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2016-05-13 15:03 405 查看


#include <cstdlib>

#include "caffe/common.hpp"

#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"

namespace caffe {

// Theoretically, CaffeMallocHost and CaffeFreeHost should simply call the

// cudaMallocHost and cudaFree functions in order to create pinned memory.

// However, those codes rely on the existence of a cuda GPU (I don't know

// why that is a must since allocating memory should not be accessing the

// GPU resource, but it just creates an error as of Cuda 5.0) and will cause

// problem when running on a machine without GPU. Thus, we simply define

// these two functions for safety and possible future change if the problem

// of calling cuda functions disappears in a future version.


// In practice, although we are creating unpinned memory here, as long as we

// are constantly accessing them the memory pages almost always stays in

// the physical memory (assuming we have large enough memory installed), and

// does not seem to create a memory bottleneck here.



//机器支持GPU并且安装了cuda,通过cudaMallocHost分配的hostmemory将会被pinned(内存不会被paged out),



inline void CaffeMallocHost(void** ptr, size_t size) {

*ptr = malloc(size);

CHECK(*ptr) << "host allocation of size " << size << " failed";


inline void CaffeFreeHost(void* ptr) {




* @brief Manages memory allocation and synchronization between the host (CPU)

* and device (GPU).


* TODO(dox): more thorough description.


class SyncedMemory {//SyncedMemory类,首先是构造函数和析构函数。



: cpu_ptr_(NULL), gpu_ptr_(NULL), size_(0), head_(UNINITIALIZED),

own_cpu_data_(false) {}

explicit SyncedMemory(size_t size)//带explicit关键字:单个参数构造函数,explicit禁止单参数构造函数的隐式转换

: cpu_ptr_(NULL), gpu_ptr_(NULL), size_(size), head_(UNINITIALIZED),

own_cpu_data_(false) {}


const void* cpu_data();//获得cpu上data的地址

void set_cpu_data(void* data);//将cpu的data指针指向一个新的区域由data指针传入,并且将原来申请的内存释放。

const void* gpu_data();//获得gpu数据地址//获得set gpu的数据地址

void* mutable_cpu_data();//返回cpu上data的指针

void* mutable_gpu_data();//返回gpu上data指针

enum SyncedHead { UNINITIALIZED, HEAD_AT_CPU, HEAD_AT_GPU, SYNCED };//SyncedHead是个枚举类型,用来设定head_状态,

SyncedHead head() { return head_; }//head()函数即返回相应的数据状态,

size_t size() { return size_; }//size()函数返回数据大小


void to_cpu();

void to_gpu();

void* cpu_ptr_;

void* gpu_ptr_;

size_t size_;

SyncedHead head_;

bool own_cpu_data_;





}; // class SyncedMemory

} // namespace caffe

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