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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (53-54)

2016-09-04 13:47 309 查看



Easy, easy. Easy. What do you remember? They stabbed me. Olly... he put a knife in my heart. I shouldn't be here. The lady brought you back. Afterwards, after they stabbed you, after you died, where did you go? What did you see?
Nothing. There was nothing at all. The Lord let you come back for a reason. Stannis was not the prince who was promised, but someone has to be. Could you give us a moment? You were dead. And now you're not. That's completely fucking mad, seems to me. I can
only imagine how it seems to you. I did what I thought was right. And I got murdered for it. And now I'm back. Why? I don't know. Maybe we'll never know. What does it matter? You go on. You fight for as long as you can. You clean up as much of the shit as
you can. I don't know how to do that. I thought I did, but... I failed. Good. Now go fail again. They think you're some kind of god. The man who returned from the dead. I'm not a god. I know that. I saw your pecker. What kind of god would have a pecker that
small? Your eyes are still brown. Is that still you in there? I think so. Hold off on burning my body for now. That's funny. You sure that's still you in there? You all right? Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Did I ever tell you I used to think the sea was called the see
because it was nothing but water as far as the eye could see? I don't think so. Sea, see. They're spelled different, but they sound the same. Yeah, they do. It was before I learned how to read, obviously. Sam, are you going to be sick? Won't be long. We'll
be in the south soon. I'm excited to see Oldtown. Captain says it's the most beautiful city in Westeros. Are you going to vomit again? No. No, no, no. The Citadel doesn't admit women. There won't be a place for you there or for Little Sam. I stayed at Castle
Black. There's no women allowed there. The Citadel isn't Castle Black. I don't have a Jon Snow or Maester Aemon to help me bend the rules. I'll stay in Oldtown, then. By yourself? With a baby and no money? So if we're not going to Oldtown, where are you taking
me? To my home. Horn Hill. My father's-- well, my father, but my mother's a kind woman and my sister's lovely. They'll take care of you both. "Wherever you go, I go, too." That's what you said. I said that because I want you and Little Sam to be safe. That's
all I want-- to become a maester so I can help Jon when the time comes so you'll be safe. Us and everyone else in the world. I don't care about them. Well, no, I do, but I don't really. I care about you and him. I know that, Sam. And he does, too. You're the
only one who ever has. If you think it's for the best, we trust you. I'd feel better if you threw something at me and stormed off. I'd never do that to the father of my son. That's my father. The man beside him is Howland Reed, meera's father. Ser Arthur Dayne.
The Sword of the Morning. Father said he was the best swordsman he ever saw. Lord Stark. I looked for you on the Trident. We weren't there. Your friend the usurper would lie beneath the ground if we had been. The Mad King is dead. Rhaegar lies beneath the
ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince? Our prince wanted us here. Where's my sister? I wish you good fortune in the wars to come. And now it begins. No. Now it ends. He's better than my father. Far better. But Father beat him. Did he? I know
he did. Heard the story a thousand times. He stabbed him in the back. What's in the tower? That's enough for one day. We'll visit again another time. - I want to see where he's going. - Time to go. Father! Why did you do that? Take me back there. I want to
go back. No. - He heard me. - Maybe. - Maybe he heard the wind. - He heard me. The past is already written. The ink is dry. What's in that tower? I want to go back there. I've told you many times, stay too long where you don't belong and you will never return.
Why do I want to return? So I can be a cripple again? So I can talk to an old man in a tree? You think I wanted to sit here for 1,000 years watching the world from a distance as the roots grew through me? So why did you? I was waiting for you. I don't want
to be you. I don't blame you. You won't be here forever. You won't be an old man in a tree. But before you leave, you must learn. Learn what? Everything. I don't know how you stand it in all that leather. If we could have the room. You look lovely today, my
dear. You really do. How you climbed all those steps without breaking a sweat. If you're going to torture me, just call them back and get on with it. I am not a torturer. Though it so often is what people deserve. And it does provide answers. But they're usually
the wrong answers. My job is to find the right answers. Do you know how I do that? I do it by making people happy. I'd like to make you happy, Vala. That's your name, isn't it, Vala? That's all right. I know who you are and what you've done. You've done a
lot. You've sacrificed your body for a cause, which is more than most people do. And you've helped the Sons of the Harpy murder the Unsullied and the Second Sons. The Unsullied and the Second Sons are foreign soldiers brought here by a foreign queen to destroy
our city and our history. I understand. Well, that makes perfect sense from your perspective. I have a different perspective, of course. I think it's important that you try to see things from my perspective just as I will try to see them from yours. Because
that is the only way that I can make you and Dom happy. That is how you pronounce it-- Dom? I'm afraid I don't really speak the language. Such a handsome boy. Those big, brown eyes. Good luck keeping the ladies away. Yes, you're a true liberator, aren't you?
