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2016-07-22 10:05 323 查看

* Execute a block of code in a scope such that all new RDDs created in this body will
* be part of the same scope. For more detail, see {{org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope}}.
* Note: Return statements are NOT allowed in the given body.
private[spark] def withScope[U](body: => U): U = RDDOperationScope.withScope[U](sc)(body)


* Return a new RDD by applying a function to all elements of this RDD.
def map[U: ClassTag](f: T => U): RDD[U] = withScope {
val cleanF = sc.clean(f)
new MapPartitionsRDD[U, T](this, (context, pid, iter) => iter.map(cleanF))


* Execute the given body such that all RDDs created in this body will have the same scope.
* The name of the scope will be the first method name in the stack trace that is not the
* same as this method's.
* Note: Return statements are NOT allowed in body.
private[spark] def withScope[T](
sc: SparkContext,
allowNesting: Boolean = false)(body: => T): T = {
val ourMethodName = "withScope"
val callerMethodName = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace()
.dropWhile(_.getMethodName != ourMethodName)
.find(_.getMethodName != ourMethodName)
.getOrElse {
// Log a warning just in case, but this should almost certainly never happen
logWarning("No valid method name for this RDD operation scope!")
withScope[T](sc, callerMethodName, allowNesting, ignoreParent = false)(body)


* Execute the given body such that all RDDs created in this body will have the same scope.
* If nesting is allowed, any subsequent calls to this method in the given body will instantiate
* child scopes that are nested within our scope. Otherwise, these calls will take no effect.
* Additionally, the caller of this method may optionally ignore the configurations and scopes
* set by the higher level caller. In this case, this method will ignore the parent caller's
* intention to disallow nesting, and the new scope instantiated will not have a parent. This
* is useful for scoping physical operations in Spark SQL, for instance.
* Note: Return statements are NOT allowed in body.
private[spark] def withScope[T](
sc: SparkContext,
name: String,
allowNesting: Boolean,
ignoreParent: Boolean)(body: => T): T = {
// Save the old scope to restore it later
val scopeKey = SparkContext.RDD_SCOPE_KEY
val noOverrideKey = SparkContext.RDD_SCOPE_NO_OVERRIDE_KEY
val oldScopeJson = sc.getLocalProperty(scopeKey)
val oldScope = Option(oldScopeJson).map(RDDOperationScope.fromJson)
val oldNoOverride = sc.getLocalProperty(noOverrideKey)
try {
if (ignoreParent) {
// Ignore all parent settings and scopes and start afresh with our own root scope
sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, new RDDOperationScope(name).toJson)
} else if (sc.getLocalProperty(noOverrideKey) == null) {
// Otherwise, set the scope only if the higher level caller allows us to do so
sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, new RDDOperationScope(name, oldScope).toJson)
// Optionally disallow the child body to override our scope
if (!allowNesting) {
sc.setLocalProperty(noOverrideKey, "true")
} finally {
// Remember to restore any state that was modified before exiting
sc.setLocalProperty(scopeKey, oldScopeJson)
sc.setLocalProperty(noOverrideKey, oldNoOverride)


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标签:  spark scala 源码