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手机开发实战184——Scatter file介绍5

2016-06-14 20:28 225 查看

    Exec_Sram  0x80000000  0x40000


        * (sram)


“PI” 属性使用示例:

LR_1 0x010000 PI                ; The first load region is at 0x010000.


    ER_RO +0                    ; The PI attribute is inherited from parent.

                                ; The default execution address is 0x010000, but the code can be moved.


        *(+RO)                  ; All the RO sections go here.


    ER_RW +0 ABSOLUTE           ; PI attribute is overridden by ABSOLUTE.


        *(+RW)                  ; The RW sections are placed next. They cannot be moved.


    ER_ZI +0                    ; ER_ZI region placed after ER_RW region.


        *(+ZI)                  ; All the ZI sections are placed consecutively here.



LR_1 0x010000                   ; The first load region is at 0x010000.


    ER_RO +0                    ; Default ABSOLUTE attribute is inherited from parent. The execution address

                                ; is 0x010000. The code and ro data cannot be moved.


        *(+RO)                  ; All the RO sections go here.


    ER_RW 0x018000 PI           ; PI attribute overrides ABSOLUTE


        *(+RW)                  ; The RW sections are placed at 0x018000 and they can be moved.


    ER_ZI +0                    ; ER_ZI region placed after ER_RW region.


        *(+ZI)                  ; All the ZI sections are placed consecutively here.




Load$region_name$Base             Load address of the region.

Image$region_name$Base            Execution address of the region.

Image$region_name$Length          Execution region length in bytes (multiple of 4).

Image$region_name$Limit           Address of the byte beyond the end of the execution region.

Image$region_name$ZI$Base        Execution address of the ZI output section in this region.

Image$region_name$ZI$Length      Length of the ZI output section in bytes (multiple of 4).

Image$region_name$ZI$Limit       Address of the byte beyond the end of the ZI output sectionin the execution region.

SectionName$Base                   Input Address of the start of the consolidated section called SectionName.

SectionName$Limit                  Input Address of the byte beyond the end of the consolidated section called SectionName.

Load:          加载区,即存放地址;

Image:         执行区,即运行地址;

Base:          区首地址;

Limit:         区尾地址;

Length:        区长度;

region_name:   RO、RW、ZI、load_region_name、execution_region_name;


    “RAM1”区域的首地址:      Image$RAM1$Base

    上例中“sram”段首地址:    sram$Base


  IMPORT |Load$Exec_RAM1$Base|              // Exec_RAM1 为“RW”段

  IMPORT |Image$Exec_RAM1$Base|

  IMPORT |Image$Exec_RAM1$Length|

  IMPORT |Image$Exec_RAM1$Limit|

  LDR  R0, =|Load$Exec_RAM1$Base|

  LDR  R1, =|Image$Exec_RAM1$Base|

  LDR  R2, =|Image$Exec_RAM1$Limit|


  CMP  R1,   R2

  LDRCC R3,   [R0], #4

  STRCC R3,   [R1], #4

  BCC  %b0

C 引用:

extern unsigned char Load$Exec_RAM1$Base;

extern unsigned char Image$Exec_RAM1$Base;

extern unsigned char Image$Exec_RAM1$Length;

void MoveRO(void)


 unsigned char * psrc, *pdst;

 unsigned int  count;

 count = (unsigned int)   &Image$Exec_RAM1$Length;

 psrc  = (unsigned char *)&Load$Exec_RAM1$Base;

 pdst  = (unsigned char *)&Image$Exec_RAM1$Base;

 while (count--) {

  *pdst++ = *psrc++;


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