You won't torture me, you'll just threaten my son. Children are blameless. I have never hurt them. Your boy is in no immediate danger, this I swear to you. But between us, dear, you did conspire to kill the Queen's soldiers. We both know the penalty for that
crime. How will poor Dom get on without his mother? And with his breathing problem. If I tell you anything, they'll kill me. So either you kill me or they do. Yes, from your perspective, this is a problem. There is a third option, though. A ship leaving tomorrow
for Pentos. I've already booked passage for a woman and her young son. I'll even throw in a bag of silver to help you start again. Though I'm afraid we'll have to ask one of our leather-clad friends back in to carry it. Far too heavy for me. The boat sails
at dawn. You need to decide now. A new life for you and Dom or... What should we do while we wait? To pass the time, what should we do? What should we talk about? You speak 19 languages. You must occasionally use some of them to talk about things. You two,
you spend a great deal of time together. What would you be talking about if I weren't here? Patrol. When I am going on patrol with the Unsullied. What we see on patrol. Who we captured on patrol. That's good. That's very good. But that's a report. I was thinking
more of a conversation. A wise man once said the true history of the world is the history of great conversations in elegant rooms. Who said this? Me. Just now. All right, no conversations. Let's play a game. You don't play games, either one of you, ever? Games
are for children. My master Kraznys would sometimes make us play games. There, that's a start. - Only the girls. - No, no, no. Not that. Of course not that. Innocent games. Fun games. Drinking games. We do not drink. Until you do. All right. No drinking. We
can play without drinking. It's a wonderful game. I invented it. Here's how it works. I make a statement about your past. If I'm wrong, I drink. And if I'm right-- maybe we can't play without drinking. Oh, you took your time. Sorry. I was busy learning who
funds the Sons of the Harpy. - Some things you can't rush. - You found out? The Good Masters of Astapor and the Wise Masters of Yunkai. With help from their friends in Volantis. You see? You don't even have to worry about the local rebellion. We only have
to worry about the three rich foreign cities paying for it. We conquered Astapor and Yunkai once. We will do it again and execute the Masters. If the Unsullied march off to reconquer Astapor and Yunkai, who will remain to defend the free people of Meereen?
If we do not fight them, how can we stop them? We cannot. The Masters speak only one language. They spoke it to me for many years. I know it better than my mother tongue. If we want them to hear us, we must speak it back to them. May it be the last thing they
ever hear. You may be right. So we will fight them? - Possibly. - Possibly? It's a conversation. Tell me, can your little birds get a message to the Good Masters of Astapor, the Wise Masters of Yunkai, and benevolent enslavers of Volantis? Of course. Men can
be fickle, but birds I always trust. Your eye looks much better, Arthur. How's your mother's jaw? Better. And your father? No one's seen him. And no one will. That worked out rather nicely. Will Lord Varys ever come back? I don't think so. Do you miss him?
He was nice. He called us his little birds. He gave us sweets. It's funny you should mention that. Guess what I happened to find today. Candied plums from Dorne. Now remember, if any of your friends like sweets or need help, they can always come to me. All
I need in return are whispers. No need to be afraid. This is Ser Gregor. He's friends with all my friends. Run along now. Varys's little birds? Your little birds now, Your Grace. What did you do to him exactly? I haven't been able to get a clear answer. Oh,
a number of things. Does he understand what we're saying? I mean, to the extent that he ever understood complete sentences in the first place. He understands well enough. So tell him to march into the sept and crush the High Sparrow's head like a melon. The
High Sparrow has hundreds of Faith Militant surrounding him. Ser Gregor can't face them all. And he won't have to. He'll only have to face one. Has the Faith leveled official charges yet? Not yet. That is one trial by combat I look forward to watching. Don't
stop at the city. I want little birds in Dorne, in Highgarden, in the North. If someone is planning on making our losses their gains, I want to hear it. If someone is laughing at the queen who walked naked through the streets covered in shit, I want to hear.
