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2017-01-16 16:11 1171 查看

sudo pip install wmic    
sudo pip install wmic-client-wrapper

python 中代码
import wmi_client_wrapper as wmi
wmic = wmi.WmiClientWrapper(username="Administrator",password="P@ssw0rd",host="")

wmic -U Administrator%P@ssw0rd // "Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk"



$ sudo aptitude install autoconf


cd /data/tools/
wget http://www.openvas.org/download/wmi/wmi-1.3.14.tar.bz2
bzip2 -cd wmi-1.3.14.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
cd wmi-1.3.14/
sudo make 
//sudo make "CPP=gcc -E -ffreestanding"
sudo cp Samba/source/bin/wmic /usr/local/bin/


Usage: wmic -U user%password //host "query"

注:需要安装gcc    需要安装autoconf和automake

tar -zxvf autoconf-2.69.tar.gz 
cd autoconf-2.69
make install

tar -zxvf automake-1.14.tar.gz 
cd automake-1.14
make install


WMIC is a useful tool in the world of remote management, and more specifically tracking the performance of Windows machines, so I thought I’d show how I got it installed on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS – Desktop. This should work fine on most other versions of Ubuntu
as well, but please comment if it did not.

Step 1 – Install autoconf which is used in the compilation process

sudo apt-get install autoconf

Step 2 – Download the ‘wmic’ source (I will work in my ‘Downloads’ directory)

cd ~/Downloads
wget http://www.openvas.org/download/wmi/wmi-1.3.14.tar.bz2

Step 3 – Untar the source

tar -xvf wmi-1.3.14.tar.bz2

Step 4 – Go into the directory and add a line of text to the top of ‘GNUmakefile’

#Go into the directory where the files were untarred tocd wmi-1.4.14/ #or whatever version you installed

#Edit 'GNUmakefile' and add the following at the top (just after the License Info)ZENHOME=../..

Step 5 – Compile

sudo make

#Now grab a magazine or something - this can take a few minutes

#After a while you 'might' get something like this - I did
cp: target `../../lib/python' is not a directory
make: *** [pywmi-installed] Error 1

#wmic is already compiled and usable at this stage so it's not an issue. Proceed to Step 6

Step 6 – Test wmic

#In the ~/Downloads/wmi-1.3.14/ directory you will find a file named 'bin'. Create a copy of this file and name it wmiccp bin wmic

#Test it #./wmic -U[user]%[password] //[host/ip] "[WMI Query]"
./wmic -Utestuser%tstpass // "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem"

#Output should be similar to this:
CLASS: Win32_OperatingSystem
\Device\HarddiskVolume1|3790|Uniprocessor Free|Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition|1252|1|Win32_OperatingSystem|Win32_ComputerSystem||WIN2003-VM-HS|120|False||False|168|2|779280|2348260|3127540|20121101081525.000000+120|1|20121101090258.411875+120|20121105103817.505000+120|0409|Microsoft Corporation|4294967295|2097024|Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1|5|46|4|Sintrex Integration Services (Pty) Ltd|1033|274|18|(null)|False|(null)|(null)|True|3|0|0|Test User|69763-011-6394922-43753|0|0|2527020|OK|274|\Device\HarddiskVolume1|C:\WINDOWS\system32|C:|0|3575072|1048052|5.2.3790|C:\WINDOWS

Step 7 – Copy wmic to /usr/bin so you can use it from anywhere

sudo cp wmic /usr/bin/

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