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Skip the header of a file with Python's CSV reader

2016-05-09 13:40 951 查看
SOURCE: http://evanhahn.com/python-skip-header-csv-reader/
I was choosing a new credit card and was between two options. One of them offered cash back on all purchases. The other offered
less cash back on all purchases but much more cash back on certain purchases. I wanted to know: which credit card was better based on my purchase history? Like any normal person, I exported my transactions as CSV and began to dig around with

My CSV file had a header on the first line, which was different from the rest. The file looked something like this (not my actual transactions):

2014-12-27,Candy Shop,12

I wanted to use
Python's built-in CSV reader class and skip any parsing of the header line. So I did this:

with open('mycsv.csv', 'r') as csvfile:

csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)

# This skips the first row of the CSV file.
# csvreader.next() also works in Python 2.

for row in csvreader:
# do stuff with rows...

The call to
reads the first row and discards it. From there, we're ready to iterate through the actual data! One small caveat: I had issues in Python 3 when opening the file in binary mode (
instead of

This trick helped me choose my credit card and may help you do the same with CSVs in Python!

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息