I want to know who they are. I want to know where they are. As bad as Lord Varys was, Qyburn is worse. I told them all. I told them. He's arrogant, dangerous. You don't get thrown out of the Citadel without good reason. And no one listened to my advice. So
here we are. And what he's done to Gregor Clegane is an abomination. We never sanctioned this experiment. I for one think it will be in our best interest to have the beast dest-- - Can I help you? - Why are you here? - My mother-- - I was invited, my dear,
to help deal with several troublesome issues, such as the queen's imprisonment. Thank you for bringing it up. It's well past time we addressed the abuses I endured. Margaery is the queen. You are not the queen because you're not married to the king. I do appreciate
these things can get a bit confusing in your family. This is a small council meeting. You have no position on the small council. I'm the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard does have a position on the small council. Grand
Maester Pycelle, would you sanction that statement? Well, um... I would say Ser Gerold Hightower had a seat on the Mad King's council. Of course, that was the Mad King. King Robert saw things differently. And King-- - What about Myrcella's death, Uncle? Do
you consider the murder of your own blood a troublesome issue? The same women who murdered Myrcella have overthrown House Martell and taken control of Dorne. We've got a lot to discuss. All of us together. And seeing as you cannot make us leave, we best get
on with it. No, we cannot make you leave. And you cannot make us stay. Not unless you're gonna have that thing murder us all. Your Grace. My mother would like to see her daughter's final resting place. I'm sorry, Your Grace. That's not possible. Not yet. When
will it be possible? When she's fully atoned for her sins. You cut off her hair and marched her naked through the streets in front of the whole city. That wasn't the full atonement? No. She must stand trial before seven septons so we can learn the true extent
of her sins. I want you to let her see Myrcella's resting place. I am the king. You are. And what does that mean to you? It means a great deal to me. The Crown and the Faith are the twin pillars of the world. Do you know who told me that? Your mother. My mother
who is unclean? My mother who still needs to atone after all you've put her through? How do you think the Mother Above first came to us? How did men and women first come to feel the Mother's presence, hmm? It was through their own mothers. There's a great
deal of falsehood in Cersei. You know that. But when she speaks of you, the Mother's love outshines it all. Her love for you is more real than anything else in this world because it doesn't come from this world. But you know that. You've felt it. You've seen
her when she talks to you. Yes. It's a great gift. One I never had. Envy. One more thing for me to atone for. Your Grace, do you-- may I? Do you mind? It's my knees. Of course. When your mother made her walk of atonement, she did it to get back to you. I still
don't understand why you want to put her through any more than she's already endured. It's not what I want. It's what the gods want. They make their will known to us and it's up to us to either accept or reject it. Please. If we're to be just and good, then
we accept it, all of us, even kings. A true leader avails himself of the wisest counsel he can. And no one is wiser than the gods. My grandfather once said something similar. Except for the part about the gods. The gods worked through him whether he knew it
or not. As they work through your mother. There's so much good in all of us. The best we can do is to help each other bring it out. Who are you? No one. Who were you before you came here? Arya Stark. Tell me about Arya Stark's family. Her father was Eddard
Stark. Her mother was Catelyn Stark. She had one sister, Sansa, and four brothers. Three brothers. Robb, Bran, Rickon. And a half-brother Jon. And where are they now? They may be dead for all a girl knows. Tell me about the Hound. Also dead. Arya Stark left
him to die. He was on her list. He was not on her list anymore. She had taken him off it. Why? Didn't she want him dead any longer? She did and she did not. She sounds confused. Yes, she was. Who else was on Arya Stark's funny little list? Cersei Lannister.
Gregor Clegane. Walder Frey. That's a short list. That can't be everyone you want to kill. Are you sure you're not forgetting someone? Which name would you like a girl to speak? If a girl tells me her name, I will give her eyes back. A girl has no name. Come.
