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Android Studio变黄了,2.2 Preview 4 发布

2016-06-29 08:27 447 查看
Android Studio 2.2版本解决了大量的BUG,现在除了稳定渠道外,其它渠道的图标都已经变成了黄色。

关于Android Studio2.2版本更多使用技巧,请参考 《Android Studio实用指南》


Instant Run

Many bug fixes, we are working hard to address all reproducible issues. Please continue to file them.


Bug Fixes for 209384, 213630, 212479

Updated JDK for Mac

Mac JDK updated to include all fixes from Jetbrains over the last month or so. We hope that it fixes crashes like https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=213742.

ConstraintLayout Editor

Various bug fixes

Pan & zoom panel is now a floating window accessible from

the toolbar

Importing VectorDrawable from Photoshop files

Strokes are now supported

Clipping masks are now supported

Shape operations are now supported (merge, subtract, intersect and exclude overlapping)

Fill opacity is now supported

XML output optimized for size

Photoshop files support

Improved support for CMYK and Lab images

Color management

Improved color management on OS X

Firebase Plugin

Bug Fixes

Improved Directions.

Much more…



https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (436.8 MB)


https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (436.9 MB)


https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (436.4 MB)

关于Android Studio2.2版本更多使用技巧,请参考 《Android Studio实用指南》
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