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############ GENERAL PARAMETERS ################# ### Option: PidFile# Name of PID file.## Mandatory: no# Default:#pidFile=PID路径#说明:指定程程序PIDFILE路径,可修改到其它路径,但SNC不建议修改 PidFile=/smp/sncmon/zabbix_agentd.pid ### Option: LogFile# Name of log file.# If not set, syslog is used.## Mandatory: no# Default:# LogFile=#LogFile=路径#说明:客户端AGENT运行产生的日志文件路径,可修改到其它路径,如/var/log/zabbix_agnetd.log,视具体情况修改,也可保持默认LogFile=/smp/sncmon/zabbix_agentd.log ### Option: LogFileSize# Maximum size of log file in MB.# 0 - disable automatic log rotation.## Mandatory: no# Range: 0-1024# Default:#LogFileSize=数字#说明:AGENT产生日志大小控制,默认1M,若为0,则表示不产生任何日志,数字范围(1-1024M)不建议关闭日志功能,建议保持默认LogFileSize=1 ### Option: DebugLevel# Specifies debug level# 0 - no debug 无日志级别# 1 - critical information 灾难信息级别# 2 - error information 一般错误信息级别# 3 - warnings 警告级别# 4 - for debugging (produces lots of information) 调试级别#说明:0~4级别,日志产生量在相同单位时间,生成的日志量为递增,即0级别日志量最少,4级别最多,默认3级别,建议视具体情况,自行把握## Mandatory: no# Range: 0-4# Default:DebugLevel=3 ### Option: SourceIP# Source IP address for outgoing connections.## Mandatory: no# Default:#SourceIP=IP地址#说明:当系统设置有多个IP时,需要指定一个IP与二级代理或服务端通信,若系统只有一个IP,也建议指定一个IPSourceIP= ### Option: EnableRemoteCommands# Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.# 0 - not allowed 不允许# 1 - allowed 允许## Mandatory: no# Default:#EnableRemoteCommands=0或1#说明:是否允许在本地执行远程命令,建议设置为“允许”,因为SNC对命令下发功能进行了二次开发,功能强大,极大的方便日志运维工作EnableRemoteCommands=1 ### Option: LogRemoteCommands# Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings.# 0 - disabled 不产生日志# 1 - enabled 产生日志## Mandatory: no# Default:#LogRemoteCommands=1或0#说明:在参数EnableRemoteCommands=1的情况下,执行远程命令是否保存操作日志,若已设置EnableRemoteCommands=1#建议LogRemoteCommands=1,以便 日后查证。若EnableRemoteCommands=0,此参数不生效LogRemoteCommands=1 ##### Passive checks related#与被动模式有关的参数设置#什么是被动模式?#被动模式下,由二级代理或服务端主动请求AGENT,去获取所采集到的监控数据### Option: Server# List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers.# Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.# If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally.## Mandatory: no# Default:# Server=#Server=IP地址或主机名,建议IP地址#说明:在有二级代理情况下,此IP地址应该填写二级代理服务器的IP,反之,若无二级代理服务器,则此IP应设置为服务端#IPServer= ### Option: ListenPort# Agent will listen on this port for connections from the server.## Mandatory: no# Range: 1024-32767 (监控端口范围)# Default:# ListenPort=数字#说明:此AGENT端以本地服务的形式运行,需要监听端口,强烈建议设置为10050,以便移动整个系统统一规划管理,当然,特殊情况下可修改为1024-32767 未使用的端口ListenPort=10050 ### Option: ListenIP# List of comma delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on.# First IP address is sent to Zabbix server if connecting to it to retrieve list of active checks.## Mandatory: no# Default:## ListenIP=IP地址#说明:对应的ListenPort监听到哪个IP上面,建议指定IP时,不用0.0.0.0# ListenIP= ### Option: StartAgents# Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks.# If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port.## Mandatory: no# Range: 0-100 数字范围(0-100)# Default:#StartAgents=数字#说明:在被动模式下,此参数用于设置控制监听进程可启用的子进程的数量,若监控项较多且采集很频繁,建议加大此数值;若此数值为0,则禁止使用被动模式。另外,一般情况,不建议修改此数值,当且仅当某些监控项无法采集到数据,或数据采集数据有延迟现象时,可调整。第四,启用线程越多,则相对越耗系统资源StartAgents=5 ##### Active checks related#主动模式相关参数设置#什么时主动模式?#在主动模式下,AGENT端(即采集客户端)将所采集的结果,主动提交给二级代理服务器或服务器,而此种情况下,二级代理服务器或服务器将被动接收采集信息### Option: ServerActive# List of comma delimited IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers for active checks.