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unity 陀螺仪的脚本

2016-05-16 17:49 537 查看
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MSP_Input 

public class GyroAccel : MonoBehaviour 
public bool forceAccelerometer = false;
public float smoothingTime = 0.1f;
public float headingOffset;

public float pitchOffset = 30.0f;
public float pitchOffsetMinimum = -70f;
public float pitchOffsetMaximum = 70f;

public float gyroHeadingAmplifier = 1f;
public float gyroPitchAmplifier = 1f;
private Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
public float heading;
public float pitch;
public float roll;

public class AutoUpdateList 
public Transform targetTransform;
public bool copyHeading = true;
public bool copyPitch = true;
public bool copyRoll = true;
public bool enabled = true;
public float headingMin = -180f;
public float headingMax =  180f;
public float headingDefault = 0f;
public float pitchMin = -90f;
public float pitchMax =  90f;
public float pitchDefault = 0f;
public float rollMin = -180f;
public float rollMax =  180f;
public float rollDefault = 0f;
public float smoothingTime = 0f;

public AutoUpdateList selfUpdate;
public List<AutoUpdateList> autoUpdateList = new List<AutoUpdateList>();

static private bool _forceAccelerometer;
static private float _smoothingTime;
static private float _headingOffset;
static private float _pitchOffset;
static private float _pitchOffsetMinimum;
static private float _pitchOffsetMaximum;
static private float _gyroHeadingAmplifier;
static private float _gyroPitchAmplifier;
static private Quaternion _rotation = Quaternion.identity;
static private float _heading;
static private float _pitch;
static private float _roll;
static private string _transformName;
static private AutoUpdateList _selfUpdate;
static private List<AutoUpdateList> _autoUpdateList = new List<AutoUpdateList>();


void Awake() 
Input.compensateSensors = true;
Input.gyro.enabled = true;
_forceAccelerometer = forceAccelerometer;
_smoothingTime = smoothingTime;
_headingOffset = headingOffset;
_pitchOffset = pitchOffset;
_pitchOffsetMinimum = pitchOffsetMinimum;
_pitchOffsetMaximum = pitchOffsetMaximum;
Amplifier = gyroHeadingAmplifier;
_gyroPitchAmplifier = gyroPitchAmplifier;
_selfUpdate = selfUpdate;
_autoUpdateList = autoUpdateList;
_transformName = transform.name;


void Update() 
if (!SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope) 
forceAccelerometer = true;
ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: No gyroscope available -> forcing accelerometer");
if (Application.isEditor && Input.gyro.attitude == Quaternion.identity) 
MSP_Input.ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: There seems to be a problem reading the gyroscope: did you set up Unity Remote correctly?");
forceAccelerometer = _forceAccelerometer;
smoothingTime = _smoothingTime;
headingOffset = _headingOffset;
pitchOffset = _pitchOffset;
pitchOffsetMinimum = _pitchOffsetMinimum;
pitchOffsetMaximum = _pitchOffsetMaximum;
gyroHeadingAmplifier = _gyroHeadingAmplifier;
gyroPitchAmplifier = _gyroPitchAmplifier;
selfUpdate = _selfUpdate;
autoUpdateList = _autoUpdateList;
CheckHeadingAndPitchBoundaries ();
if (!_forceAccelerometer && SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope) {
UpdateGyroscopeOrientation ();
} else {
UpdateAccelerometerOrientation ();
_rotation = rotation;
_heading = heading;
_pitch = pitch;
_roll = roll;
_headingOffset = headingOffset;
_pitchOffset = pitchOffset;


void LateUpdate ()
AutoUpdate ();


