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MVC WebAPI 三层分布式框架开发

2016-11-23 17:20 316 查看

前言:SOA(面向服务的架构)是目前企业应用开发过程中普遍采用的技术,基于MVC WebAPI三层分布式框架开发,以此适用于企业信息系统的业务处理,是本文论述的重点。此外,插件技术的应用,富客户端jQuery实现技术,本文也对其具体实现做以说明。相关示例解决方案可以参考GitHub资源,在文章结尾给出。

1. 系统分层体系架构设计





2.1 数据访问:Dapper-微型ORMapping框架

3,Dapper支持Mysql,SqlLite,Mssql,Oracle等一系列的数据库,当然如果你知道原理也可以让它支持Mongo db
4,Dapper的r支持多表并联的对象。支持一对多 多对多的关系。并且没侵入性,想用就用,不想用就不用。无XML无属性。代码以前怎么写现在还怎么写。

6,Dapper 是C#实现,支持.net framework 各种版本;

–StackOverflow, StackExcahnge等。。。


2.2 DataRepository类


2.3 ServiceBase类


2.4 服务实现类


2.5 WebAPI服务发布

API Controller





2.6 动态加载插件


2.7 AutoMapper—实体对象之间转换

–EPProduct – 数据实体
–Product– 业务实体
–EPProduct p =ProductRepository.Get(long.Parse(id));
–AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<EPProduct, Product>();
–Productentity =AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<EPProduct, Product>(p)

2.8 面向接口编程--Ioc框架



3.1 Asp.NETMVC 富客户端开发

–WebAPI (服务接口)

–Ajax 局部刷新
– 鼠标、键盘响应事件等

3.2 Jquery插件

•Layout—Jquery Layout
•DataGrid – SlickGrid –性能非常高
•Tree– Jstree/Ztree –评价都不错
•Tab– Jquery Tools
•Toolbar– Jquery Tools
•Dialog– Jquery Tools
•Form–Jquery Tools

3.3 前端页面Ajax调用:

[javascript] view plain copy


* HttpGet获取服务端数据

* @url 业务数据

* @data


$.doHttpClientGet = function(url, fn) {

$.getJSON(url, fn);



* HttpPut更新数据到服务端

* @url 业务数据

* @data


$.doHttpClientUpdate = function(url, data, fn) {


url: url,

type: 'PUT',

data: data,

dataType: 'json',

contentType: 'application/json',

success: fn




* HttpDelete删除数据

* @url 业务数据

* @data


$.doHttpClientDelete = function(url, data, fn) {


url: url,

type: 'DELETE',

data: data,

dataType: 'json',

contentType: 'application/json',

success: fn




* HttpPost保存数据

* @url 业务数据

* @data


$.doHttpClientSave = function(url, data, fn) {


url: url,

type: 'POST',

data: data,

dataType: 'json',

contentType: 'application/json',

success: fn




* ajax获取服务端数据

* @url 业务数据

* @data


$.doAjaxGet = function(url, fn) {

//$.getJSON(url, fn);


url: url,

type: "GET",

dataType: 'json',

//data: data,

contentType: 'application/json',

success: fn



$.doAjaxPost = function(url, data, fn) {


url: url,

type: 'POST',

data: data,

dataType: 'json',

contentType: 'application/json',

success: fn




$.buildHTML = function(tag, html, attrs) {

// you can skip html param

if (typeof (html) != 'string') {

attrs = html;

html = null;


var h = '<' + tag;

for (attr in attrs) {

if (attrs[attr] === false) continue;

h += ' ' + attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '"';


return h += html ? ">" + html + "</" + tag + ">" : "/>";



$.fn.buildJsTree = function (url, fn) {

var object = require(['jstree'], function(){

$.jstree._themes = "/PlatJS/Scripts/jstree/themes/";

var myTree = $(this).jstree({

"json_data": {

"ajax": {

"url": url,

"type": "GET",

"dataType": "json",

"contentType": "application/json charset=utf-8",

"success": fn



"plugins": ["themes", "json_data", "ui"]




3.4 如何调试?


FireBug for Firefox


Firefox的RestClient插件—Rest Client测试插件



public HttpResponseMessageInsertWith(Order entity, string type)



public HttpResponseMessage Delete(string id)

3.5 Web异常错误代码

•100-199– Informational
•200-299– Client request successful
•300-399– Client request redirected, further action necessary
•400-499– Client request incomplete
•500-599– Server error

4. Javascript 类语法
4.1 常见问题
•SelfExecuting Fuction (自执行匿名函数)
•Objectand Array (对象和数组初始化)
–不要使用new 关键字
•NullOr Empty (检查NULL)

4.2 Javascript-自执行匿名函数

[javascript] view plain copy

//Self-Executing Anonymous Func: Part 2 (Public & Private)

(function( skillet, $, undefined ) {

//Private Property

var isHot = true;

//Public Property

skillet.ingredient = "Bacon Strips";

//Public Method

skillet.fry = function() {

var oliveOil;

addItem( "\t\n Butter \n\t" );

addItem( oliveOil );

console.log( "Frying " + skillet.ingredient );


