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CVPR 2017-01-23

2017-01-28 11:35 267 查看
[1] arXiv:1701.05847 [pdf, ps, other]

End-To-End Visual Speech Recognition With LSTMs


Stavros Petridis, Zuwei Li, Maja Pantic

Comments: Accepted for publication, ICASSP 2017

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL)

[2] arXiv:1701.05766 [pdf, other]

A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Similar Trademark Retrieval


Osman Tursun, Cemal Aker, Sinan Kalkan

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[3] arXiv:1701.05748 [pdf, other]

Robust Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of RGB-D Cameras


Filippo Basso, Emanuele Menegatti, Alberto Pretto

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)

[4] arXiv:1701.05703 [pdf, ps, other]

Automatic Generation of Typographic Font from a Small Font Subset


Tomo Miyazaki, Tatsunori Tsuchiya, Yoshihiro Sugaya, Shinichiro Omachi, Masakazu Iwamura, Seiichi Uchida, Koichi Kise

Comments: 12 pages, 17 figures

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[5] arXiv:1701.05676 [pdf, other]

Efficient Feature Matching by Progressive Candidate Search


Sehyung Lee, Jongwoo Lim, Il Hong Suh

Comments: 9 pages including 1 references, 9 figures, 2 tables

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[6] arXiv:1701.05652 [pdf, other]

Dual Recovery Network with Online Compensation for Image Super-Resolution


Sifeng Xia, Wenhan Yang, Tiesong Zhao, Jiaying Liu

Comments: submitted to ICME

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[7] arXiv:1701.05616 [pdf, other]

Holistic Interstitial Lung Disease Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Multi-label Learning and Unordered Pooling


Mingchen Gao, Ziyue Xu, Le Lu, Adam P. Harrison, Ronald M. Summers, Daniel J. Mollura

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[8] arXiv:1701.05595 [pdf]

Fast and Efficient Skin Detection for Facial Detection


Mohammad Reza Mahmoodi

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[9] arXiv:1701.05588 [pdf]

High Performance Novel Skin Segmentation Algorithm for Images With Complex Background


Mohammad Reza Mahmoodi

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)

[10] arXiv:1701.05818 (cross-list from cs.NE) [pdf, other]

Fusion of Heterogeneous Data in Convolutional Networks for Urban Semantic Labeling (Invited Paper)


Nicolas Audebert (Palaiseau, OBELIX), Bertrand Le Saux (Palaiseau), Sébastien Lefèvre (OBELIX)

Comments: Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Mar 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2017

Subjects: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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标签:  语音识别 可视化