If a girl is truly no one, she has nothing to fear. Who are you? No one. The Umbers are a famously loyal house. Famously loyal to the Starks. And you, Lord Karstark. Your people share blood with the Starks, don't they? But here we are. Times change. When my
father became Warden of the North, your house refused to pledge their banners. Your father was a cunt. My beloved father, the Warden... Your father was a cunt and that's why you killed him. I might have done the same to my father if he hadn't have done me
the favor of dying on his own. My father was poisoned by our enemies. Why have you come to Winterfell, Lord Umber? The bastard Jon Snow led an army of wildlings past the Wall. We're farther north than any of you fuckers. Wildlings come down, we always have
to fight them first. I like fighting wildlings. Been doing it all my life. But there are too many of them for us to beat back alone. So now you've come seeking help? We need to help each other. The colder it gets, the farther south those goat fuckers will
roam. Won't take them long to get here. You think a horde of wildlings can take Winterfell? If they get Jon Snow leading them, maybe. He knows this place better than we ever will. Pledge your banners to House Bolton. Swear loyalty to me as Warden of the North
and we will fight together to destroy the bastard and all his wildling friends. I'm not kissing your fucking hand. Traditionally a bannerman kneels before his lord. I'm not doing that either. Why would I trust a man who won't honor tradition? Your father honored
tradition. Knelt for Robb Stark. Called him King of the North. Was Robb Stark right to trust your father? Then it appears we're at a bit of an impasse. Fuck kneeling and fuck oaths. I've got a gift for you. A girl, I hope. I prefer redheads. A girl, aye. A
wild one. I like them wild. And the boy, nice and young. The way Karstark likes them. Who's this? Rickon Stark. How do I know that's Rickon Stark? Welcome home, Lord Stark. It's time. If you have any last words, now is the time. You shouldn't be alive. It's
not right. Neither was killing me. My mother's still living at White Harbor. Could you write her? Tell her I died fighting the wildlings. I had a choice, Lord Commander. Betray you or betray the Night's Watch. You brought an army of wildlings into our lands.
An army of murderers and raiders. If I had to do it all over knowing where I'd end up, I pray I'd make the right choice again. I'm sure you would, Ser Alliser. I fought, I lost. Now I rest. But you, Lord Snow, you'll be fighting their battles forever. We should
burn the bodies. You should. What do you want me to do with this? Wear it. Burn it. Whatever you want. You have Castle Black. My watch is ended. 


#本集共有单词数:37  总词数:8433

a = ['abuses', 'addressed', 'atone', 'avails', 'benevolent', 'blameless', 'booked', 'clad', 'colder', 'dest', 'distance', 'dom', 'enslavers', 'extent', 'fickle', 'funds', 'gains', 'gerold', 'hightower', 'impasse', 'issues', 'leveled',
'local', 'melon', 'outshines', 'pecker', 'plums', 'reconquer', 'sanctioned', 'spelled', 'surrounding', 'sweat', 'sweets', 'torturer', 'troublesome', 'unclean', 'vala']

Where you gonna go? South. What are you gonna do? Get warm. I was with you at Hardhome. We saw what's out there. We know it's coming here. How can you leave us now? I did everything I could. You know that. - You swore a vow.
- Aye, I pledged my life to the Night's Watch. - I gave my life. - For all nights to come. They killed me, Edd! My own brothers. You want me to stay here after that? Riders approaching! Open the gate! This is good soup. Do you remember those kidney pies Old
Nan used to make? With the peas and onions? We never should have left Winterfell. Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, "Don't go, you idiot." How could we know? I spent a lot of time thinking about what an ass I was
to you. I wish I could change everything. We were children. I was awful, just admit it. You were occasionally awful. I'm sure I can't have been great fun. Always sulking in the corner while the rest of you played. - Can you forgive me? - There's nothing to
forgive. - Forgive me. - All right. All right, I forgive you. You'd think after thousands of years, the Night's Watch would have learned how to make a good ale. Where will you go? Where will we go? If I don't watch over you, Father's ghost will come back and
murder me. Where will we go? I can't stay here, not after what happened. There's only one place we can go. Home. Should we tell the Boltons to pack up and leave? We'll take it back from them. I don't have an army. How many wildlings did you save? They didn't
