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A list of recent papers regarding deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first. I will renew the recent papers and add notes to these papers.

You should find the papers and software with star flag are more important or popular.

Table of Contents


Model Zoo

Pretrained Model





Awesome Projects


2017 year

deep learning

deep reinforcement learning

natural language process

2016 year

deep learning

deep reinforcement learning

natural language process

2015 year

2014 year

2013 year

2012 year

2011 year

2010 year

before 2010 year

Model Zoo

2012 | AlexNet | pdf | https://github.com/kratzert/finetune_alexnet_with_tensorflow |

2013 | RCNN | arxiv | https://github.com/rbgirshick/rcnn |

2014 | CGNA | arxiv | https://github.com/zhangqianhui/Conditional-Gans |

2014 | DeepFaceVariant | pdf | https://github.com/joyhuang9473/deepid-implementation |

2014 | GAN | arxiv | https://github.com/goodfeli/adversarial |

2014 | GoogLeNet | pdf | https://github.com/google/inception |

2014 | OverFeat | arxiv | https://github.com/sermanet/OverFeat |

2014 | SPPNet | arxiv | https://github.com/yhenon/keras-spp |

2014 | VAE | arxiv | https://github.com/dpkingma/nips14-ssl |

2014 | VGGNet | arxiv | https://gist.github.com/ksimonyan/211839e770f7b538e2d8 |

2015 | DCGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflow |

2015 | DRAW | arxiv | https://github.com/ericjang/draw |

2015 | Global And Local Attention | arxiv | https://github.com/giancds/tsf_nmt |

2015 | FaceNet | arxiv | https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet |

2015 | Fast RCNN | arxiv | https://github.com/rbgirshick/fast-rcnn |

2015 | Faster RCNN | arxiv | https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn |

2015 | FCNT | pdf | https://github.com/scott89/FCNT |

2015 | Inception | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/inception |

2015 | LAPGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/facebook/eyescream |

2015 | NeuralGPU | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/neural_gpu |

2015 | Pointer Net | arxiv | https://github.com/devsisters/pointer-network-tensorflow |

2015 | ResNet | arxiv1 , arxiv2, arxiv3 | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/resnet |

2015 | Skip-Thought Vectors | pdf | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/skip_thoughts |

2015 | Transformer | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/transformer |

2016 | Dp_sgd | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/differential_privacy |

2016 | EnergyGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/buriburisuri/ebgan |

2016 | Grad-CAM | arxiv | https://github.com/Ankush96/grad-cam.tensorflow |

2016 | Im2txt | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/im2txt |

2016 | InfoGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/buriburisuri/supervised_infogan |

2016 | Multiple_teachers | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/differential_privacy |

2016 | Neural Programmer | pdf | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/neural_programmer |

2016 | PCNN | arxiv | https://github.com/kundan2510/pixelCNN |

2016 | Pix2Pix | arxiv | https://github.com/yenchenlin/pix2pix-tensorflow |

2016 | PVANet | arxiv | https://github.com/sanghoon/pva-faster-rcnn |

2016 | R-FCN | arxiv | https://github.com/Orpine/py-R-FCN |

2016 | SeqGAN | pdf | https://github.com/LantaoYu/SeqGAN |

2016 | SqueezeNet | arxiv | https://github.com/songhan/SqueezeNet-Deep-Compression |

2016 | Swivel | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/swivel |

2016 | SyntaxNet | arxiv | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/syntaxnet |

2016 | Textsum | | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/textsum |

2016 | VGNA | arxiv | https://github.com/Shuangfei/vgan |

2017 | Learning to Remember Rare Events | pdf | https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/learning_to_remember_rare_events |

2017 | SalGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/imatge-upc/saliency-salgan-2017 |

2017 | WGAN | arxiv | https://github.com/Zardinality/WGAN-tensorflow |

Pretrained Model

Available pretrained word embeddings

Inception-v3 of imagenet

Dependency-Based Word Embeddings.

GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation

Model of the deep residual network used for cifar10

Pre-Trained Doc2Vec Models

Pre-trained word vectors 

ResNet in TensorFlow Pretrain Model

TensorFlow VGG-16 pre-trained model

VGGNets for Scene Recognition


[Utah] Applied Computational Genomics Course at UU

[Stanford] CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

[CUHK] ELEG 5040: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing(Introduction to Deep Learning)

[Stanford] CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

[Oxford] Deep Learning by Prof. Nando de Freitas

[NYU] Deep Learning by Prof. Yann LeCun

[Berkeley] CS294: Deep Reinforcement Learning

[Berkeley] Stat212b:Topics Course on Deep Learning

[MIT] S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

[CUHK] ELEG 5040: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing (Introduction to Deep Learning)

[Stanford] CS20SI: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research

[Stanford] CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

[MIT] S191: Introduction to Deep Learning

[吴立德] 《深度学习课程》

[Oxford] Deep Learning Course

[David Silver] RL Course

[MIT] Practical Deep Learning For Coders

[Google] Udacity Deep Learning Online Course


Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, [zh]

Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen

Deep Learning Tutorial by LISA lab, University of Montreal


UFLDL Tutorial

Rules of Machine Learning: Best Practices for ML Engineering

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction [code]

Reinforcement LearningState-of-the-Art

A Course in Machine Learning

深度学习入门 by PaddlePaddle

TensorFlow For Machine Intelligence

First Contact With TensorFlow

Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python



[Pylearn2] Theano-based
deep learning libraries

[Blocks] Blocks
is a framework that helps you build neural network models on top of Theano 

[Lasagne] Lightweight
library to build and train neural networks in Theano.

[Chainer] Chainer
bridge the gap between algorithms and implementations of deep learning.

[ChainerRL] ChainerRL
is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Chainer.

[DeepPy] DeepPy
is a Pythonic deep learning framework built on top of NumPy.

[Deepnet] Deepnet:
a GPU-based python implementation of deep learning algorithms.

[Deepgaze] Deepgaze:
A computer vision library for human-computer interaction based on CNNs

[DeepQA] Tensorflow
implementation of "A neural conversational model", a Deep learning based chatbot.

[DeepVideoAnalytics] Analyze
videos & images, perform detections, index frames & detected objects, search by examples.

[Edward] Edward:
A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism.

[Elephas] Distributed
Deep learning with Keras & Spark.

[Gensim] Gensim:
Deep learning toolkit implemented in python programming language intended for handling large text collections, using efficient algorithms.

[Hebel] Hebel:
A library for deep learning with neural networks in Python using GPU acceleration with CUDA through PyCUDA.

[Keras] Keras:
Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow. 

[Kur] Kur:
Descriptive Deep Learning. 

[Neon] Neon
is Nervana's Python based Deep Learning framework.

[PyTorch] Tensors
and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration. 

[Scikit-Learn] scikit-learn:
machine learning in Python. 

[Skll] SciKit-Learn
Laboratory (SKLL) makes it easy to run machine learning experiments.

[TensorFX] TensorFX
is an end to end application framework to simplifies machine learning with TensorFlow

[Theano] Theano:
Mathematical library in Python, maintained by LISA lab


[MinPy] MinPy:
Providing a high performing and flexible deep learning platform, by prototyping a pure NumPy interface above MXNet backend.

[Caffe] Caffe:
Deep learning framework by the BVLC 

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit.

[DeepDetect] DeepDetect
: Open Source Deep Learning Server & API

DIGITS is a new system for developing, training and visualizing deep neural networks.

is an Amazon developed library for building Deep Learning (DL) machine learning (ML) models.

[PaddlePaddle] PaddlePaddle
(PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) is an easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable deep learning platform.

[MXNet] MXNet:
A flexible and efficient deep learning library for heterogeneous distributed systems with multi-language support 

[Singa] Singa:
Singa is an Apache Incubating project for developing an open source deep learning library.

[Tensorflow] Tensorflow:
An open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graph by Google 

[Tiny-dnn] Tiny-dnn
is a C++11 implementation of deep learning.


[CoreNLP] Stanford
CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools.

[Deeplearning4J] Deeplearning4J:
Neural Net Platform.

[Librec] LibRec:
A Java Library for Recommender Systems.

[NeuralNetworks] This
is a Java implementation of some of the algorithms for training deep neural networks.

[NewralNet] A
lightweight, easy to use and open source Java library for experimenting with feed-forward neural nets and deep learning.