# If port is not specified, default port is used.# IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified.# If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.# If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.# Example: ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1]## Mandatory: no# Default:# ServerActive=#ServerActive=IP地址或IP地址:端口号#说明:在主动模式下,ServerActive为二级代理服务器或服务器,默认端口为10051,若需更改端口,则为#ServerActive=IP:port,非特殊情况下,不建议修改。ServerActive= ### Option: Hostname# Unique, case sensitive hostname.# Required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server.# Value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined.## Mandatory: no# Default:# Hostname=# Hostname=主机名#说明:手工自定义一个主机名,可以和系统的主机名一样,也可以不一样,此参数可根据实际情况启用或关闭,建议关闭此参数,并启用HostnameItem参数#Hostname=Zabbix server ### Option: HostnameItem# Item used for generating Hostname if it is undefined.# Ignored if Hostname is defined.## Mandatory: no# Default:#HostnameItem:自动获取主机名#说明:system.hostname是ZABBIX内置的一个自动获取主机名的方法,为了方便配置,建议打开此参数而关闭Hostname参数#。注意:HostnameItem的优化级低于Hostname,当两个参数都启用且配置的情况下,ZABBIX获取的主机名,将以Hostname为#准HostnameItem=system.hostname ### Option: HostMetadata# Optional parameter that defines host metadata.# Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.# An agent will issue an error and not start if the value is over limit of 255 characters.# If not defined, value will be acquired from HostMetadataItem.## Mandatory: no# Range: 0-255 characters 0-255个字符# Default:# HostMetadata=字符串#说明:用于定义当前主机唯一标识符,最大长度255个,仅适用于自动发现情况下,默认不定义,建议不定义# HostMetadata= ### Option: HostMetadataItem# Optional parameter that defines an item used for getting host metadata.# Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.# During an auto-registration request an agent will log a warning message if# the value returned by specified item is over limit of 255 characters.# This option is only used when HostMetadata is not defined.## Mandatory: no# Default:#说明;用于获取主机的HostMetadata,建议保持默认# HostMetadataItem= ### Option: RefreshActiveChecks# How often list of active checks is refreshed, in seconds.## Mandatory: no# Range: 60-3600# Default:#RefreshActiveChecks=数字#说明:被监控的主机多久(秒)重新请求二级代理或服务端刷新一监控列表。范围为60-3600秒。ZABBIX运行原理为:,zabbix客户端启动后,在等待RefreshActiveChecks秒后,开始从二级代理或服务端请求并下载监控项信息,保存在本地专门的buffersend中,再过RefreshActiveChecks秒后,重新获取监控项信息。这就是为什么当配置监控项,要过一会才能生效的原因。这个数值,就是等待时间。建议,不要将此数值设置过小,以免加大AGENT端和服务端及数据库的压力,建议为120秒。 RefreshActiveChecks=120 ### Option: BufferSend# Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer.## Mandatory: no# Range: 1-3600# Default:#BufferSend=数字#说明:多少秒后,将BUFFER中的数据提交到二级代理或服务端。范围(1-36600)此数值的大小决定了采集后,提交数据的及时性,数值越小,则提交得越频繁,对服务器压力越大,同时对AGENT端系统资源消耗越大,则表现出来的现象是报警非常及时,建议根据实际情况自行考虑,也可保持默认,若发现ZABBIX消耗资源较多,建议加大此数值。BufferSend=5 ### Option: BufferSize# Maximum number of values in a memory buffer. The agent will send# all collected data to Zabbix Server or Proxy if the buffer is full.## Mandatory: no# Range: 2-65535# Default:#BufferSize=数值#说明:此参数作用设置保存采集数据在内存中的容量大小。若此agent端监控项较多,建议加大此数值。BufferSize与BufferSend之间有联系的。当达到bUFFERSEND或Buffersize已满时,都会触发数据提交动作。BufferSize=100 ### Option: MaxLinesPerSecond# Maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix Server# or Proxy processing 'log' and 'logrt' active checks.