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146. LRU Cache && 460. LFU Cache

2016-06-27 13:50 288 查看

146. LRU Cache

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations:

- Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
put(key, value)
- Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.

Follow up:
Could you do both operations in O(1) time complexity?


LRUCache cache = new LRUCache( 2 /* capacity */ );

cache.put(1, 1);
cache.put(2, 2);
cache.get(1);       // returns 1
cache.put(3, 3);    // evicts key 2
cache.get(2);       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.put(4, 4);    // evicts key 1
cache.get(1);       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.get(3);       // returns 3
cache.get(4);       // returns 4


Cache all nodes in a DoubleLinkedList. Always pop out from the left, and add from the right.

Use a map to map key to a node.

class LRUCache {
private int capacity;
private int count = 0;
private Map<Integer, CacheNode> cacheMap = new HashMap<>();

private CacheNode LEFT = new CacheNode(0, 0);
private CacheNode RIGHT = new CacheNode(0, 0);

public LRUCache(int capacity) {
this.capacity = capacity;
LEFT.right = RIGHT;
RIGHT.left = LEFT;

public int get(int key) {
CacheNode node = cacheMap.get(key);
if (node == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return node.value;

public void put(int key, int value) {
if (capacity == 0)

CacheNode orig = cacheMap.get(key);
CacheNode n = new CacheNode(key, value);
addNewNode(n); //add new node to the right
cacheMap.put(key, n);

if (orig != null) {
removeNode(orig); //remove original node.

//if capacity is not full
if (count < capacity) {

CacheNode evict = LEFT.right;
removeNode(evict); //removeNode last node.

private void removeNode(CacheNode node) {
CacheNode pre = node.left;
CacheNode next = node.right;
pre.right = next;
next.left = pre;

//Add a new node, add it to the end/Right
private void addNewNode(CacheNode node) {
node.left = RIGHT.left;
node.right = RIGHT;
RIGHT.left.right = node;
RIGHT.left = node;

class CacheNode {
CacheNode left = null;
CacheNode right = null;
int key = 0;
int value = 0;

CacheNode(int key, int value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;

460. LFU Cache

Design and implement a data structure for Least Frequently Used (LFU) cache. It should support the following operations:

- Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
put(key, value)
- Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reaches its capacity, it should invalidate the least frequently used item before inserting a new item. For the purpose of this problem, when there is a tie (i.e., two or more keys that have the same frequency), the least recently used key would be evicted.

Follow up:
Could you do both operations in O(1) time complexity?


LFUCache cache = new LFUCache( 2 /* capacity */ );

cache.put(1, 1);
cache.put(2, 2);
cache.get(1);       // returns 1
cache.put(3, 3);    // evicts key 2
cache.get(2);       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.get(3);       // returns 3.
cache.put(4, 4);    // evicts key 1.
cache.get(1);       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.get(3);       // returns 3
cache.get(4);       // returns 4

This is just an extension of LRU. LFU is just a map of LRU keyed by the frequency!

* !!! Note that both get and put will increase frequency by 1  !!!
class LFUCache {
private int _capacity;
private int _count = 0;
//To capture the minimum frequency count in the LFU cache
//Alternatively, we can link all LRU cache together.
private int _leastCount = 0;
private Map<Integer, LRUCache> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Integer, CacheNode> keyMap = new HashMap<>();

public LFUCache(int capacity) {
_capacity = capacity;

public int get(int key) {
CacheNode node = keyMap.get(key);
if (node == null) {
return -1;
return node.value;

//remove node from current level and move it to the next level
private void increaseFreq(CacheNode node) {
LRUCache currentCache = frequencyMap.get(node.count);
if (node.count == _leastCount && currentCache.isEmpty()) {
++_leastCount; //we are moving this node to next level

LRUCache nextCache = frequencyMap.computeIfAbsent(node.count, (x) -> new LRUCache());

public void put(int key, int value) {
CacheNode node = keyMap.get(key);
if (node != null) {
node.value = value;

LRUCache zeroFreqCache = frequencyMap.computeIfAbsent(0, (x) -> new LRUCache());
CacheNode newNode = new CacheNode(key, value, 0);
keyMap.put(key, newNode);
if (_count < _capacity) {
} else {
LRUCache cacheToEvict = frequencyMap.get(_leastCount);
CacheNode nodeToEvict = cacheToEvict.LEFT.right;
_leastCount = 0;

class LRUCache {
public final CacheNode LEFT = new CacheNode(0, 0, 0);
public final CacheNode RIGHT = new CacheNode(0, 0, 0);

public LRUCache() {
LEFT.right = RIGHT;
RIGHT.left = LEFT;

public void removeNode(CacheNode node) {
CacheNode pre = node.left;
CacheNode next = node.right;
pre.right = next;
next.left = pre;

public void addNewNode(CacheNode node) {
node.left = RIGHT.left;
node.right = RIGHT;
RIGHT.left.right = node;
RIGHT.left = node;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return LEFT.right == RIGHT;

class CacheNode {
CacheNode left = null;
CacheNode right = null;
int key;
int value;
int count;

CacheNode(int key, int value, int count) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.count = count;
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