come here to serve me. They owe you their lives. You think they'll be safe here if Roose Bolton remains Warden of the North? - Sansa. - Winterfell is our home. It's ours and Arya's and Bran's and Rickon's. Wherever they are, it belongs to our family. We have
to fight for it. I'm tired of fighting. It's all I've done since I left home. I've killed brothers of the Night's Watch. I've killed wildlings. I've killed men that I admire. I hanged a boy younger than Bran. I fought and I lost. If we don't take back the
North, we'll never be safe. I want you to help me. But I'll do it myself if I have to. My lady. Ser Davos. Will you stay here at Castle Black? I will do as Jon Snow commands. You serve Jon Snow now? He's the prince that was promised. Forgive me, my lady, I
thought that was Stannis. What happened down there? There was a battle. Stannis was defeated. And Shireen? What happened to the princess? I saw what happened. I saw Stannis' forces defeated in the field. My lady, I'm Ser Davos Seaworth. We've met before. I
was Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon. Before Renly was assassinated with bloodmagic. That's in the past now. Yes, it's in the past. It doesn't mean I forget. Or forgive. He admitted it, you know. Who did? Stannis. Just before I executed him. The Defender of the
Vale! Uncle Petyr! My lord. Come and see. I missed your name day. Go on. A falcon! A gyrfalcon. The greatest and rarest of birds. Last time I saw you, Baelish, you told me you were taking Sansa Stark home with you to the Fingers. Indeed I was. And yet not
long ago, we received reports that she has been married to Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell. On our way to the Fingers, we were set upon by a large force of Bolton men. Seemed to know exactly when we were traveling and exactly whom we were transporting. Do you
take me for a fool? Tell me, Lord Royce, how many people knew of my travel plans with Sansa Stark? I shared my intentions with you and no one else. Slander a man in his own home, you might find yourself crossing swords with him. Your home is the Vale. The
Lord of the Vale stands before us. And only his judgment concerns me. Shall we throw him through the Moon Door? My lord. My lord, I have always been faithful to House Arryn. To your father, to your mother, and now to you. Do you believe him, Uncle Petyr? Lord
Royce has served the Vale well. He's enjoyed a distinguished military career. If we could trust his absolute loyalty, he would make a capable commander in the wars to come. You can trust my absolute loyalty, my lord. I think he deserves one more chance. What
do you say? Fine. I bring good news. My friends in the North tell me Sansa has escaped Winterfell. I expect she's headed to Castle Black where her brother serves as Lord Commander. But she won't be safe there, not with the Boltons after her. She's my cousin.
We should help her. That was my instinct as well. Our lord has spoken. Gather the Knights of the Vale. The time has come to join the fray. You invite the enemy into our city? I did. As a clever man once told me, "We make peace with our enemies, not our friends."
I don't make peace with the queen's enemies. I kill the queen's enemies. Yes, that's the military approach. And how has that worked here in Meereen? I represent the diplomatic approach. Our queen tried to make peace with the Masters and they tried to murder
her. We enter these negotiations with open eyes. Trust me. My own recent experience with slavery has taught me the horrors of that institution. How many days were you a slave? Long enough to know. Not long enough to understand. I bought this dwarf for a single
gold honor. And somehow you've risen to the top of the Great Pyramid of Meereen. It's most impressive. And now you speak for the Good Masters of Astapor. Here's to reversals of fortune. We came here to meet the queen and instead we're greeted by a dwarf and
a eunuch. Let's make this simple, shall we? Tell me what you want. We want you to leave Slaver's Bay. Take your dragons and your mercenaries and go. Queen Daenerys won't stay in Meereen forever. Her path takes her westward. When we last met, I offered her
ships so she could return to Westeros where she belongs. She refused them. She refused them because hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children still lived in chains. As they have since the dawn of time. Not anymore. You think you're a free man now?