void UpdateGyroscopeOrientation() 
Quaternion gyroQuat = Input.gyro.attitude;
Quaternion A = new Quaternion(0.5f,0.5f,-0.5f,0.5f);
Quaternion B = new Quaternion(0f,0f,1f,0f);
gyroQuat = A * gyroQuat * B;
float devicePitch;
float deviceRoll;
GetDevicePitchAndRollFromGravityVector(out devicePitch, out deviceRoll);
float rcosin = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * deviceRoll);
float rsinus = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * deviceRoll);
float deltaHeading;
deltaHeading = (-Input.gyro.rotationRateUnbiased.x * rsinus - Input.gyro.rotationRateUnbiased.y * rcosin);
gyroHeadingAmplifier = Mathf.Clamp(gyroHeadingAmplifier,0.1f,4f);
deltaHeading *= (gyroHeadingAmplifier-1f);
headingOffset += deltaHeading;
float deltaPitch;
deltaPitch = (-Input.gyro.rotationRateUnbiased.y * rsinus + Input.gyro.rotationRateUnbiased.x * rcosin);
gyroPitchAmplifier = Mathf.Clamp(gyroPitchAmplifier,0.1f,4f);
deltaPitch *= (gyroPitchAmplifier-1f);
if (devicePitch > pitchOffsetMinimum && devicePitch < pitchOffsetMaximum) {
pitchOffset += deltaPitch;
if (devicePitch <= pitchOffsetMinimum) {
pitchOffset -= Mathf.Abs(deltaPitch);
if (devicePitch >= pitchOffsetMaximum) {
pitchOffset += Mathf.Abs(deltaPitch);
Vector3 gyro_forward = gyroQuat * Vector3.forward;
Vector3 rotAxis = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up,gyro_forward);
AnimationCurve devicePitchAdjustmentCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90f, 0f), new Keyframe(pitchOffset, -pitchOffset), new Keyframe(90f, 0f));
Quaternion extra_pitch = Quaternion.AngleAxis(devicePitchAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(devicePitch),rotAxis);
gyroQuat = extra_pitch * gyroQuat;
Quaternion extra_heading = Quaternion.AngleAxis(headingOffset,Vector3.up);
gyroQuat = extra_heading * gyroQuat;
// Smooth gyro quaternion
float smoothFactor = (smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / smoothingTime : 1f;
rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(rotation, gyroQuat, smoothFactor);
// Compute heading, pitch, roll
Vector3 rf = rotation * Vector3.forward;
Vector3 prf = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up,Vector3.Cross(rf,Vector3.up));
float newHeading = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward,prf) * Mathf.Sign (rf.x);
AnimationCurve headingSmoothCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90f, 0f, 0f, 0f), 
                                                      new Keyframe(-85, smoothFactor, 0f, 0f),
                                                      new Keyframe(85f, smoothFactor, 0f, 0f),
                                                      new Keyframe(90f,0f,0f,0f));
heading = Mathf.LerpAngle(heading,newHeading,headingSmoothCurve.Evaluate(pitch));
pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch,devicePitch+devicePitchAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(devicePitch),smoothFactor);
roll = Mathf.LerpAngle(roll,deviceRoll,smoothFactor);
} // void UpdateGyroscopeOrientation()


void UpdateAccelerometerOrientation() 
float devicePitch;
float deviceRoll;
GetDevicePitchAndRollFromGravityVector(out devicePitch, out deviceRoll);
AnimationCurve devicePitchAdjustmentCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90f, 0f), new Keyframe(pitchOffset, -pitchOffset), new Keyframe(90f, 0f));
Quaternion accelQuat = Quaternion.identity;
accelQuat = GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(headingOffset, devicePitch+devicePitchAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(devicePitch), deviceRoll);
// Smooth gyro quaternion
float smoothFactor = (smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / smoothingTime : 1f;
rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(rotation, accelQuat, smoothFactor);
// Compute heading, pitch, roll
heading = Mathf.LerpAngle(heading,headingOffset,smoothFactor);
pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch,devicePitch+devicePitchAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(devicePitch),smoothFactor);
roll = Mathf.LerpAngle(roll,deviceRoll,smoothFactor);
} // void UpdateAccelerometerOrientation()


void AutoUpdate()
float h;
float p;
float r;
Quaternion rot;
float smoothFactor;

