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Scala Reflection - Mirrors,ClassTag,TypeTag and WeakTypeTag

2016-10-28 09:38 357 查看
    反射reflection是程序对自身的检查、验证甚至代码修改功能。反射可以通过它的Reify功能来实时自动构建生成静态的Scala实例如:类(class)、方法(method)、表达式(expression)等。或者动态跟踪当前程序运算事件如:方法运算(method invocation)、字段引用(field access)等。反射又分编译时段与运算时段反射即:compile-time-reflection及runtime-reflection。我们使用compile-time-reflection在编译程序时指导编译器修改编译中代码或者产生新的代码,用runtime-reflection来进行实例的类型匹配、验证等。在v2.10之前,Scala没有自备的Reflection工具库,只能用Java
Reflection库提供的部分功能来动态检验类型(class)或对象(object)及使用它们的字段(member access)。但java-reflection无法提供对某些scala项目的支持如:function、trait以及特殊类型如:existential、high-kinder、path-dependent、abstract types。特别是java-reflection无法获取泛类型在runtime过程中的信息,这个一直是一个诟病。直到scala2.10增加了新的reflection库才从根本上解决了针对scala特性的反射(refective)功能问题。scala-reflection同样提供了compile-time-reflection和runtime-reflection。其中compile-time-reflection是通过独立的macro库实现的。在这篇讨论里我们主要介绍runtime-reflection功能。

scala runtime-reflection有以下几项主要功能:





runtime-reflection     : scala.reflect.runtime.universe

compile-time-reflection: scala.reflect.macros.universe



val ru = scala.reflect.runtime.universe
//runtime reflection入口
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)  //m: ru.Mirror = JavaMirror with java.net.URLClassLoader...
//sample class
class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
var hight: Double = 0.0
def getName = name
val john = new Person("John", 23) {
hight = 1.7
//instance mirror
val im = m.reflect(john)
//im: ru.InstanceMirror = instance mirror for...
//query method on instance
val mgetName = ru.typeOf[Person].decl(ru.TermName("getName")).asMethod
//mgetName: ru.MethodSymbol = method getName
//get method
val invoke_getName = im.reflectMethod(mgetName) //invoke_getName: ru.MethodMirror = ...
//res0: Any = John
//query field on instance
val fldHight = ru.typeOf[Person].decl(ru.TermName("hight")).asTerm
//fldHight: ru.TermSymbol = variable hight
//get field
val fmHight = im.reflectField(fldHight) //fmHight: ru.FieldMirror = ...
fmHight.get //res1: Any = 1.7
//res3: Any = 1.6
val clsP = ru.typeOf[Person].typeSymbol.asClass
//get class mirror
val cm = m.reflectClass(clsP)
//get constructor symbol
val ctorP = ru.typeOf[Person].decl(ru.nme.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
//get contructor mirror
val ctorm = cm.reflectConstructor(ctorP)
val mary = ctorm("mary", 20).asInstanceOf[Person]
println(mary.getName)    // mary
object OB {
def x = 3
//get object symbol
val objOB = ru.typeOf[OB.type].termSymbol.asModule
//get module mirror
val mOB = m.reflectModule(objOB)
//get object instance
val instOB = mOB.instance.asInstanceOf[OB.type]
println(instOB.x)  // 3


val clsP = ru.typeTag[Person].tpe.typeSymbol.asClass  //ru.typeOf[Person].typeSymbol.asClass
val clsP1 = implicitly[ru.TypeTag[Person]].tpe.typeSymbol.asClass //clsP1: ru.ClassSymbol = class Person
val clsP2 = ru.typeTag[Person].tpe.typeSymbol.asClass //clsP2: ru.ClassSymbol = class Person

讲到TypeTag[T],这本是一个由compiler产生的结构,可以把在编译时段(compile-time)类型T的所有信息带到运算时段(runtime)。主要目的可能是为了解决JVM在编译过程中的类型擦拭(type erasure)问题:在运算过程中可以从TypeTag[T]中获取T类型信息(通过typeTag[T]),最终实现类型T的对比验证等操作:

def getType[T: ru.TypeTag](obj: T) = ru.typeTag[T].tpe
//> getType: [T](obj: T)(implicit evidence$1: ru.TypeTag[T]) ru.Type
def getType2[T: ru.TypeTag](obj: T) = ru.typeOf[T]
//> getType2: [T](obj: T)(implicit evidence$2: ru.TypeTag[T]) ru.Type
getType(List(1,2)) =:= getType2(List(3,4))       //> res0: Boolean = true
getType(List(1,2)) =:= getType2(List(3.0,4.0))   //> res1: Boolean = false
getType(List(1,2)) =:= ru.typeOf[List[Int]]      //> res2: Boolean = true