//Private Method

function addItem( item ) {

if ( item !== undefined ) {

console.log( "Adding " + $.trim(item) );



}( window.skillet = window.skillet || {}, jQuery ));

<pre name="code" class="javascript">//Public Properties

console.log( skillet.ingredient ); //Bacon Strips

//Public Methods

skillet.fry(); //Adding Butter & Fraying Bacon Strips

//Adding a Public Property

skillet.quantity = "12";

console.log( skillet.quantity ); //12

//Adding New Functionality to the Skillet

(function( skillet, $, undefined ) {

//Private Property

var amountOfGrease = "1 Cup";

//Public Method

skillet.toString = function() {

console.log( skillet.quantity + " " +

skillet.ingredient + " & " +

amountOfGrease + " of Grease" );

console.log( isHot ? "Hot" : "Cold" );


}( window.skillet = window.skillet || {}, jQuery ));

try {

//12 Bacon Strips & 1 Cup of Grease

skillet.toString(); //Throws Exception

} catch( e ) {

console.log( e.message ); //isHot is not defined


[javascript] view plain copy


4.3 对象和数组初始化

[javascript] view plain copy


var person = {},

keys = [];


var person = {

firstName: "Elijah",

lastName: "Manor",

sayFullName: function() {

console.log( this.firstName + " " +

this.lastName );



keys = ["123", "676", "242", "4e3"];

4.4 判断对象是否为NULL(c#)

[csharp] view plain copy

// <span >C# 例子. 不要在Javascript中这样写</span>

if ( someString != null &&

someString.length > 0 ) {

//Do something here...


// C# 例子 检查字符串是否为空

if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(someString) ) {

//Do something here...


4.5 判断对象是否为NULL(javascript)

[javascript] view plain copy


// Simplified JavaScript syntax to check for

// undefined, null, & empty string values

if ( someString ) {

//Do something here...


4.6 设置缺省值(c#)

[csharp] view plain copy

<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">// C# 例子,不要在Javascript这样写</span>

if ( someString == null ) {

someString = "default Value";


// Slightly better, but don't do this either

someString = someString ? someString : "default value"; <pre name="code" class="javascript">请在Javascript按如下格式写

// JavaScript syntax to set a default value

someString = someString || "default value";

4.7 不同类型的比较操作符(==, !=)

•// Unexpected Comparisons using the== Operator
•0 == '' //true
•0 == '0' //true
•false == '0' //true
•null == undefined //true
•'\t\r\n ' == 0 //true

4.8 不同类型的比较操作符(===, !==)

•// Expected Comparisons using the ===Operator
•0 === '' //false
•0 === '0' //false
•false === '0' //false
•null === undefined //false
•'\t\r\n ' === 0 //false

4.9 不可取的数组遍历操作符for…in

[csharp] view plain copy

var myArray = [], name;

myArray[5] = "test";

console.log( myArray.length ); //6

for ( name in myArray ) {

console.log( name, myArray[name] );


// 5, test


4.10 正确的数组遍历操作符for…;…;

[javascript] view plain copy

var myArray = [], name;

myArray[5] = "test";

console.log( myArray.length ); //6

for ( var i = 0, length = myArray.length; i < length; i++ ) {

console.log( i, myArray[i] );


// 0, undefined

// 1, undefined

// 2, undefined

// 3, undefined

// 4, undefined

// 5, test


[javascript] view plain copy

for ( var name in object ) {

//Your code here


/* Check if object has property before

iterating, because functions inherited

from prototype are also included */

for ( var name in object ) {

if ( object.hasOwnProperty(name) ) {

//Your code here



5. RequireJS 模块化脚本
RequireJS 是一个非常小巧的 JavaScript 模块载入框架,是 AMD 规范最好的实现者之一。最新版本的 RequireJS 压缩后只有 14K,堪称非常轻量。它还同时可以和其他的框架协同工作,使用 RequireJS 必将使的前端代码质量得以提升。

RequireJS 作为 JavaScript 文件的加载器,还是可以完成异步非阻塞的文件加载。

[javascript] view plain copy

define(['Controllers/Main/ListView'], function (ListView) {

function start() {

var users = JSON.parse(localStorage.users);

ListView.render({ users: users });


return {

start: start



6. 网络资源
6.1 NuGet—快捷获取软件包


6.2 技术资源

•Asp.net MVC WebAPI
–RestfulWeb Service的发展
–微型ORMapping 框架

7. 总结:
本文基于MVC WebAPI实现分布式三层架构,实现了通用数据访问操作,业务实体和数据实体的交互操作,业务模块之间的接口交互;实现了插件化的加载技术。此外限于篇幅,对于流程化的设计,会在下文论述,主要会谈及到工作流Api和WebApi的交互。




WebApplication 包括:











WebApi 包括:







解决方案下载地址: https://github.com/besley/Plat2012
新版本下载: http://github.com/besley/slickone
不断有朋友问到,是否有新版本?是否支持ORACLE?目前在最新的版本里已经解决这些问题。你可以在Slickflow的项目里面看到,即仍然是Mvc, WebApi和Dapper的架构,但是简化甚多,真是物至简方可尽其用,希望大家一起学习讨论。谢谢大家关注。
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