You still follow orders. Just because your master has silver hair and tits doesn't mean she's not a master. Friends, friends, friends, please. There have always been those with wealth and power and those with nothing. That is the way of the world. I'm not
here to change the way of the world. Slavery is the way of our world. You don't need slaves to make money. There haven't been slaves in Westeros for hundreds of years and I grew up richer than any of you. But our queen recognizes that she erred by abolishing
slavery without providing a new system to replace it. So here is the queen's proposal. Slavery will never return to Meereen, but she will give the other cities of Slaver's Bay time to adjust to the new order. What does that mean? Instead of abolishing slavery
overnight, we will give you seven years to end the practice. Slaveholders will be compensated for their losses, of course, at fair prices. In exchange, you will cut off your support for the Sons of the Harpy. We do not support the Sons of the Harpy. Fine,
fine, but you will cut it off all the same. I do hope you accept, my friends. You will not receive a better offer. Let us sail on the tide of freedom instead of being drowned by it. And as a parting gift to our honored guests... Give freedom a chance. See
if it doesn't taste every bit as good as what came before. Perhaps I should translate for you. We speak the Common Tongue. - Excellent. - You met with the slavers today. I did. Our brothers and sisters died fighting this scum. Now you invite them to our city
and drink wine with them. I imagine this room was built so the rulers could intimidate the ruled. But I am not your ruler. I'm not the Breaker of Chains. I'm not the Unburnt. And I am certainly not the Mother of Dragons. You are a stranger here. So why do
you represent Meereen in these talks with our enemies? Because our queen chose me as her advisor. Until she returns from her travels... When does she return? Soon. You have my word. We don't know you. We don't trust you. We know Torgo Nudho. We fight with
him against the Masters. We trust him. And that is exactly why grey Worm took part in these negotiations. As commander of the Unsullied, he knows how to defeat the slavers and he knows when it is time to make peace. You have made peace with the slavers? We
offered terms. - Do not use me for your lies. - Those men respect you. They respect me because they know who I am. - They know I am loyal. - As do I. I am loyal to my queen, not you. If you betray her work, you are my enemy. I am not betraying her work. I
am trying to save her city. You promised the slavers they could keep slavery. For a short time. Seven years is not a short time for a slave. You're right. Slavery is a horror that should be ended at once. War is a horror that should be ended at once. I can't
do both today. You are wrong to trust these men. I don't trust the Masters. I trust their self-interest. They're trustworthy if they're convinced that working with me is in their self-interest. You don't know them. You don't understand them. We are not human
in their eyes. They look at me and see a weapon. They look at her and see a whore. They look at me and they see a misshapen little beast. Their contempt is their weakness. They'll underestimate us every time and we will use that to our advantage. You will
not use them. They will use you. That is what they do. You all right? Why don't you sit and catch your breath? I'm fine. I don't think you could ride the dragon. 20 years ago, maybe. - What? - Our queen. She's wild, you know. Don't let her size fool you. It's
hard enough for me and I'm a young man. You, I don't think your heart could take it. Must make you angry that our queen chose me. Makes me sad. You'll disappoint her before long. She'll move on. We'll all disappoint her before long. We need each other right
now. After we're done needing each other... Oh, I don't want to fight you, Jorah the Andal. What do I have to gain? If I win, I'm the shit who killed an old man. If I lose, I'm the shit who was killed by an old man. You didn't get much discipline as a child,
did you? None. The road running through the Horse Gate, they call that the godsway. Eastern Market, Western Market. When Khal Drogo died, she was supposed to come here and join the Dosh Khaleen, the widows of the dead khals. That's where they would have taken
her, the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen. What are you doing? It's forbidden to carry weapons in the sacred city. Isn't it forbidden to sneak into their city and steal their khaleesi? If they spot us and we're unarmed, we'll say we're traders heading for the Western
Market. But if they see weapons... You're asking a dog to hand over his teeth. There's 100,000 of them down there. We can't fight our way out. We wait till dark, and then we'll find her. I'm very attached to this knife. Don't worry. It didn't touch you. You
know what happens? I know what happens. I'll do it myself. I should have been born a Dothraki. Come on. Told you, I'm very attached to this knife. You all right? If they find a body with a stab wound, the whole city will be looking for us. - No, don't hurt
her. - She'll give us away. We have to go now. We will never get out of Vaes Dothrak alive. All we can do is try. No. We can do more than that. And you're going to help me. If I were to let you leave right now, where would you go? What would you seek out?
I'd go to my brother, my husband, my family. Of course, but for you, that means seeking out money, finery, power. Seeking out your family means seeking out sin. I'm not maligning you. I sought those things out, too. To the exclusion of all else. My father
was a cobbler. He died when I was young and I took over his shop. He was a simple man and he made simple shoes. But I found that the more work I put into my shoes, the more people wanted them. Fine leather, ornamentation, detailing, and time. Time most of
all. Dozens of hours spent on a single pair. Quality takes time. Yes. I imagine you've worn a year of someone's life on your back. The highborn liked to cover their feet with my time and they paid well for the privilege. I used their money to buy a taste of
their lives for myself. Each time I indulged, I felt myself ascending to something better. And one day you walked through a graveyard and realized it was all for nothing and set out on the path to righteousness. Book of the Stranger, verse 25. You know "The
Seven-Pointed Star." Septa Unella reads it to me. At me. Yes, yes, she does enjoy reading at people. You're close. But it wasn't a graveyard. It was a feast. I bought old fine wine and young pretty girls and invited my friends to come and share it all. We
passed around the wine, passed around the women, and soon we fell into a stupor. I woke before dawn. I could barely stand. Everyone else was asleep on the couches or on the floor, lying in heaps next to their fine clothes. The truth of their bodies laid bare.
