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2016-06-23 22:11 246 查看
In principle,private and protected members of a class cannot be accessed from outside the same class in which they are declared. However, this rule does not apply to"friends". A friend class in C++ can access the "private"and "protected" members of the class in which it is declared as a friend.

A friend can be a function, function template, or member function, or a class or class template, in which case the entire class and all of its members are friends.

One of the important concept of OOP is data hiding, i.e., a nonmember function cannot access an object's private or protected data. But, sometimes this restriction may force programmer to write long and complex codes. So, there is mechanism builtin C++ programming to access private or protected data from non-member function which is friend function and friend class.

If a function is defined as a friend function then, the private and protected data of class can be accessed from that function. The compiler knows a given function is a friend function by its keyword friend. The declaration of friend function should be made inside the body of class (can be anywhere inside class either in private public section) starting with keyword friend.

When a class is made a friend class, all the member functions of that class becomes friend function.

Friend functions have the following properties:

(1). Friend of the class can be member of some other class.

(2). Friend of one class can be friend of another class or all the classes in one program,such a friend is known as GLOBAL FRIEND.

(3). Friend can access the private or protected members of the class in which they are declared to be friend, but they can use the members for a specific object.

(4). Friends are non-members hence do not get “this” pointer.

(5). Friends,can be friend of more than one class, hence they can be used for message passing between the classes.

(6). Friend can be declared anywhere (in public, protected or private section) in the class.












#include "friend.hpp"

#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/465sdshe.aspx class Point_ {
friend void ChangePrivate(Point_ &);
Point_(void) : m_i(0) {}
void PrintPrivate(void){ std::cout << m_i << std::endl; }

int m_i;

// friend 函数可以访问其接受为参数的 Point_ 对象的私有数据成员
void ChangePrivate(Point_ &i)

int test_friend1()
Point_ sPoint;
sPoint.PrintPrivate(); // 0
sPoint.PrintPrivate(); // 1

return 0;

class B_f;

class A_f {
int Func1(B_f& b);
int Func2(B_f& b);

class B_f {
int _b;

// A::Func1 is a friend function to class B
// so A::Func1 has access to all members of B
// 类成员函数可以声明为其他类中的友元
friend int A_f::Func1(B_f&);

int A_f::Func1(B_f& b) { return b._b; }   // OK
//int A_f::Func2(Bf_& b) { return b._b; }   // C2248

class YourClass {
// friend 类是其所有成员函数都是类的友元函数的类,即,其成员函数具有对类的私有成员和受保护成员访问权限.
// 友元关系不是相互的,除非显式指定。YourClass 的成员函数无法访问 YourOtherClass 的私有成员.
// 友元关系不能继承,这意味着从 YourOtherClass 派生的类不能访问 YourClass 的私有成员.
// 友元关系不可传递,因此 YourOtherClass 的友元类无法访问 YourClass 的私有成员。
friend class YourOtherClass;  // Declare a friend class
YourClass() : topSecret(0){}
void printMember() { std::cout << topSecret << std::endl; }
int topSecret;

class YourOtherClass {
void change(YourClass& yc, int x){ yc.topSecret = x; }

int test_friend2()
YourClass yc1;
YourOtherClass yoc1;
yc1.printMember(); // 0
yoc1.change(yc1, 5);
yc1.printMember(); // 5

return 0;

// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/friend template<typename T>
class Foo {
Foo(const T& val) : data(val) {}
T data;

// generates a non-template operator<< for this T
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Foo& obj)
return os << obj.data;

int test_friend3()
Foo<double> obj(1.23);
std::cout << obj << '\n'; // 1.23

return 0;

template<typename T>
class Foo_; // forward declare to make function declaration possible

template<typename T> // declaration
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Foo_<T>&);

template<typename T>
class Foo_ {
Foo_(const T& val) : data(val) {}
T data;

// refers to a full specialization for this particular T
friend std::ostream& operator<< <> (std::ostream&, const Foo_&);
// note: this relies on template argument deduction in declarations
// can also specify the template argument with operator<< <T>"

// definition
template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Foo_<T>& obj)
return os << obj.data;

int test_friend4()
Foo_<double> obj(1.23);
std::cout << obj << '\n'; // 1.23

return 0;

class MyClass {
int i;

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const MyClass& o);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, MyClass& o);
MyClass(int i = 0) : i(i) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const MyClass& mc)
return out << mc.i;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, MyClass& mc)
return in >> mc.i;

int test_friend5()
MyClass mc(7);
std::cout << mc << '\n'; // 7
std::istringstream("100") >> mc;
std::cout << mc << '\n'; // 100

return 0;

// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/inheritance/ class Rectangle {
int width, height;
Rectangle() {}
Rectangle(int x, int y) : width(x), height(y) {}
int area() { return width * height; }
friend Rectangle duplicate(const Rectangle&);

Rectangle duplicate(const Rectangle& param)
Rectangle res;
res.width = param.width * 2;
res.height = param.height * 2;
return res;

int test_friend6()
Rectangle foo;
Rectangle bar(2, 3);
foo = duplicate(bar);
std::cout << foo.area() << '\n'; // 24

return 0;

class Square_;

class Rectangle_ {
int width, height;
int area()
return (width * height);
void convert(Square_ a);

class Square_ {
friend class Rectangle_;
int side;
Square_(int a) : side(a) {}

void Rectangle_::convert(Square_ a) {
width = a.side;
height = a.side;

int test_friend7()
Rectangle_ rect;
Square_ sqr(4);
std::cout << rect.area(); // 16

return 0;

