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Greta 入门指南

2016-05-31 13:32 211 查看
GRETA是微软研究院推出的一个正则表达式模板类库,GRETA 包含的 C++ 对象和函数,使字符串的模式匹配和替换变得很容易,它们是:

rpattern: 搜索的模式

match_results/subst_results: 放置匹配、替换结果的容器


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "regexpr2.h"

#ifdef _UNICODE
#define tstring wstring
#define tcout   wcout
#define tstring string
#define tcout   cout

using namespace std;
using namespace regex;

int main()
match_results results;
tstring str( _T("The book cost $12.34") );
rpattern pat( _T("\\$(\\d+)(\\.(\\d\\d))?") );
// Match a dollar sign followed by one or more digits,
// optionally followed by a period and two more digits.
// The double-escapes are necessary to satisfy the compiler.

match_results::backref_type br = pat.match( str, results );
if( br.matched )
tcout << ("match success!") << endl;
tcout << ("price: ") << br << endl;
tcout << ("match failed!") << endl;
return 0;


match success!
price: $12.34
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