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brox optic flow matlab代码

2017-01-03 14:42 211 查看
function [u, v] = optic_flow_brox(img1, img2)

img1 = imread('frame07.png');

img2 = imread('frame08.png');

alpha = 30.0 ; % Global smoothness variable.

gamma = 80.0 ; % Global weight for derivatives.

[ht, wt, dt] = size( img1 ) ;

num_levels = 40 ; % for face; Number of pyramid levels. Can also be calculated automatically

%power(0.95,40) = 0.1285

im1_hr = gaussianRescaling( img1, power( 0.95, num_levels ) ) ; % Rescaling images

im2_hr = gaussianRescaling( img2, power( 0.95, num_levels ) ) ; % to the top of the

% laplacian pyramid.

u = zeros(size(rgb2gray(im1_hr))); % Initialization.

v = zeros(size(rgb2gray(im1_hr)));

for i = num_levels-1 : -1 : 1

I1 = rgb2gray(im1_hr) ;

I2 = rgb2gray(im2_hr) ;

% Computing derivatives.

[Ikx Iky] = imgGrad( I2 ) ;

[Ikx2 Iky2] = imgGrad( I1 ) ;

Ikz = double(I2) - double(I1) ;

Ixz = double(Ikx) - double(Ikx2) ;

Iyz = double(Iky) - double(Iky2) ;

% Calling the processing for a particular resolution.

% Last two arguments are the outer and inner iterations, respectively.

% 1.8 is the omega value for the SOR iteration.

[du, dv] = resolutionProcess_brox( Ikz, Ikx, Iky, Ixz, Iyz, alpha, gamma, 1.8, u, v, 3, 500 ) ;

% Adding up the optical flow.

u = u + du ;

v = v + dv ;

im1_hr = gaussianRescaling( img1, power( 0.95, i ) ) ;

im2_hr = gaussianRescaling( img2, power( 0.95, i ) ) ;

im2_orig = im2_hr ; % Original image without warping for comparison.

% Resize optical flow to current resolution.

u = imresize( u, [size(im1_hr, 1), size(im1_hr, 2)], 'bilinear' ) ;

v = imresize( v, [size(im1_hr, 1), size(im1_hr, 2)], 'bilinear' ) ;

im2_hr = uint8( mywarp_rgb( double( im2_hr ), u, v ) ) ; % taking im1_hr closer to im2_hr.

% Displaying relevant figures.


subplot(3, 3, 1); imshow(im1_hr) ;

subplot(3, 3, 2); imshow(rgb2gray(im2_hr)) ;

subplot(3, 3, 3); imshow(rgb2gray(im2_orig)) ;

subplot(3, 3, 4); imshow(uint8(double(im1_hr)-double(im2_hr))) ;

subplot(3, 3, 5); imshow(uint8(double(im1_hr)-double(im2_orig))) ;

subplot(3, 3, 6); imshow(uint8(double(im2_hr)-double(im2_orig))) ;

subplot(3, 3, 7); imagesc(u) ;

subplot(3, 3, 8); imagesc(v) ;

subplot(3, 3, 9); imagesc(sqrt(u.^2 + v.^2)) ;

%imagesc 数据标定然后显示成图片

% pause;


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标签:  matlab opticalflow brox