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2016-07-04 15:22 225 查看
CTS Trade Federation, cts-tradefed for short, is the next generation test harness for CTS.

( CTS Trade Federation,简称cts-tradefed ,是新一代CTS测试工具)

cts-tradefed is built on top of the Android Trade Federation test harness. ( cts-tradefed 建立在Android Trade Federation 测试框架的基础上)

It works in a similar manner to the prior CTS harness, but supports some advanced features such as:


- modular, flexible extensible design. cts-tradefed can be extended to support running CTS in a continuous test environment.


- supports sharding a CTS test run across multiple devices in parallel


- automatically continue a CTS test run on another device if connection is lost


Configuring cts-tradefed


1. Ensure 'adb' is in your current PATH. adb can be found in the Android SDK available from



2. Follow the 'Setting up your device' steps documented in the CTS User Manual. The CTS User Manual can be downloaded at



3. Connect the device to the host machine.


4. Ensure device is visible via 'adb devices'

(确保通过adb devices命令可以找到设备)

Using cts-tradefed

To run a test plan on a single device:


1. Make sure you have at least one device connected


2. Launch the cts-tradefed console by running the 'cts-tradefed'. If you've downloaded and extracted the CTS zip,

the script can be found at



Or else if you are working from the Android source tree and have run make cts,the script can be found at



3. Type:For more options:(运行这个命令你可以得到更多有用的信息)

run cts --help/--help-all: 查看更多执行测试命令


run cts --plan test_plan_name: 执行一个测试计划

run cts --package/-p : 执行一个CTS测试包

run cts --class/-c [--method/-m] : 执行一个测试类/方法

run cts --continue-session session_ID: 执行一个测试计划中的未完成部分,命令行输入l r可以查看session ID

run cts [options] --serial/s device_ID: 在指定的设备上执行测试计划

run cts [options] --shards number_of_shards: 在多个设备上执行同一个测试计划


l/list d/devices: 查看连接设计及状态

l/list packages: 查看CTS测试包

l/list p/plans: 查看CTS测试计划

l/list i/invocations: 显示CTS当前执行进度,需要在CTS执行过程中输入才有效

l/list c/commands: 当前CTS测试运行命令队列中等待被分配给设备需要在CTS执行过程中输入才有效

l/list r/results: 查看CTS库列中的测试结果

add plan:add derivedplan --plan plan_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]:从给定的会话中添加一个计划

check the log:

d/dump l/logs:查看生成的log


CTS Tradefed Development

See http://source.android.com for instructions on obtaining the Androidplatform source code and setting up a build environment.


The source for the CTS extensions for tradefed can be found at

你能在这里找到扩展tradefed的CTS源目录<android source root>/cts/tools/tradefed-host

The source for the tradefed framework can be found on the 'tradefed' branch.


Perform these steps to build and run cts-tradefed from the development environment:

完成这些步骤你就可以在自己创建的开发环境里面执行cts-tradefedcd <path to android source root>make ctscts-tradefed

More documentation and details on using and extending trade federation will be forthcoming in the near future

不久会有更多关于使用和扩展trade federation的文件和详细信息。 
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