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The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.




1、DFS (深度优先搜索)




using namespace std;

struct Graph_array {
int vexnum;  //图的顶点数
int edge;    //图的边数
int ** arc;  //邻接矩阵
int kind;    //0,为有向图,1,为无向图
string * infromation; //表示每个顶点的信息

void createGraph_by_array(int **edge,Graph_array & g) {
int i = 0;
g.arc = new int*[g.vexnum];//为邻接矩阵开辟空间
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++)
g.arc[i] = new int[g.vexnum];
for (int j = 0; j < g.vexnum; j++)
g.arc[i][j] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
g.arc[edge[i][0] - 1][edge[i][1] - 1] = 1;
void print_array(Graph_array g) {

int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <g.vexnum; i++) {
//cout << g.infromation[i] << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < g.vexnum; j++) {
cout << g.arc[i][j] << " ";

cout << endl;
void DFS_store_array(Graph_array g,int v,bool * & visit) {
cout << g.infromation[v] << " ";
visit[v] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {//找出下一个位被访问的顶点
if (g.arc[v][i] == 0 || g.arc[v][i] == INT_MAX) { //如果两个顶点不存在边
else if (!visit[i]) {//如果没有被访问,访问该结点
DFS_store_array(g, i, visit);
void DFS_array_travel(Graph_array g,int begin) {
bool * visit;
visit = new bool[g.vexnum];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
visit[i] = false;
cout << "图的DFS遍历结果:" << endl;
DFS_store_array(g,begin - 1,visit);
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
if (!visit[i])
DFS_store_array(g, i,visit);


struct ArcNode {
int adfvex;//表示该边的另外一个顶点在顶点表中的下标
ArcNode * next; //表示依附在该顶点的下一条边的信息
struct Vnode {
string data; //记录基本信息i
ArcNode * firstarc;//记录第一条依附在该顶点的边
struct Graph_List {
int vexnum;  //图的顶点数
int edge;    //图的边数
Vnode * node;  //邻接表
int kind;    //0,为有向图,1,为无向图
void createGraph_list(Graph_List & g, int **edge) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
ArcNode * next=new ArcNode;
next->next = NULL;
if (g.node[edge[i][0]-1].firstarc == NULL) {
g.node[edge[i][0]-1].firstarc = next;
else {//寻找链表的最后一个结点
ArcNode * now;
now = g.node[edge[i][0]-1].firstarc;
while (now->next) {
now = now->next;
now->next = next;
void print_list(Graph_List g) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
cout << g.node[i].data << " ";
ArcNode * now;
now = g.node[i].firstarc;
while (now) {
cout << now->adfvex << " ";
now = now->next;
cout << endl;
void DFS_store_list(Graph_List g, int v, bool * & visit) {
cout << g.node[v].data << " ";
visit[v] = true;
ArcNode * next = g.node[v].firstarc;
while (next) {
if (!visit[next->adfvex]) {
DFS_store_list(g, next->adfvex, visit);//递归
else {
next = next->next;
void DFS_list(Graph_List g, int begin) {
int i;
bool * visit = new bool[g.vexnum];
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
visit[i] = false;
cout << "图的DFS遍历结果:" << endl;
DFS_store_list(g, begin - 1, visit);
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
DFS_store_list(g, i, visit);
int main()
Graph_array g;
Graph_List G;
int i;
cout << "输入图的种类:" << endl;
cin >> g.kind; G.kind = g.kind;

cout << "输入图的顶点个数" << endl;
cin >> g.vexnum; G.vexnum = g.vexnum;

cout << "输入图的边的个数(输入时注意,无向图的边要比看的边乘以2,然后输入的记得把重复的边也要输进去)" << endl;
cin >> g.edge; G.edge = g.edge;

g.infromation = new string[g.vexnum];
G.node = new Vnode[G.vexnum];

cout << "输入每个顶点信息(如名称):" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
cin >> g.infromation[i];
G.node[i].data = g.infromation[i];
G.node[i].firstarc = NULL;

int ** edge_information;
edge_information = new int*[g.edge];

cout << "输入每条边两个顶点的编号:" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
edge_information[i] = new int[2];
cin >> edge_information[i][0];
cin >> edge_information[i][1];

int **arc; //邻接矩阵
cout << "图的邻接矩阵为:" << endl;
cout << endl;
DFS_array_travel(g, 1);
cout << endl;

createGraph_list(G, edge_information);
cout << "图的邻接表为:" << endl;
cout << endl;
DFS_list(G, 1);
cout << endl;
return 0;