# The provided value will be overridden by the parameter 'maxlines',# provided in 'log' or 'logrt' item keys.## Mandatory: no# Range: 1-1000# Default:#MaxLinesPerSecond=数值#说明:定义了AGENT在1秒内发送的日志行数,用于避免网络或cpu过载,建议保持默认# MaxLinesPerSecond=100 ############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS ##################高级参数设置### Option: Alias# Sets an alias for parameter. It can be useful to substitute long and complex parameter name with a smaller and simpler one.## Mandatory: no# Range:# Default:#设置参数的别名。它可以替代长和复杂的一个小而简单的一个有用的参数名称#alias_name=long_command ### Option: Timeout# Spend no more than Timeout seconds on processing## Mandatory: no# Range: 1-30# Default:#Timeout=数值#说明:当agent采集一个数据时,多长少算超时。建议保持默认Timeout=30 ### Option: AllowRoot# Allow the agent to run as 'root'. If disabled and the agent is started by 'root', the agent# will try to switch to user 'zabbix' instead. Has no effect if started under a regular user.# 0 - do not allow# 1 - allow## Mandatory: no# Default:#AllowRoot=0或1#说明:是否允许ROOT帐号运行此客户端。0:不允许,1:允许,当一个脚本执行需要以ROOT身份执行的,则此开关必须打开,建议根据实际情况开启或关闭,AllowRoot=0 ### Option: Include# You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.# Installing Zabbix will create include directory in /usr/local/etc, unless modified during the compile time.## Mandatory: no# Default:# Include=# Include=目录路径或扩展配置文件路径#说明:从配置文件可管理性或扩展性考虑,若需配置大量参数的且为了方便后续管理可以启用此参数,建议根据实际情况考虑,不过,一般情况下无须启用# Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf# Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ ####### USER-DEFINED MONITORED PARAMETERS ########自定义监控脚本### Option: UnsafeUserParameters# Allow all characters to be passed in arguments to user-defined parameters.# 0 - do not allow# 1 - allow## Mandatory: no# Range: 0-1# Default:#UnsafeUserParameters=0或1#说明:是否启用用户自定义监控脚本,1启用,0不启用。由于ZABBIX实现监控方法的多样性,一般都采用脚本来实现监控数据的采集,所以,建议开启,否则功能将受限。UnsafeUserParameters=1 ### Option: UserParameter# User-defined parameter to monitor. There can be several user-defined parameters.# Format: UserParameter=,# See 'zabbix_agentd' directory for examples.## Mandatory: no# Default:# UserParameter= ####### LOADABLE MODULES ####### ### Option: LoadModulePath# Full path to location of agent modules.# Default depends on compilation options.## Mandatory: no# Default:# LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules#说明:扩展模块路径,强烈建议不要改动,除非你具有AGENT 开发能力# LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules ### Option: LoadModule# Module to load at agent startup. Modules are used to extend functionality of the agent.# Format: LoadModule=.so># The modules must be located in directory specified by LoadModulePath.# It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters.## Mandatory: no# Default:#说明:扩展模块路径,强烈建议不要改动,除非你具有AGENT 开发能力# LoadModule= #UserParameter=#说明:用户自定义监控脚本,当且仅当UnsafeUserParameters=1时UserParameter生效。以下为SNC初始自定监控脚本,不建议修改,已有选项,但可自义添加。#自定义监控项配置语法#UserParameter=key,command#如何使用:以获取mysql监控为例#步骤1,设置自定义脚本#UserParameter=mysql.questions,mysqladmin -uroot --password='XXXXX' status|cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"S"#保存退出,并重启AGENT#步骤2,手工验证#在二级代理端或服务器端用命令 zabbix_get -s IP -k mysql.questions 将返回采集信息#步骤3,在管理页面添加监控项#注意:成功关键,脚本本身具有可执行权限,且脚本运行正常


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