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除6种操作符不能被重载外,其它均可以,不能重载的操作符包括:(1)、?: (conditional); (2)、. (member selection); (3)、.* (member selectionwith pointer-to-member); (4)、:: (scope resolution); (5)、sizeof (object sizeinformation); (6)、typeid (object type information)




#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>

class Point {
// various constructors
Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
Point(int x_, int y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {}
Point(const Point& pt_) : x(pt_.x), y(pt_.y) {}

// assignment operator: =
Point& operator = (const Point& pt_);

// compound assignment operators: += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>=
Point& operator += (const Point& pt_);
Point& operator -= (const Point& pt_);
Point& operator *= (const Point& pt_);

// binary arithmetic operators: + - * / %
Point& operator + (const Point& pt_);
Point& operator - (const Point& pt_);
Point& operator * (const Point& pt_);

// comparison operators: == != > < >= <=
bool operator == (const Point& pt_) const;
bool operator != (const Point& pt_) const;
bool operator > (const Point& pt_) const;

// bitwise operators: ^ | & ~ << >>
// note: this function is not a member function
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Point& pt_); // output
// note: this function is not a member function
friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Point& pt_); // input

// logical operators: ! && ||

//increment and decrement operators: ++ --
Point& operator ++ (); // prefix: ++
Point& operator ++ (int); // postfix: ++

int x, y; //< the point coordinates

int test_operator();



#include <assert.h>
#include "operator.hpp"

Point& Point::operator = (const Point& pt_)
if (this == &pt_) {
return *this;

this->x = pt_.x;
this->y = pt_.y;

return *this;

Point& Point::operator += (const Point& pt_)
this->x += pt_.x;
this->y += pt_.y;

return *this;

Point& Point::operator -= (const Point& pt_)
this->x -= pt_.x;
this->y -= pt_.y;

return *this;

Point& Point::operator *= (const Point& pt_)
this->x *= pt_.x;
this->y *= pt_.y;

return *this;

Point& Point::operator + (const Point& pt_)
return operator += (pt_);

Point& Point::operator - (const Point& pt_)
return operator -= (pt_);

Point& Point::operator * (const Point& pt_)
return operator *= (pt_);

bool Point::operator == (const Point& pt_) const
return (this->x == pt_.x && this->y == pt_.y);

bool Point::operator != (const Point& pt_) const
return !(operator == (pt_));

bool Point::operator > (const Point& pt_) const
return (this->x > pt_.x && this->y > pt_.y);

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Point& pt_) // output
out << "x: " << pt_.x << std::endl;
out << "y: " << pt_.y << std::endl;

return out;

std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Point& pt_) // input
std::cout << "x: ";
in >> pt_.x;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "y: ";
in >> pt_.y;
std::cout << std::endl;

return in;

Point& Point::operator ++ ()

return *this;

Point& Point::operator ++ (int)
Point tmp(*this);

return tmp;

// note: this function is not a member function
Point& operator + (const Point& pt_, int a)
Point tmp;
tmp.x = pt_.x + a;
tmp.y = pt_.y + a;

return tmp;

int test_operator()
Point pt1;
Point pt2(1, 2);
Point pt0(pt2);

Point pt3;
pt3 = pt2; // =, same as pt3.operator=(pt2);
assert(pt3.x == 1 && pt3.y == 2);

Point pt4(3, 4);
pt4 += pt3;
assert(pt4.x == 4 && pt4.y == 6);

pt4 -= pt2;
assert(pt4.x == 3 && pt4.y == 4);

pt4 *= pt2;
assert(pt4.x == 3 && pt4.y == 8);

pt4 = pt4 + pt2;
assert(pt4.x == 4 && pt4.y == 10);

pt4 = pt4 - pt2;
assert(pt4.x == 3 && pt4.y == 8);

pt4 = pt4 * pt2;
assert(pt4.x == 3 && pt4.y == 16);

Point pt5(3, 16);
bool flag = (pt4 == pt5);
assert(flag == true);

flag = (pt4 != pt5);
assert(flag == false);

flag = (pt4 > pt2);
assert(flag == true);

Point pt6(4, 5);
std::cout << pt4 << std::endl; // output

std::cin >> pt1; // input

Point pt7(4, 5);
assert(pt7.x == 5 && pt7.y == 6);

Point pt8(6, 7);
pt7 = pt8++;
assert(pt7.x == 6 && pt7.y == 7);

int a = 10;
pt7 = pt7 + a;
assert(pt7.x == 16 && pt7.y == 17);

return 0;


1. http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operators
2. https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/operator-overloading
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