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// InstructionSet.cpp
// Compile by using: cl /EHsc /W4 InstructionSet.cpp
// processor: x86, x64
// Uses the __cpuid intrinsic to get information about
// CPU extended instruction set support.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <intrin.h>

class InstructionSet
// forward declarations
class InstructionSet_Internal;

// getters
static std::string Vendor(void) { return CPU_Rep.vendor_; }
static std::string Brand(void) { return CPU_Rep.brand_; }

static bool SSE3(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[0]; }
static bool PCLMULQDQ(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[1]; }
static bool MONITOR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[3]; }
static bool SSSE3(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[9]; }
static bool FMA(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[12]; }
static bool CMPXCHG16B(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[13]; }
static bool SSE41(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[19]; }
static bool SSE42(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[20]; }
static bool MOVBE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[22]; }
static bool POPCNT(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[23]; }
static bool AES(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[25]; }
static bool XSAVE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[26]; }
static bool OSXSAVE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[27]; }
static bool AVX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[28]; }
static bool F16C(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[29]; }
static bool RDRAND(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[30]; }

static bool MSR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[5]; }
static bool CX8(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[8]; }
static bool SEP(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[11]; }
static bool CMOV(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[15]; }
static bool CLFSH(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[19]; }
static bool MMX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[23]; }
static bool FXSR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[24]; }
static bool SSE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[25]; }
static bool SSE2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[26]; }

static bool FSGSBASE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[0]; }
static bool BMI1(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[3]; }
static bool HLE(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[4]; }
static bool AVX2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[5]; }
static bool BMI2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[8]; }
static bool ERMS(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[9]; }
static bool INVPCID(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[10]; }
static bool RTM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[11]; }
static bool AVX512F(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[16]; }
static bool RDSEED(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[18]; }
static bool ADX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[19]; }
static bool AVX512PF(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[26]; }
static bool AVX512ER(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[27]; }
static bool AVX512CD(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[28]; }
static bool SHA(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[29]; }

static bool PREFETCHWT1(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_ECX_[0]; }

static bool LAHF(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[0]; }
static bool LZCNT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[5]; }
static bool ABM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[5]; }
static bool SSE4a(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[6]; }
static bool XOP(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[11]; }
static bool TBM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[21]; }

static bool SYSCALL(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[11]; }
static bool MMXEXT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[22]; }
static bool RDTSCP(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[27]; }
static bool _3DNOWEXT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[30]; }
static bool _3DNOW(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[31]; }

static const InstructionSet_Internal CPU_Rep;

class InstructionSet_Internal
: nIds_{ 0 },
nExIds_{ 0 },
isIntel_{ false },
isAMD_{ false },
f_1_ECX_{ 0 },
f_1_EDX_{ 0 },
f_7_EBX_{ 0 },
f_7_ECX_{ 0 },
f_81_ECX_{ 0 },
f_81_EDX_{ 0 },
//int cpuInfo[4] = {-1};
std::array<int, 4> cpui;

// Calling __cpuid with 0x0 as the function_id argument
// gets the number of the highest valid function ID.
__cpuid(cpui.data(), 0);
nIds_ = cpui[0];

for (int i = 0; i <= nIds_; ++i)
__cpuidex(cpui.data(), i, 0);

// Capture vendor string
char vendor[0x20];
memset(vendor, 0, sizeof(vendor));
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor) = data_[0][1];
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor + 4) = data_[0][3];
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(vendor + 8) = data_[0][2];
vendor_ = vendor;
if (vendor_ == "GenuineIntel")
isIntel_ = true;
else if (vendor_ == "AuthenticAMD")
isAMD_ = true;

// load bitset with flags for function 0x00000001
if (nIds_ >= 1)
f_1_ECX_ = data_[1][2];
f_1_EDX_ = data_[1][3];

// load bitset with flags for function 0x00000007
if (nIds_ >= 7)
f_7_EBX_ = data_[7][1];
f_7_ECX_ = data_[7][2];

// Calling __cpuid with 0x80000000 as the function_id argument
// gets the number of the highest valid extended ID.
__cpuid(cpui.data(), 0x80000000);
nExIds_ = cpui[0];

char brand[0x40];
memset(brand, 0, sizeof(brand));

for (int i = 0x80000000; i <= nExIds_; ++i)
__cpuidex(cpui.data(), i, 0);

// load bitset with flags for function 0x80000001
if (nExIds_ >= 0x80000001)
f_81_ECX_ = extdata_[1][2];
f_81_EDX_ = extdata_[1][3];

// Interpret CPU brand string if reported
if (nExIds_ >= 0x80000004)
memcpy(brand, extdata_[2].data(), sizeof(cpui));
memcpy(brand + 16, extdata_[3].data(), sizeof(cpui));
memcpy(brand + 32, extdata_[4].data(), sizeof(cpui));
brand_ = brand;

int nIds_;
int nExIds_;
std::string vendor_;
std::string brand_;
bool isIntel_;
bool isAMD_;
std::bitset<32> f_1_ECX_;
std::bitset<32> f_1_EDX_;
std::bitset<32> f_7_EBX_;
std::bitset<32> f_7_ECX_;
std::bitset<32> f_81_ECX_;
std::bitset<32> f_81_EDX_;
std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> data_;
std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> extdata_;

