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2017-01-14 15:56 405 查看
本文主要是对维基百科的翻译,原文Message authentication code

In cryptography(密码学), a message authentication code (MAC) is a short piece of information used to authenticate(鉴定) a message—in other words, to confirm that the message came from the stated(特定的、规定的) sender (its authenticity(可靠性、真实性))
and has not been changed in transit(在途中) (its integrity(完整性))。也就是说MAC用来保证消息的完整性,之前的文章"消息摘要及其算法扫盲贴"也提到过消息摘要也可以保证消息完整性。消息摘要和消息认证码有什么区别呢?后面我们再看这个问题。

A MAC algorithm, sometimes called a keyed (cryptographic加密的) hash function (which is somewhat misleading(误导性的), since a cryptographic hash function is only one of the possible ways to generate a MAC), accepts as input a secret key and an arbitrary(任意的)-length
message to be authenticated, and outputs a MAC (sometimes known as a tag). The MAC value protects both a message's data integrity as well as its authenticity, by allowing verifiers(核验者) (who also possess(拥有) the secret key) to detect(探测) any changes to the
message content.也就是说:MAC是通过mac算法+秘钥+消息生成的。mac算法其实有很多种,不过最常用的还是hash算法,比如MD5、SHA等。用hash算法作为mac算法,通过计算得到的mac,也就是HMAC,所以MAC与HMAC没有太大差别。


MACs differ from digital signatures(数字签名) as MAC values are both generated and verified using the same secret key. This implies that the sender and receiver of a message must agree on the same key before initiating communications,
as is the case with symmetric encryption(对称加密). For the same reason, MACs do not provide the property of non-repudiation(不可抵赖性) offered by signatures specifically in the case of a network-wide(网络范围) shared secret key: any user who can verify a MAC is also
capable(有能力的) of generating MACs for other messages. In contrast(作为对比), a digital signature is generated using the private key of a key pair, which is public-key cryptography(公钥密码体制). Since this private key is only accessible to its holder, a digital signature
proves that a document was signed by none other than that holder. Thus, digital signatures do offer non-repudiation. However, non-repudiation can be provided by systems that securely(安全地) bind key(关键的) usage information to the MAC key; the same key is in the
possession of two people, but one has a copy of the key that can be used for MAC generation while the other has a copy of the key in a hardware security module that only permits MAC verification. This is commonly done in the finance industry(金融业).也就是说:MAC不能保证消息的不可抵赖性,而数字签名可以保证。因为数字签名使用的是公钥密码体制,私钥只有你自己才知道;而MAC使用对称加密,既然一方能够验证你的MAC,就能够伪造你的MAC,因为发送方和接收方的秘钥是一样的。当然如果你在MAC中绑定一些关键信息,并通过某些手段,让一方只能生成MAC,另一方只能验证MAC,其实也是可以实现签名效果的。
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