以上是通过隐式参数(implicit parameters)或者上下文界线(context bound)来指示compiler产生TypeTag[T]结构的。


import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def extract[T: ClassTag](list: List[Any]) =  list.flatMap {
case elem: T => Some(elem)
case _ => None
}    //> extract: [T](list: List[Any])(implicit evidence$3: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T] )List[T]
extract[String](List(1,"One",2,3,"Four",List(5)))//> res4: List[String] = List(One, Four)


extract[List[Int]](List(List(1,2),List("a","b")))//> res5: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(a, b))


case elem: T >>> case elem @tag(_:T)

通过ClassTag[T]隐式实例(implicit instance)可以正确推导出elem的类型。在上面的例子里我们通过ClassTag得出T就是String。分析得出ClassTag可以分辨基础类型但无法分辨像List[Int],List[String]这样的高阶类型。

TypeTag包含了完整的类型信息可以分辨List[Int],List[String],甚至List[Set[Int]],List[Set[String]]这样的高阶类型。也就是TypeTag结构内包含了高阶类型内包嵌的类型,只有如此才能解决类型擦拭(type erasure)问题。我们用下面的例子来示范TypeTag的内容:

def getInnerType[T: ru.TypeTag](obj: T) = ru.typeTag[T].tpe match {
case ru.TypeRef(utype,usymb,args) =>
}      //> getInnerType: [T](obj: T)(implicit evidence$4: worksheets.reflect.ru.TypeTag[T])String
getInnerType(List(1,2))                          //> res6: String = scala.collection.immutable.type
//| class List
//| List(Int)
getInnerType(List(List(1,2)))                    //> res7: String = scala.collection.immutable.type
//| class List
//| List(List[Int])
getInnerType(Set(List(1,2)))                     //> res8: String = scala.collection.immutable.type
//| trait Set
//| List(List[Int])
getInnerType(List(Set("a","b")))                 //> res9: String = scala.collection.immutable.type
//| class List
//| List(scala.collection.immutable.Set[java.lang.String])


 def extract[T: ru.TypeTag](list: List[Any]) =  list.flatMap {
case elem: T => Some(elem)
case _ => None
} //> extract: [T](list: List[Any])(implicit evidence$3: ru.TypeTag[T])List[T]
extract[String](List(1,"One",2,3,"Four",List(5)))//> res4: List[String] = List(1, One, 2, 3, Four, List(5))
extract[List[Int]](List(List(1,2),List("a","b")))//> res5: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(a, b))


def meth[T: ru.TypeTag](xs: List[T]) = ru.typeTag[T].tpe match {
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[Int] => "list of integer"
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[List[String]] => "list of list of string"
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[Set[List[Int]]] => "list of set of list of integer"
case _ => "some other types"
}     //> meth: [T](xs: List[T])(implicit evidence$5: ru.TypeTag[T])String
meth(List(1,2,3))                                //> res10: String = list of integer
meth(List("a","b"))                              //> res11: String = some other types
meth(List(List("a","a")))                        //> res12: String = list of list of string
meth(List(Set(List(1,20))))                      //> res13: String = list of set of list of integer

1、ClassTag不适用于高阶类型:对于List[T],ClassTag只能分辨是个List,但无法获知T的类型。所以ClassTag不能用来解决类型擦拭(type erasure)问题



def meth[T: ru.WeakTypeTag](xs: List[T]) = ru.weakTypeTag[T].tpe match {
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[Int] => "list of integer"
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[List[String]] => "list of list of string"
case t if t =:= ru.typeOf[Set[List[Int]]] => "list of set of list of integer"
case _ => "some other types"
}      //> meth: [T](xs: List[T])(implicit evidence$5: ru.WeakTypeTag[T])String
meth(List(1,2,3))                                //> res10: String = list of integer
meth(List("a","b"))                              //> res11: String = some other types
meth(List(List("a","a")))                        //> res12: String = list of list of string
meth(List(Set(List(1,20))))                      //> res13: String = list of set of list of integer


// def foo[T] = ru.typeTag[T]         //> No TypeTag available for T
def foo[T] = ru.weakTypeTag[T]       //> foo: [T]=> worksheets.reflect.ru.WeakTypeTag[T]


abstract class SomeClass[T] {
def getInnerWeakType[T: ru.WeakTypeTag](obj: T) = ru.weakTypeTag[T].tpe match {
case ru.TypeRef(utype,usymb,args) =>
val list: List[T]
val result = getInnerWeakType(list)
val sc = new SomeClass[Int] { val list = List(1,2,3) }
//> sc  : SomeClass[Int]
println(sc.result)                                //> scala.type
//| type List
//| List(T)

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