// Initialize static member data
const InstructionSet::InstructionSet_Internal InstructionSet::CPU_Rep;

// Print out supported instruction set extensions
int main()
auto& outstream = std::cout;

auto support_message = [&outstream](std::string isa_feature, bool is_supported) {
outstream << isa_feature << (is_supported ? " supported" : " not supported") << std::endl;

std::cout << InstructionSet::Vendor() << std::endl;
std::cout << InstructionSet::Brand() << std::endl;

support_message("3DNOW",       InstructionSet::_3DNOW());
support_message("3DNOWEXT",    InstructionSet::_3DNOWEXT());
support_message("ABM",         InstructionSet::ABM());
support_message("ADX",         InstructionSet::ADX());
support_message("AES",         InstructionSet::AES());
support_message("AVX",         InstructionSet::AVX());
support_message("AVX2",        InstructionSet::AVX2());
support_message("AVX512CD",    InstructionSet::AVX512CD());
support_message("AVX512ER",    InstructionSet::AVX512ER());
support_message("AVX512F",     InstructionSet::AVX512F());
support_message("AVX512PF",    InstructionSet::AVX512PF());
support_message("BMI1",        InstructionSet::BMI1());
support_message("BMI2",        InstructionSet::BMI2());
support_message("CLFSH",       InstructionSet::CLFSH());
support_message("CMPXCHG16B",  InstructionSet::CMPXCHG16B());
support_message("CX8",         InstructionSet::CX8());
support_message("ERMS",        InstructionSet::ERMS());
support_message("F16C",        InstructionSet::F16C());
support_message("FMA",         InstructionSet::FMA());
support_message("FSGSBASE",    InstructionSet::FSGSBASE());
support_message("FXSR",        InstructionSet::FXSR());
support_message("HLE",         InstructionSet::HLE());
support_message("INVPCID",     InstructionSet::INVPCID());
support_message("LAHF",        InstructionSet::LAHF());
support_message("LZCNT",       InstructionSet::LZCNT());
support_message("MMX",         InstructionSet::MMX());
support_message("MMXEXT",      InstructionSet::MMXEXT());
support_message("MONITOR",     InstructionSet::MONITOR());
support_message("MOVBE",       InstructionSet::MOVBE());
support_message("MSR",         InstructionSet::MSR());
support_message("OSXSAVE",     InstructionSet::OSXSAVE());
support_message("PCLMULQDQ",   InstructionSet::PCLMULQDQ());
support_message("POPCNT",      InstructionSet::POPCNT());
support_message("PREFETCHWT1", InstructionSet::PREFETCHWT1());
support_message("RDRAND",      InstructionSet::RDRAND());
support_message("RDSEED",      InstructionSet::RDSEED());
support_message("RDTSCP",      InstructionSet::RDTSCP());
support_message("RTM",         InstructionSet::RTM());
support_message("SEP",         InstructionSet::SEP());
support_message("SHA",         InstructionSet::SHA());
support_message("SSE",         InstructionSet::SSE());
support_message("SSE2",        InstructionSet::SSE2());
support_message("SSE3",        InstructionSet::SSE3());
support_message("SSE4.1",      InstructionSet::SSE41());
support_message("SSE4.2",      InstructionSet::SSE42());
support_message("SSE4a",       InstructionSet::SSE4a());
support_message("SSSE3",       InstructionSet::SSSE3());
support_message("SYSCALL",     InstructionSet::SYSCALL());
support_message("TBM",         InstructionSet::TBM());
support_message("XOP",         InstructionSet::XOP());
support_message("XSAVE",       InstructionSet::XSAVE());

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
3DNOW not supported
3DNOWEXT not supported
ABM not supported
ADX not supported
AES supported
AVX supported
AVX2 not supported
AVX512CD not supported
AVX512ER not supported
AVX512F not supported
AVX512PF not supported
BMI1 not supported
BMI2 not supported
CLFSH supported
CMPXCHG16B supported
CX8 supported
ERMS supported
F16C supported
FMA not supported
FSGSBASE supported
FXSR supported
HLE not supported
INVPCID not supported
LAHF supported
LZCNT not supported
MMX supported
MMXEXT not supported
MONITOR supported
MOVBE not supported
MSR supported
OSXSAVE supported
PCLMULQDQ supported
POPCNT supported
PREFETCHWT1 not supported
RDRAND supported
RDSEED not supported
RDTSCP supported
RTM not supported
SEP supported
SHA not supported
SSE supported
SSE2 supported
SSE3 supported
SSE4.1 supported
SSE4.2 supported
SSE4a not supported
SSSE3 supported
SYSCALL not supported
TBM not supported
XOP not supported
XSAVE supported
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