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2016-08-08 14:47 971 查看
自动化运维工具常用的有 ansible saltstack puppet等 ,前两者都是基于python开发,puppet基于ruby开发,今天我们简单介绍下ansible基础
1. 简介

(1) host inventory: 指定操作的主机,是一个配置文件里面定义监控的主机
(2) 各种模块核心模块、command模块、自定义模块;
(3) 借助于插件完成记录日志邮件等功能;
(4) playbook: 剧本执行多个任务时,非必须可以让节点一次性运行多个任务。


(1) no agents: 不需要在被管理主机上安装任务agent
(2) no server: 无服务器端,使用时,直接运行命令即可
(3) modules in any languages: 基于模块工作,可使用任意语言开发模块
(4) yaml not code:使用yaml语言定制剧本playbook
(5) ssh by default:基于SSH工作


(1) 轻量级,无需在客户端安装agent,更新时,只需要在操作机上进行一次更新即可;
(2) 批量任务可以写成脚本,而且不用分发到远程就可以执行
(3) 使用python编写,维护简单


[root@ansible ansible]# ssh-keygen -t rsa  一路回车即可

[root@ansible ansible]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
[root@ansible ansible]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


[root@ansible ~]# yum install ansible -y

[root@ansible ansible]# vim /etc/ansible/hosts  定义主机组及主机列表[webservers]
[root@ansible ansible]# ansible-doc -l
a10_server                         Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices
a10_service_group                  Manage A10 Networks devices' service groups
a10_virtual_server                 Manage A10 Networks devices' virtual servers
acl                                Sets and retrieves file ACL information.
add_host                           add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory
airbrake_deployment                Notify airbrake about app deployments
alternatives                       Manages alternative programs for common commands
apache2_module                     enables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver
apk                                Manages apk packages
apt                                Manages apt-packages
apt_key                            Add or remove an apt key
apt_repository                     Add and remove APT repositories
apt_rpm                            apt_rpm package manager
assemble                           Assembles a configuration file from fragments
assert                             Fail with custom message
async_status                       Obtain status of asynchronous task
at                                 Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command.
authorized_key                     Adds or removes an SSH authorized key
azure                              create or terminate a virtual machine in azure
azure_rm_deployment                Create or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments
azure_rm_networkinterface          Manage Azure network interfaces.
azure_rm_networkinterface_facts    Get network interface facts.
azure_rm_publicipaddress           Manage Azure Public IP Addresses.
azure_rm_publicipaddress_facts     Get public IP facts.
azure_rm_resourcegroup             Manage Azure resource groups.
azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts       Get resource group facts.
azure_rm_securitygroup             Manage Azure network security groups.


[root@ansible ansible]# ansible-doc -s ping- name: Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return `pong' on success.  action: ping
4.1ping模块  ansible webservers -m ping

4.2 shell模块(需要执行客户机上的脚本可以用该模块,脚本在被控端)

[root@ansible ansible]# ansible webservers -m shell -a '/tmp/test.sh'

说明:webservers是主机组的名称,-m 后面接的是模块名称,-a后是模块的参数
4.3script模块 (脚本在主控端)
[root@ansible ansible]# ansible webservers -m script -a '/root/run.sh'

4.4 command模块
[root@ansible ansible]# ansible webservers -m command -a 'uptime'

4.5 yum模块
[root@ansible ~]# ansible webservers -m command -a 'yum install httpd -y'

4.6 service模块
[root@ansible ~]# ansible webservers -m service -a 'name=httpd state=started'
对服务的操作有 started  stopped restarted reloaded四个参数

4.7 copy模块
[root@ansible ~]# ansible webservers  -m copy -a 'dest=/tmp src=/root/run.sh'

4.8 cron模块
[root@ansible ~]# ansible all -m cron -a 'name="Cron job" minute=*/5 hour=* day=* month=* weekday=* job="/usr/bin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org"'

4.9 file模块
[root@ansible ~]# ansible all -m file -a "dest=/tmp/test.sh mode=777 owner=martin group=martin"

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标签:  运维 自动化 ansible