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public Bagging() {

m_Classifier = new weka.classifiers.trees.REPTree();





(protected intm_BagSizePercent = 100;

protected boolean m_CalcOutOfBag = false;

protected double m_OutOfBagError;

public voidbuildClassifier(Instances
data) throwsException{}

public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throwsException{}

public static void
main(String[] argv) {

runClassifier(newBagging(), argv);



(protected int m_Seed = 1;)


(protected Classifier[]

protected intm_NumIterations = 10;

public voidbuildClassifier(Instancesdata)
throws Exception{

if (m_Classifier == null) {

throw newException("A base classifier has not been specified!");


m_Classifiers = Classifier.makeCopies(m_Classifier,m_NumIterations);



(protected Classifierm_Classifier = new ZeroR();

public void setClassifier(ClassifiernewClassifier){}

public Classifier getClassifier(){}

protected String getClassifierSpec(){}


(protectedboolean m_Debug = false;

publicabstract voidbuildClassifier(Instances
data) throwsException;

public double
classifyInstance(Instance instance) throwsException{}

public double[]
distributionForInstance(Instance instance)throws Exception{}

public static Classifier forName(StringclassifierName, String[] options) throws Exception{}

public static Classifier
makeCopy(Classifier model) throws Exception{}

public static Classifier[] makeCopies(Classifier model, int num) throwsException{}

protected static void
runClassifier(Classifier classifier, String[]options){}


ZeroR——> Classifier

Protected Classifier m_Classifier = newZeroR();


Ø 使用父类类型的引用指向子类的对象;

Ø 该引用只能调用父类中定义的方法和变量;

Ø 如果子类中重写了父类中的一个方法,那么在调用这个方法的时候,将会调用子类中的这个方法;(动态连接、动态调用)

Ø 变量不能被重写(覆盖),”重写“的概念只针对方法,如果在子类中”重写“了父类中的变量,那么在编译时会报错。





² abstract修饰类,会使这个类成为一个抽象类,这个类将不能生成对象实例,可以做为对象变量声明的类型,也就是编译时类型,抽象类就像当于一类的半成品,需要子类继承并覆盖其中的抽象方法。

² abstract修饰方法,会使这个方法变成抽象方法,声明(定义)而没有实现,实现部分以";"代替。需要子类继承实现(覆盖)。

² abstract修饰符在修饰类时必须放在类名前。

² abstract修饰方法就是要求其子类覆盖(实现)这个方法。调用时可以以多态方式调用子类覆盖(实现)后的方法,也就是说抽象方法必须在其子类中实现,除非子类本身也是抽象类。

² 父类是抽象类,有抽象方法,子类继承父类,并把父类中的所有抽象方法都实现(覆盖),抽象类中有构造方法,是子类在构造子类对象时需要调用的父类(抽象类)的构造方法。



public static void main(String[] argv) {
runClassifier(new Bagging(), argv);


public Bagging() {
m_Classifier = new weka.classifiers.trees.REPTree();


① 处理数据

public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {

// can classifier handle the data?

// remove instances with missing class
data = new Instances(data);

② 调用父类buildClassifier()方法

super.buildClassifier(data);  //调用父类的方法:【IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer】中的【buildClassifier()】



public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {

if (m_Classifier == null) {
throw new Exception("A base classifier has not been specified!");
m_Classifiers = Classifier.makeCopies(m_Classifier, m_NumIterations);

③在m_CalcOutOfBag为真且m_BagSizePercent = 100时,准备计算OOB 及抽样数据

if (m_CalcOutOfBag && (m_BagSizePercent != 100)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bag size needs to be 100% if "
+ "out-of-bag error is to be calculated!");

int bagSize = (int) (data.numInstances() * (m_BagSizePercent / 100.0));
Random random = new Random(m_Seed);

boolean[][] inBag = null;    //inBag:一行代表一种分类器的抽样样本情况
if (m_CalcOutOfBag)
inBag = new boolean[m_Classifiers.length][];   //[m_Classifiers.length]为Classifier[]数组长度,即分类器的个数

for (int j = 0; j < m_Classifiers.length; j++) {
Instances bagData = null;

// create the in-bag dataset
if (m_CalcOutOfBag) {       //计算OOB时,inBag为二维数组存取样本采样情况
inBag[j] = new boolean[data.numInstances()];
// bagData = resampleWithWeights(data, random, inBag[j]);
bagData = data.resampleWithWeights(random, inBag[j]);   //[resampleWithWeights]有放回采样数据
} else {                    //不计算OOB时也没必要用inBag了
bagData = data.resampleWithWeights(random);             //[resampleWithWeights]有放回采样数据
if (bagSize < data.numInstances()) {
Instances newBagData = new Instances(bagData, 0, bagSize);
bagData = newBagData;

if (m_Classifier instanceof Randomizable) {   //Randomizable接口:设置seed
((Randomizable) m_Classifiers[j]).setSeed(random.nextInt());

④ 构建分类树,选择m_Classifier所为分类器的分类方法,默认为REPTree方法

// build the classifier
m_Classifiers[j].buildClassifier(bagData);   //构建分类树,调用m_Classifier所为分类器的buildClassifier()方法

⑤ 计算OOB误差情况

// calc OOB error?
if (getCalcOutOfBag()) {
double outOfBagCount = 0.0;
double errorSum = 0.0;
boolean numeric = data.classAttribute().isNumeric();

for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
double vote;
double[] votes;
if (numeric)
votes = new double[1];  //数值型求均值,一个数组单元
votes = new double[data.numClasses()];  //枚举型需要投票