2、BFS (广度优先搜索)



using namespace std;

struct Graph_array {
int vexnum;  //图的顶点数
int edge;    //图的边数
int ** arc;  //邻接矩阵
int kind;    //0,为有向图,1,为无向图
string * infromation; //表示每个顶点的信息

void createGraph_by_array(int **edge, Graph_array & g) {
int i = 0;
g.arc = new int*[g.vexnum];//为邻接矩阵开辟空间
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++)
g.arc[i] = new int[g.vexnum];
for (int j = 0; j < g.vexnum; j++)
g.arc[i][j] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
g.arc[edge[i][0] - 1][edge[i][1] - 1] = 1;
void print_array(Graph_array g) {

int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <g.vexnum; i++) {
//cout << g.infromation[i] << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < g.vexnum; j++) {
cout << g.arc[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;

void BFS_array_travel(Graph_array g, int begin) {
bool * visit;
visit = new bool[g.vexnum];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
visit[i] = false;
cout << "图的BFS遍历结果:" << endl;
queue<int>  q;
for (int v =
0; v < g.vexnum; v++) {//这重循环是为了保证非连通同的情况下,每个顶点都可以被访问
if (!visit[(begin-1 + v) % g.vexnum])//注意起点不一定是v1
cout << g.infromation[(begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum] << " ";
visit[(begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum] = true;
q.push((begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum);//初始化我们的队列
while (!q.empty())
int u = q.front();
for (int j = 0; j < g.vexnum; j++) {
if (g.arc[u][j] == 0 || g.arc[u][j] == INT_MAX) { //如果两个顶点不存在边
else if (!visit[j] ) {//先访问所有和u相连的顶点,并且把它们加入队列
cout << g.infromation[j] << " ";
visit[j] = true;

cout << "完成" << endl;


struct ArcNode {
int adfvex;//表示该边的另外一个顶点在顶点表中的下标
ArcNode * next; //表示依附在该顶点的下一条边的信息
struct Vnode {
string data; //记录基本信息i
ArcNode * firstarc;//记录第一条依附在该顶点的边
struct Graph_List {
int vexnum;  //图的顶点数
int edge;    //图的边数
Vnode * node;  //邻接表
int kind;    //0,为有向图,1,为无向图
void createGraph_list(Graph_List & g, int **edge) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
ArcNode * next = new ArcNode;
next->adfvex = edge[i][1] - 1;
next->next = NULL;
if (g.node[edge[i][0] - 1].firstarc == NULL) {
g.node[edge[i][0] - 1].firstarc = next;
else {//寻找链表的最后一个结点
ArcNode * now;
now = g.node[edge[i][0] - 1].firstarc;
while (now->next) {
now = now->next;
now->next = next;
void print_list(Graph_List g) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
cout << g.node[i].data << " ";
ArcNode * now;
now = g.node[i].firstarc;
while (now) {
cout << now->adfvex << " ";
now = now->next;
cout << endl;

void BFS_list(Graph_List g, int begin) {
int i;
bool * visit = new bool[g.vexnum];
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
visit[i] = false;
cout << "图的BFS遍历结果:" << endl;
queue<int>  q;
for (int v = 0; v < g.vexnum; v++) {
if (!visit[(begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum])//注意起点不一定是v1
cout << g.node[(begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum].data << " ";
visit[(begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum] = true;
q.push((begin - 1 + v) % g.vexnum);//初始化我们的队列
while (!q.empty())
int u = q.front();
ArcNode * next;
next = g.node[u].firstarc;//获得依附在该顶点的第一条边的信息
while (next) {//遍历该链表上的所有的点
if (!visit[next->adfvex]) {
cout << g.node[next->adfvex].data << " ";
visit[next->adfvex] = true;
next = next->next;
int main()
Graph_array g;
Graph_List G;
int i;
cout << "输入图的种类:" << endl;
cin >> g.kind; G.kind = g.kind;

cout << "输入图的顶点个数" << endl;
cin >> g.vexnum; G.vexnum = g.vexnum;

cout << "输入图的边的个数" << endl;
cin >> g.edge; G.edge = g.edge;

g.infromation = new string[g.vexnum];
G.node = new Vnode[G.vexnum];

cout << "输入每个顶点信息(如名称):" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < g.vexnum; i++) {
cin >> g.infromation[i];
G.node[i].data = g.infromation[i];
G.node[i].firstarc = NULL;

int ** edge_information;
edge_information = new int*[g.edge];

cout << "输入每条边两个顶点的编号:" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < g.edge; i++)
edge_information[i] = new int[2];
cin >> edge_information[i][0];
cin >> edge_information[i][1];

int **arc; //邻接矩阵
createGraph_by_array(edge_information, g);
cout << "图的邻接矩阵为:" << endl;
cout << endl;
BFS_array_travel(g, 1);
cout << endl;

createGraph_list(G, edge_information);
cout << "图的邻接表为:" << endl;
cout << endl;
BFS_list(G, 1);
cout << endl;
return 0;




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标签:  数据结构 dfs 算法 BFS