (V)old;



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