if (selfUpdate.enabled)
if (selfUpdate.copyHeading && selfUpdate.copyPitch && selfUpdate.copyRoll && selfUpdate.headingMin == -180f && selfUpdate.headingMax == 180f && selfUpdate.pitchMin == -90f && selfUpdate.pitchMax == 90f && selfUpdate.rollMin
== -180f && selfUpdate.rollMax == 180f) 
smoothFactor = (selfUpdate.smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / selfUpdate.smoothingTime : 1f;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation,_rotation,smoothFactor);
} else {
h = selfUpdate.copyHeading ? _heading : selfUpdate.headingDefault;
if (h>180f) h-=360f;
h = Mathf.Clamp(h,selfUpdate.headingMin,selfUpdate.headingMax);
p = selfUpdate.copyPitch ? _pitch : selfUpdate.pitchDefault;
p = Mathf.Clamp(p,selfUpdate.pitchMin,selfUpdate.pitchMax);
r = selfUpdate.copyRoll ? _roll : selfUpdate.rollDefault;
if (r>180f) r-=360f;
r = Mathf.Clamp(r,selfUpdate.rollMin,selfUpdate.rollMax);
rot = MSP_Input.GyroAccel.GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(h,p,r);
smoothFactor = (selfUpdate.smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / selfUpdate.smoothingTime : 1f;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation,rot,smoothFactor);

foreach (AutoUpdateList aut in autoUpdateList) 
if (aut.targetTransform && aut.enabled) 
if (aut.copyHeading && aut.copyPitch && aut.copyRoll && aut.headingMin == -180f && aut.headingMax == 180f && aut.pitchMin == -90f && aut.pitchMax == 90f && aut.rollMin == -180f && aut.rollMax == 180f)
smoothFactor = (aut.smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / aut.smoothingTime : 1f;
aut.targetTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(aut.targetTransform.rotation,_rotation,smoothFactor);
} else {
h = aut.copyHeading ? _heading : aut.headingDefault;
if (h>180f) h-=360f;
h = Mathf.Clamp(h,aut.headingMin,aut.headingMax);
p = aut.copyPitch ? _pitch : aut.pitchDefault;
p = Mathf.Clamp(p,aut.pitchMin,aut.pitchMax);
r = aut.copyRoll ? _roll : aut.rollDefault;
if (r>180f) r-=360f;
r = Mathf.Clamp(r,aut.rollMin,aut.rollMax);
rot = MSP_Input.GyroAccel.GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(h,p,r);
smoothFactor = (aut.smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime) ? Time.deltaTime / aut.smoothingTime : 1f;
aut.targetTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(aut.targetTransform.rotation,rot,smoothFactor);
} // void AutoUpdate()


static public void GetDevicePitchAndRollFromGravityVector(out float devicePitch, out float deviceRoll) 
if (!SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope && !SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer) 
devicePitch = 0f;
deviceRoll = 0f;
} else {
Input.gyro.enabled = true;
// Vector holding the direction of gravity
Vector3 gravity = Input.gyro.gravity;
// find the projections of the gravity vector on the YZ-plane
Vector3 gravityProjectedOnXYplane = Vector3.Cross (Vector3.forward, Vector3.Cross (gravity, Vector3.forward));
// calculate the pitch = rotation around x-axis ("dive forward/backward")
devicePitch = Vector3.Angle (gravity, Vector3.forward) - 90;
// calculate the roll = rotation around z-axis ("steer left/right")
deviceRoll = Vector3.Angle (gravityProjectedOnXYplane, -Vector3.up) * Mathf.Sign (Vector3.Cross (gravityProjectedOnXYplane, Vector3.down).z);
AnimationCurve rollAdjustmentCurve = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe (-90f, 0f), new Keyframe (-80f, 1f), new Keyframe (80f, 1f), new Keyframe (90f, 0f));
deviceRoll *= rollAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate (devicePitch);
} // static public void GetDevicePitchAndRollFromGravityVector(out float devicePitch, out float deviceRoll)


void CheckHeadingAndPitchBoundaries() 
if (heading > 360f) 
heading -=360f;
if (heading < 0f) 
heading += 360f;
if (pitchOffset < pitchOffsetMinimum) 
pitchOffset = pitchOffsetMinimum;
if (pitchOffset > pitchOffsetMaximum) 
pitchOffset = pitchOffsetMaximum;
} // void CheckHeadingAndPitchBoundaries()


static public Quaternion GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(float inputHeading, float inputPitch, float inputRoll) 
Quaternion returnQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f,inputHeading,0f) * Quaternion.Euler(inputPitch,0f,0f) * Quaternion.Euler(0f,0f,inputRoll);
return returnQuat;
} // static public Quaternion GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(float inputHeading, float inputPitch, float inputRoll)

