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jstat [-options] [vmid] [间隔时间/毫秒] [查询次数]


l class (类加载器)

l compiler (JIT)

l gc (GC堆状态)

l gccapacity (各区大小)

l gccause (最近一次GC统计和原因)

l gcnew (新区统计)

l gcnewcapacity (新区大小)

l gcold (老区统计)

l gcoldcapacity (老区大小)

l gcpermcapacity (永久区大小)

l gcutil (GC统计汇总)

l printcompilation (HotSpot编译统计)

1.jstat -gcutil

[sre@CDM1E03-209010065 ~]$ jstat -gcutil 9956

S0     S1     E      O      P     YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT

22.61   0.00  84.75  12.57  99.62    282    5.876     0    0.000    5.876

S0SURVIVOR0 space使用百分比
S1SURVIVOR1 space使用百分比
EEden space使用百分比
OOld space使用百分比
PPermanent space使用百分比
YGCTNumber of young generation GC events
FGCYoung generation garbage collection time
FGCTNumber of full GC events
FGCTFull garbage collection time
GCTTotal garbage collection time

2.jstat -gc

[sre@CDM1E03-209010065 ~]$ jstat -gc 9956

S0C    S1C    S0U    S1U      EC       EU        OC         OU       PC     PU    YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT

27136.0 27648.0  0.0   6352.0 992768.0 185532.0 2097152.0   264019.0  63488.0 63246.4    283    5.892   0      0.000    5.892

S0CCurrent survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S1CCurrent survivor space 1 capacity (KB)
S0USurvivor space 0 utilization (KB)
S1USurvivor space 1 utilization (KB)
ECCurrent eden space capacity (KB)
EUCurrent eden space capacity (KB)
OCCurrent old space capacity (KB)
OUOld space utilization (KB)
PCCurrent permanent space capacity (KB)
PUPermanent space utilization (KB)
YGCNumber of young generation GC Events
YGCTYoung generation garbage collection time
FGCNumber of full GC events
FGCTFull garbage collection time
GCTTotal garbage collection time

3.jstat -gccapacity

[sre@CDM1E03-209010065 ~]$ jstat -gccapacity 9956

NGCMN    NGCMX     NGC     S0C   S1C       EC      OGCMN      OGCMX       OGC         OC      PGCMN    PGCMX     PGC       PC     YGC    FGC

1048576.0 1048576.0 1048576.0 27136.0 27648.0 992768.0  2097152.0  2097152.0  2097152.0  2097152.0  21504.0  83968.0  63488.0  63488.0    283     0

NGCMNMinimum new generation capacity (KB)
NGCMXMaximum new generation capacity (KB)
NGCCurrent new generation capacity (KB)
S0CCurrent survivor space 0 capacity (KB)
S1CCurrent survivor space 1 capacity (KB)
ECCurrent eden space capacity (KB)
OGCMNMinimum old generation capacity (KB)
OGCMXMaximum old generation capacity (KB)
OGCCurrent old generation capacity (KB)
OGCurrent old space capacity (KB)
PGCMNMinimum permanent generation capacity (KB)
PGCMXMaximum Permanent generation capacity (KB)
PGCCurrent Permanent generation capacity (KB)
PGCurrent Permanent space capacity (KB)
YGCNumber of Young generation GC Events
FGCNumber of Full GC Events

4.jstat -gccause

[sre@CDM1E03-209010065 ~]$ jstat -gccause 9956

S0     S1     E      O      P     YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT    LGCC                 GCC

0.00  22.97  91.12  12.59  99.62    283    5.892     0    0.000    5.892 Allocation Failure   No GC


LGCCCause of last Garbage Collection
GCCCause of current Garbage Collection

5.jstat -gcnew

[sre@CDM1E03-209010065 ~]$ jstat -gcnew 9956

S0C    S1C    S0U    S1U   TT MTT  DSS      EC       EU     YGC     YGCT

27136.0 26624.0 6827.0    0.0  1  15 26624.0 994816.0  44565.8    284    5.910

TTTenuring threshold
MTTMaximum tenuring threshold
DSSDesired survivor size (KB)

6.jstat -gcnewcapacity

7.jstat -gcold

8.jstat -gcoldcapacity

9.jstat -gcpermcapacity

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