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基于Weibo的Python SDK来访问Weibo账号信息

2016-10-21 15:41 357 查看
引言: Weibo做为中文世界中的媒体霸主,提供了丰富的API供各位开发者使用,这里将基于Python SDK来访问weibo的接口进行示例。
1.  Weibo API的介绍
    文档地址: http://open.weibo.com/wiki/%E5%BE%AE%E5%8D%9AAPI  
    前提条件: 注册微博账号,开发开发模式
    在微博 API之外,其实Weibo还有非常庞杂的使用场景,大家可以在其Open平台上自行阅读
2.  Weibo的Python SDK
     访问地址: http://github.liaoxuefeng.com/sinaweibopy/      其安装非常简单,可以利用Python的PIP直接进行安装, 也可以基于源码来安装。
pip install sinaweibopy3.  访问Weibo的代码示例    这里的代码访问功能关注的Weibo账户信息,并统计各个地区的关注对象分布,一共使用了3个API:
  获取国家信息  http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/common/get_country   获取省市信息  http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/common/get_province   获取关注对象信息   http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/friendships/friends     说明:  在关注对象中,有若干种情况,比如双向关注等,这里仅仅列举一种情况,其余的情况可以参照API使用,不在一一列举。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from weibo import APIClient
import webbrowser#python内置的包

APP_KEY = 'App Key'
APP_SECRET = '用户的app secret'
CALLBACK_URL = 'http://www.xxx.top/weibo'

client = APIClient(app_key=APP_KEY, app_secret=APP_SECRET, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL)
url = client.get_authorize_url()
print url

# Get the valid code from the browser, 这里在登陆之后,获取到的code,不清楚如何获取,可以参照我的上一篇blog
code = '399f66623d8e154b5fce40df21cd49b6'

r = client.request_access_token(code)
access_token = r.access_token # 新浪返回的token,类似abc123xyz456
expires_in = r.expires_in # token过期的UNIX时间

# 设置得到的access_token
client.set_access_token(access_token, expires_in)

## define the basic funciton
def parse_user(users):
print("trying parsing obj reference...")
for user in users:
provincestr = check_province_code(user['province'], "001")
print("provincestr: %s with %s" % (provincestr,str(provincestr in statis_result)))
if provincestr in statis_result:
statis_result[provincestr] = statis_result[provincestr]+1
statis_result[provincestr] = 1

def check_province_code(province, country):
num = len(province)

while num <3:
province = ''.join(['0',province])
num = num +1

return country + province

######## init the basic province/country
countrys = {}
## --- get country code and name
countrylist = client.common.get_country.get()
for country in countrylist:
for (code, name) in country.items():
countrys[code] = name
print "code/name:" + code + "/" + name

provinces = {}
### --- get province
provincelist = client.common.get_province.get(country="001", count=1000)
for province in provincelist:
for (code, name) in province.items():
provinces[code] = name
print "code/name in province:" + code + "/" + name

my_uid = u'1452797454'
statis_result = {}
next_cursor = 0

objRefs = client.friendships.friends.get(uid=my_uid, cursor=next_cursor, count=10)
next_cursor = objRefs.next_cursor

# next_cursor: 基于cursor来实现循环遍历所有的user元素
objRefs = client.friendships.friends.get(uid=my_uid, cursor=next_cursor)
# users array
users = objRefs.users


next_cursor = objRefs.next_cursor

for (key, num) in statis_result.items():
if key in provinces:
print("%s has %s friends" %(provinces[key], num))
print("%s (not matched) has %s friends" %(key, num))

for (key, num) in statis_result.items():
print("%s has %s friends" %(provinces[key], num))

4. 总结

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  python sdk api weibo 微博