// public Get functions:

static public Quaternion GetRotation() 
return _rotation;


static public float GetHeading() 
return _heading;


static public float GetPitch() 
return _pitch;


static public float GetRoll() 
return _roll;


static public void GetHeadingPitchRoll(out float h, out float p, out float r) 
h = _heading;
p = _pitch;
r = _roll;


static public float GetHeadingOffset() 
return _headingOffset;


static public float GetPitchOffset() 
return _pitchOffset;


static public float GetSmoothingTime() 
return _smoothingTime;


static public float GetGyroHeadingAmplifier() 
return _gyroHeadingAmplifier;


static public float GetGyroPitchAmplifier() 
return _gyroPitchAmplifier;


static public bool GetForceAccelerometer() 
return _forceAccelerometer;

// public Set/Add functions:

static public void SetHeading(float newHeading) 
while (newHeading < -180f) 
newHeading += 360f;
while (newHeading > 180f) 
newHeading -= 360f;
SetHeadingOffset(_headingOffset - _heading + newHeading);


static public void SetHeadingOffset(float newHeadingOffset) 
_headingOffset = newHeadingOffset;


static public void SetPitch(float newPitch) 
newPitch = Mathf.Clamp (newPitch, -90f, 90f);
float devicePitch;
float deviceRoll;
GetDevicePitchAndRollFromGravityVector(out devicePitch, out deviceRoll);
SetPitchOffset (devicePitch - newPitch);


static public void SetPitchOffset(float newPitchOffset) 
_pitchOffset = newPitchOffset;


static public void SetPitchOffsetMinumumMaximum(float newPitchOffsetMinimum, float newPitchOffsetMaximum) 
_pitchOffsetMinimum = newPitchOffsetMinimum;
_pitchOffsetMaximum = newPitchOffsetMaximum;


static public void SetGyroHeadingAmplifier(float newValue) 
_gyroHeadingAmplifier = newValue;


static public void SetGyroPitchAmplifier(float newValue) 
_gyroPitchAmplifier = newValue;


static public void SetSmoothingTime(float smoothTime) 
_smoothingTime = smoothTime;


static public void SetForceAccelerometer(bool newValue) 
_forceAccelerometer = newValue;


static public void AddFloatToHeadingOffset(float extraHeadingOffset) 
_headingOffset += extraHeadingOffset;


static public void AddFloatToPitchOffset(float extraPitchOffset) 
_pitchOffset += extraPitchOffset;


static public void EnableAutoUpdate() 
_selfUpdate.enabled = true;


static public void EnableAutoUpdate(string name) 
if (name == "self" || name == "Self" || name == _transformName)
_selfUpdate.enabled = true;
foreach (AutoUpdateList aut in _autoUpdateList) 
if (name == aut.targetTransform.name)
aut.enabled = true;
MSP_Input.ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: You are trying to enable AutoUpdate on object "+name+", but this object doesn't exist in the AutoUpdateList.");


static public void DisableAutoUpdate() 
_selfUpdate.enabled = false;


static public void DisableAutoUpdate(string name) 
if (name == "self" || name == "Self" || name == _transformName)
_selfUpdate.enabled = false;
foreach (AutoUpdateList aut in _autoUpdateList) 
if (name == aut.targetTransform.name)
aut.enabled = false;
MSP_Input.ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: You are trying to disable AutoUpdate on object "+name+", but this object doesn't exist in the AutoUpdateList.");

} // public class GyroAccel : MonoBehaviour

} // namespace MSP_Input
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