[BigDL] BigDL:
Distributed Deep learning on Apache Spark.


[Knet] Knet:
Knet (pronounced "kay-net") is the Koç University deep learning framework implemented in Julia.

[Mocha] Mocha
is a Deep Learning framework for Julia, inspired by the C++ framework Caffe.


[Keras-js] Run
Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support.

[Neurojs] A
javascript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.


[MatConvNet] MatConvNet:


[OpenNMT] OpenNMT:
Open-Source Neural Machine Translation

[Torch7] Torch7:
Deep learning library in Lua, used by Facebook and Google Deepmind 


- Machine Learning library for PHP



A fast and differentiable QP solver for PyTorch.

A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector.

A simple PyTorch Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks, focusing on anime face drawing

Comprehensive Data Augmentation and Sampling for Pytorch

CNNs for Sentence Classification in PyTorch

Deep Q-Learning Network in pytorch

Fast Neural Style for Image Style Transform by Pytorch

Highway networks implemented in PyTorch.

OpenNMT: Open-Source Neural Machine Translation in PyTorch 

PyTorch implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks

PyTorch implementation of Global Vectors for Word Representation

PyTorch implementation of the Value Iteration Networks

Pytorch Negative Sampling Loss

Pytorch Poetry Generation

Sequence to Sequence Models with PyTorch

SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Object Detector, in PyTorch

t-SNE experiments in pytorch

YOLOv2 in PyTorch



Deep Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter

Implementations of many popular deep learning models in Theano+Lasagne


A framework for developing and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms

A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow that can be used for Machine Translation, Text Summarization,
Conversational Modeling, Image Captioning, and more.

An implementation of Pix2Pix in Tensorflow for use with frames from films

A Practical Guide for Debugging TensorFlow Codes

A set of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents implemented in Tensorflow. 

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using End-to-End Memory Networks

A tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks" 

A TensorFlow implementation of Baidu's DeepSpeech architecture

DeepColor: Automatic coloring and shading of manga-style lineart

Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling

Deepnlp:Deep Learning NLP Pipeline implemented on Tensorflow

Embedding Watermarks into Deep Neural Networks

Fast Multi(Interpolative) Style Transfer

Fast PixelCNN++: speedy image generation

Fully differentiable deep-neural decision forest in tensorflow

GA3C: Reinforcement Learning through Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic on a GPU

Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks, for Audio.

Interactive, node-by-node debugging and visualization for TensorFlow 

Machine Learning on Sequential Data Using a Recurrent Weighted Average

Metasploit for machine learning.

Multilabel time series classification with LSTM

Neural Relation Extraction implemented with LSTM in TensorFlow

PixelVAE with or without regularization

PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation 

Realistic Handwriting with Tensorflow

Real-time Joint Semantic Reasoning for Autonomous Driving

Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree

Sequence-to-Sequence Grapheme-to-Phoneme toolkit

Simple Recommender System using Denoising AutoEncoder, implemented using TensorFlow

SSD in TensorFlow: Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

Tensorflow implementation of fast neural style transfer

TensorFlow on iOS demo


Tensorflow port of Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Nets 

Tensorflow Tutorial files and Implementations of various Deep NLP and CV Models

Tutorials for deep learning

使用TensorFlow实现的Sequence to Sequence的聊天机器人模型

Udacity SDC: Vehicle Detection 


Embedding Watermarks into Deep Neural Networks

Experimental implementation of novel neural network structures


Wasserstein DCGAN in Tensorflow/Keras

Awesome Projects

15 AI and Machine Learning Events

Awesome Adversarial Machine Learning


Awesome Deep Learning

Awesome Deep learning papers and other resources

Awesome Deep Vision

Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers

Awesome Public Datasets

Awesome PyTorch 

Awesome Reinforcement Learning

Awesome Robotics

Awesome Sentiment Analysis

Awesome TensorFlow 

Chainer Info

Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Tensorflow, Keras, and Pytorch 

Collection of reinforcement learners implemented in python.

Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision

Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap

Machine Learning Videos

Machine Learning From Scratch

Paper list of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)

SCODE Word Embeddings using Substitute Words

Summaries and notes on Deep Learning research papers

The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch 

Various math-related things in Python code


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