I could smell them beneath the incense and the perfume and the fine food that had already started to turn. And I saw it with perfect clarity. I saw what my sins were. The gold I had, the wine I drank, the women I used, my ceaseless struggle to maintain my
position. It was all part of a story. A story I was telling myself about who I was. A collection of lies that would disappear in the light. The people I was trying to climb away from, the beggars in the street, the poor, they were closer to the truth than
I ever was. So what did you do? I left to go and find them. I didn't even put on my shoes. I walked out the door and never went back. Come, let's go and see him. - Who? - Your brother. Loras. Loras. Listen to me. You need to stay strong. I can't stay strong.
I never was strong. You are strong. You are the future of our house, the future of our family. I don't care about that. Have you... have you told them that? That you don't care? I just want it to stop. Help me. They want me to help you. They want me to help
tear you down. That's why he's letting me see you. I know it is. And if either of us give in to what they want, then they win. Let them win. Just make it stop. Please. All right. And now, how to avert disaster with our current predicament. This High Sparrow.
I have dealt with fanatics of every description, Your Grace. Not setting them off, that's the most important thing. You are beset with enemies both within and without. What are you doing here? I am advising the king on our current predicament. - Leave. - I
am a member of the small council. The king... Is this a small council meeting? Obviously not. I'm here to lend my wisdom and my support. Thank you for your counsel, Grand Maester. That will be all for now. Your Grace. Since I've missed the past several small
council meetings, I wanted to speak to you about a few things. I've been thinking about the High Sparrow. As have we all, unfortunately. We need to be careful in dealing with such a man. To prevent things from escalating any further. We have to be careful
not to antagonize him. He has Margaery. We can't put her at risk. - He's dangerous. - Look at me. What did they do to me? To the king's own mother? It's all right. It's done. It's in the past. And of course Margaery's safety is paramount. You don't like Margaery,
do you? Whether I like her or not is completely unimportant. Margaery is the queen. Queens must command respect. Kings even more so. Not just for their own sake, but for everyone's. The High Sparrow has no respect for kings or queens. No respect for anything
in this world. He has no use for the things of this world. He wants to knock them down and replace them with what? With fantasies. With beggars in the street. With nothing. Mother... there's something I want to tell you. Something the High Sparrow told me.
You've spoken with him? I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone. If he found out I told... It would be a breach of confidence which he would not take lightly given his constant prattling about the truth. I am your mother. You can always trust me. The small council
meeting has been postponed on the king's orders. I would have thought we were perfectly clear the first time. You're not welcome. You once spoke of your respect for our father because he understood the necessity of working with one's rivals. My dear, you have
been stripped of your dignity and authority, publically shamed, and confined to the Red Keep. What's left to work with? Cersei is the mother of the king. She has the king's ear and his trust. And the king has been speaking regularly with the High Sparrow about
Queen Margaery and Ser Loras. The High Sparrow seized power knowing full well we'd bicker amongst ourselves instead of seizing it back. Here we are. Well done to us. Now the future of the Seven Kingdoms rests in his dirty peasant hands. In a few days, he'll
have a trial for me. But before that, Queen Margaery will make her walk of atonement. Yes, Margaery will repent her sins before the good people of the city. Oh, no. That cannot happen. That will not happen. I agree. You've got the second largest army in Westeros.