// determine predictions for instance
int voteCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < m_Classifiers.length; j++) {
if (inBag[j][i])  //寻找未被抽到的样本实例,用来计算OOB

// double pred = m_Classifiers[j].classifyInstance(data.instance(i));
if (numeric) {   //数值型
// votes[0] += pred;
votes[0] += m_Classifiers[j].classifyInstance(data.instance(i));  //数值型直接把预测结果累加
} else {
// votes[(int) pred]++;
double[] newProbs = m_Classifiers[j].distributionForInstance(data.instance(i));
// average the probability estimates
for (int k = 0; k < newProbs.length; k++) {
votes[k] += newProbs[k];    //枚举型要累加枚举概率

// "vote"
if (numeric) {
vote = votes[0];
if (voteCount > 0) {
vote /= voteCount; // average  算数均值
} else {
if (Utils.eq(Utils.sum(votes), 0)) {
} else {
Utils.normalize(votes);   //归一化
vote = Utils.maxIndex(votes); // predicted class  选出最大的index

// error for instance
outOfBagCount += data.instance(i).weight();  //累加权重
if (numeric) {
errorSum += StrictMath.abs(vote - data.instance(i).classValue())*data.instance(i).weight(); //累加错误偏差
} else {
if (vote != data.instance(i).classValue())
errorSum += data.instance(i).weight();   //枚举型对出错进行计数

m_OutOfBagError = errorSum / outOfBagCount;
} else {
m_OutOfBagError = 0;   //不计算OOB了




* Bagging method.
* @param data the training data to be used for generating the bagged
* classifier.
* @throws Exception if the classifier could not be built successfully
public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {

// can classifier handle the data?

// remove instances with missing class
data = new Instances(data);

super.buildClassifier(data); //调用父类的方法:【IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer】中的【buildClassifier()】
if (m_CalcOutOfBag && (m_BagSizePercent != 100)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bag size needs to be 100% if " + "out-of-bag error is to be calculated!"); } int bagSize = (int) (data.numInstances() * (m_BagSizePercent / 100.0)); Random random = new Random(m_Seed); boolean[][] inBag = null; //inBag:一行代表一种分类器的抽样样本情况 if (m_CalcOutOfBag) inBag = new boolean[m_Classifiers.length][]; //[m_Classifiers.length]为Classifier[]数组长度,即分类器的个数 for (int j = 0; j < m_Classifiers.length; j++) { Instances bagData = null; // create the in-bag dataset if (m_CalcOutOfBag) { //计算OOB时,inBag为二维数组存取样本采样情况 inBag[j] = new boolean[data.numInstances()]; // bagData = resampleWithWeights(data, random, inBag[j]); bagData = data.resampleWithWeights(random, inBag[j]); //[resampleWithWeights]有放回采样数据 } else { //不计算OOB时也没必要用inBag了 bagData = data.resampleWithWeights(random); //[resampleWithWeights]有放回采样数据 if (bagSize < data.numInstances()) { bagData.randomize(random); Instances newBagData = new Instances(bagData, 0, bagSize); bagData = newBagData; } } if (m_Classifier instanceof Randomizable) { //Randomizable接口:设置seed ((Randomizable) m_Classifiers[j]).setSeed(random.nextInt()); }
// build the classifier m_Classifiers[j].buildClassifier(bagData); //构建分类树,调用m_Classifier所为分类器的buildClassifier()方法 }

// calc OOB error? if (getCalcOutOfBag()) { double outOfBagCount = 0.0; double errorSum = 0.0; boolean numeric = data.classAttribute().isNumeric(); for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { double vote; double[] votes; if (numeric) votes = new double[1]; //数值型求均值,一个数组单元 else votes = new double[data.numClasses()]; //枚举型需要投票 // determine predictions for instance int voteCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < m_Classifiers.length; j++) { if (inBag[j][i]) //寻找未被抽到的样本实例,用来计算OOB continue; voteCount++; // double pred = m_Classifiers[j].classifyInstance(data.instance(i)); if (numeric) { //数值型 // votes[0] += pred; votes[0] += m_Classifiers[j].classifyInstance(data.instance(i)); //数值型直接把预测结果累加 } else { // votes[(int) pred]++; double[] newProbs = m_Classifiers[j].distributionForInstance(data.instance(i)); // average the probability estimates for (int k = 0; k < newProbs.length; k++) { votes[k] += newProbs[k]; //枚举型要累加枚举概率 } } } // "vote" if (numeric) { vote = votes[0]; if (voteCount > 0) { vote /= voteCount; // average 算数均值 } } else { if (Utils.eq(Utils.sum(votes), 0)) { } else { Utils.normalize(votes); //归一化 } vote = Utils.maxIndex(votes); // predicted class 选出最大的index } // error for instance outOfBagCount += data.instance(i).weight(); //累加权重 if (numeric) { errorSum += StrictMath.abs(vote - data.instance(i).classValue())*data.instance(i).weight(); //累加错误偏差 } else { if (vote != data.instance(i).classValue()) errorSum += data.instance(i).weight(); //枚举型对出错进行计数 } } m_OutOfBagError = errorSum / outOfBagCount; } else { m_OutOfBagError = 0; //不计算OOB了 } }

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