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openstack on centos 7.1(networking)

2016-06-23 09:25 453 查看

1.Install and configure controller node


mysql -u root -p





. admin-openrc

openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt neutron

openstack role add --project service --user neutron admin

openstack service create --name neutron --description "OpenStack Networking" network

openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne network public http://controller:9696 
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne network internal http://controller:9696 
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne network admin http://controller:9696[/code] 


Networking Option 1: Provider networks

Networking Option 2: Self-service networks

Install the components

yum install openstack-neutron openstack-neutron-ml2 openstack-neutron-linuxbridge ebtables

Configure the server component


core_plugin = ml2
service_plugins = router
allow_overlapping_ips = True
rpc_backend = rabbit
auth_strategy = keystone
notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True

rabbit_host = controller
rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS #Replace RABBIT_PASS with the password you chose for the openstack account in RabbitMQ

connection = mysql+pymysql://neutron:NEUTRON_DBPASS@controller/neutron #Replace NEUTRON_DBPASS with the password you chose for the database

auth_uri = http://controller:5000 auth_url = http://controller:35357 memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = NEUTRON_PASS #Replace NEUTRON_PASS with the password you chose for the neutron user in the Identity service

auth_url = http://controller:35357 auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = nova
password = NOVA_PASS #Replace NOVA_PASS with the password you chose for the nova user in the Identity service

lock_path = /var/lib/neutron/tmp

Configure the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in


type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
tenant_network_types = vxlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,l2population
extension_drivers = port_security

flat_networks = provider

vni_ranges = 1:1000

enable_ipset = True

Configure the Linux bridge agent


physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE_NAME #物理公共网络接口名字(controller)

enable_vxlan = True
local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS #物理公共网络接口地址(controller)
l2_population = True

enable_security_group = True
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver

Configure the layer-3 agent


interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
external_network_bridge =

Configure the DHCP agent


interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
enable_isolated_metadata = True


Configure the metadata agent


nova_metadata_ip = controller
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = METADATA_SECRET #Replace METADATA_SECRET with a suitable secret for the metadata proxy


url = http://controller:9696 auth_url = http://controller:35357 auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = NEUTRON_PASS #Replace NEUTRON_PASS with the password you chose for the neutron user in the Identity service

service_metadata_proxy = True
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = METADATA_SECRET #Replace METADATA_SECRET with the secret you chose for the metadata proxy

Finalize installation

ln -s /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini /etc/neutron/plugin.ini

su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron

systemctl restart openstack-nova-api.service

systemctl enable neutron-server.service neutron-linuxbridge-agent.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service

systemctl start neutron-server.service neutron-linuxbridge-agent.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service

systemctl enable neutron-l3-agent.service

systemctl start neutron-l3-agent.service

2.Install and configure compute node

Install the components

yum install openstack-neutron-linuxbridge ebtables ipset

Configure the common component


rpc_backend = rabbit
auth_strategy = keystone

rabbit_host = controller
rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS #Replace RABBIT_PASS with the password you chose for the openstack account in RabbitMQ

auth_uri = http://controller:5000 auth_url = http://controller:35357 memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = NEUTRON_PASS #Replace NEUTRON_PASS with the password you chose for the neutron user in the Identity service

lock_path = /var/lib/neutron/tmp


Networking Option 1: Provider networks

Networking Option 2: Self-service networks

Configure the Linux bridge agent


physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE_NAME #物理公共网络接口名字(compute)

enable_vxlan = True
local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS #物理公共网络接口地址(compute)
l2_population = True

enable_security_group = True
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDrive


Configure Compute to use Networking


url = http://controller:9696 auth_url = http://controller:35357 auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = NEUTRON_PASS

Finalize installation

systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute.service

systemctl enable neutron-linuxbridge-agent.service

systemctl start neutron-linuxbridge-agent.service

3.Verify operation

. admin-openrc

neutron ext-list #必须显示一个列表,否侧前面步骤可能有问题,需要看日志解决


Networking Option 1: Provider networks

Networking Option 2: Self-service networks

neutron agent-list


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