// reference: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_friend_functions.htm class Box
double width;
friend void printWidth(Box box);
void setWidth(double wid);

// Member function definition
void Box::setWidth(double wid)
width = wid;

// Note: printWidth() is not a member function of any class.
void printWidth(Box box)
/* Because printWidth() is a friend of Box, it can
directly access any member of this class */
std::cout << "Width of box : " << box.width << std::endl;

int test_friend8()
Box box;

// set box width with member function

// Use friend function to print the wdith.
printWidth(box); // 10.0

return 0;

// reference: http://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/friend-function-class class Distance
int meter;
Distance() : meter(0){ }
friend int func(Distance);  //friend function

int func(Distance d)            //function definition
d.meter = 5;         //accessing private data from non-member function
return d.meter;

int test_friend9()
Distance D;
std::cout << "Distace: " << func(D); // 5
return 0;

class B;     // forward declaration

class A {
int data;
A() : data(12){ }
friend int func(A, B);   //friend function Declaration

class B {
int data;
B() : data(1){ }
friend int func(A, B);  //friend function Declaration

int func(A d1, B d2)
/*Function func() is the friend function of both classes A and B. So, the private data of both class can be accessed from this function.*/
return (d1.data + d2.data);

int test_friend10()
A a;
B b;
std::cout << "Data: " << func(a, b); // 13

return 0;

// reference: https://www.codingunit.com/cplusplus-tutorial-friend-function-and-friend-class //Must be known to TWO before declaration of ONE.
class ONE;

class TWO
void print(ONE& x);

class ONE
int a, b;
friend void TWO::print(ONE& x);
ONE() : a(1), b(2) { }

void TWO::print(ONE& x)
std::cout << "a is " << x.a << std::endl; // a is 1
std::cout << "b is " << x.b << std::endl; // b is 2

int test_friend11()
ONE xobj;
TWO yobj;

return 0;

class MyClass_
// Declare a friend class
friend class SecondClass;

MyClass_() : Secret(0){}
void printMember()
std::cout << Secret << std::endl;
int Secret;

class SecondClass
void change(MyClass_& yourclass, int x)
yourclass.Secret = x;

int test_friend12()
MyClass_ my_class;
SecondClass sec_class;
my_class.printMember(); // 0
sec_class.change(my_class, 5);
my_class.printMember(); // 5

return 0;

// reference: http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/813-friend-functions-and-classes/ // A function can be a friend of more than one class at the same time.
class Humidity;

class Temperature
int m_temp;
Temperature(int temp = 0) { m_temp = temp; }

void setTemperature(int temp) { m_temp = temp; }

friend void printWeather(const Temperature &temperature, const Humidity &humidity);

class Humidity
int m_humidity;
Humidity(int humidity = 0) { m_humidity = humidity; }

void setHumidity(int humidity) { m_humidity = humidity; }

friend void printWeather(const Temperature &temperature, const Humidity &humidity);

void printWeather(const Temperature &temperature, const Humidity &humidity)
std::cout << "The temperature is " << temperature.m_temp <<      // 12
" and the humidity is " << humidity.m_humidity << '\n'; // 10

int test_friend13()
Humidity hum(10);
Temperature temp(12);

printWeather(temp, hum);

return 0;

class Storage
int m_nValue;
double m_dValue;
Storage(int nValue, double dValue)
m_nValue = nValue;
m_dValue = dValue;

// Make the Display class a friend of Storage
friend class Display;

class Display
bool m_displayIntFirst;

Display(bool displayIntFirst) { m_displayIntFirst = displayIntFirst; }

void displayItem(Storage &storage)
if (m_displayIntFirst)
std::cout << storage.m_nValue << " " << storage.m_dValue << '\n';
else // display double first
std::cout << storage.m_dValue << " " << storage.m_nValue << '\n';// 6.7 5

int test_friend14()
Storage storage(5, 6.7);
Display display(false);


return 0;

class Storage_; // forward declaration for class Storage

class Display_
bool m_displayIntFirst;

Display_(bool displayIntFirst) { m_displayIntFirst = displayIntFirst; }

void displayItem(Storage_ &storage); // forward declaration above needed for this declaration line

class Storage_
int m_nValue;
double m_dValue;
Storage_(int nValue, double dValue)
m_nValue = nValue;
m_dValue = dValue;

// Make the Display class a friend of Storage (requires seeing the full declaration of class Display, as above)
friend void Display_::displayItem(Storage_& storage);

// Now we can define Display::displayItem, which needs to have seen the full declaration of class Storage
void Display_::displayItem(Storage_ &storage)
if (m_displayIntFirst)
std::cout << storage.m_nValue << " " << storage.m_dValue << '\n';
else // display double first
std::cout << storage.m_dValue << " " << storage.m_nValue << '\n'; // 6.7 5

int test_friend15()
Storage_ storage(5, 6.7);
Display_ display(false);


return 0;

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