You'll bring them into the city, stop Queen Margaery's humiliation before it starts, and take her back into Crown custody. The king has ordered me to take no action against the High Sparrow or the Faith Militant out of fear for the queen's safety. You will
take no action at all. When the Tyrell armies come, you will stand down. Are you expressly forbidden from standing down? No, but if the king should call... The whole thing will be over before anyone can call on you to do anything. When the High Sparrow is
in custody or dead, preferably, and Margaery's back at Tommen's side, do you think the king will be angry at the outcome? You hate these fanatics as much as we do. You hate what they've done to your son. Do you want Lancel back? Or have you given him up for
good? Of course I want him back. Then stand aside and let the people that took him from you be destroyed. If it doesn't go as planned, the sparrows have many friends in this city. We'll have civil war. Many will die. Many will die no matter what we do. Better
them than us. They told me you were home and I didn't believe it. "Theon Greyjoy?" I said. "He's dead. He's been dead a long time." He let you go? I escaped. I can't hear you. I escaped. Look at me. Look at me! Men died trying to rescue you. Good men. My men.
I'm sorry. You were my brother. You were a spoiled little cunt, but you were my brother and I risked everything for you and you betrayed me. I know. I know and I'm sorry. Stop saying that. He broke me. He broke me into 1,000 pieces. - I know. - You don't know.
He sent us one of those pieces. That's why I came for you. Why did you come here? Where else could I go? You heard Father was dead and you thought you'd claim the crown? No, no. I only heard he died after we docked. You happen to show up on Pyke right before
the kingsmoot? I didn't know. You think any ironborn wants you to be king after what you've done? I don't want to be king. What do you want? I should have listened to you. You're the only one... That doesn't matter anymore. Stop crying. Look at me. Tell me
what you want. You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you. They've cleaned you up nicely. You know who I am? A lord. Yes. A lord. You've seen my banners? The flayed man. Does that worry you at all? You eat them after? No. Then I've seen worse. You served
the Starks? Aye. They put me in chains and put a sword at my throat, so I served them. The Starks have been gone for a long time, but you kept protecting Rickon. He'd fetch a good price to the right buyer. I served his family a long time. Didn't get no wages.
Way I see it, I'm owed. Be that as it may, Rickon's not yours to sell anymore. He's mine. So what use could I possibly have for you? I can give you what you want. And you're sure you know what that is? Same thing men always want. And when they really want
it, they give it a bath first. You're a good talker. I like that. You're a much better talker than Theon Greyjoy. That so? I had to work hard to get him talking. But he talked. They all do. He told me everything. All about the Stark boys, who helped them escape,
and how she did it. Open the gate! Sorry about the food. It's not what we're known for. That's all right. There are more important things. A letter for you, Lord Commander. I'm not Lord Commander anymore. "To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow. You allowed thousands
of wildlings past the Wall. You have betrayed your own kind. You have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard. Come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon. His direwolf's skin is on my floor. Come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me,
bastard, and I will not trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride north and slaughter every wildling man, woman, and babe living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them living. You... " Go on. It's just more of the
same. "You will watch as my soldiers take turns raping your sister. You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother. Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest. Come and see. Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell and Warden
of the North." Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. His father's dead. Ramsay killed him. - And now he has Rickon. - We don't know that. Yes, we do. How many men does he have in his army? I heard him say 5,000 once when he was talking about Stannis's
attack. How many do you have? That can march and fight? 2,000. The rest are children and old people. You're the son of the last true Warden of the North. Northern families are loyal. They'll fight for you if you ask. A monster has taken our home and our brother.
We have to go back to Winterfell and save them both. 


#本集共有单词数:70  总词数:8503

a = ['abolishing', 'adjust', 'admitted', 'antagonize', 'ascending', 'assassinated', 'attached', 'avert', 'beset', 'bicker', 'buyer', 'ceaseless', 'clarity', 'cobbler', 'compensated', 'contempt', 'couches', 'description', 'distinguished',
'docked', 'dosh', 'escalating', 'exclusion', 'expressly', 'falcon', 'godsway', 'graveyard', 'greeted', 'gyrfalcon', 'heaps', 'incense', 'indulged', 'instinct', 'institution', 'khaleen', 'lightly', 'maligning', 'mercenaries', 'misshapen', 'necessity', 'ornamentation',
'outcome', 'overnight', 'parting', 'peas', 'perfume', 'postponed', 'prattling', 'predicament', 'preferably', 'prevent', 'prices', 'rarest', 'regularly', 'reversals', 'seizing', 'setting', 'sockets', 'spoon', 'struggle', 'stupor', 'system', 'traders', 'translate',
'unburnt', 'underestimate', 'verse', 'western', 'westward', 'widows']

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