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开源的人工神经网络计算库 FANN 学习笔记 1

2016-05-08 22:24 591 查看

开源的人工神经网络计算库 FANN 学习笔记 1



看书的同时也在网上找了找人工神经网络的库代码。感觉 FANN 这个库还不错,就顺道学了学这个库的使用方法。

FANN 是个开源的 C 语言实现的人工神经网络库,由于是标准 C 语言写成的,所以对操作系统等的要求很少,在各个平台下都可以运行。而且这个库支持定点运算,在没有浮点处理器的 CPU 上运行会比别的不支持定点运算的库快很多。

FANN 虽然是纯 C 语言写成的,但是按照面向对象的思想构架的,接口设计的很好。有较为详细的文档,用起来很方便。而且已经支持在20多种编程语言环境下使用,比如 C#、 JAVA、Delphi、PYTHON、PHP、PERL、RUBY、Javascript、Matlab、R 等。



4 2 1

0 0


0 1


1 0


1 1


其中 4 2 1 表示我们的训练数据集有 4 条训练数据。每个数据有 2 个输入和 1 个输出。之后跟的就是输入与输出数据。

我们知道与运算可以用单层感知器来实现。也就是说可以用 2 层的神经网络来实现(1层输入层、1层输出层)。

#include <doublefann.h>

const unsigned int NUM_INPUT = 2;
const unsigned int NUM_OUTPUT = 1;
const unsigned int NUM_LAYERS = 2;
const unsigned int NUM_NEURONS_HIDDEN = 1;
const float DESIRED_ERROR = (const float) 0.0001;
const unsigned int MAX_EPOCHS = 1000;
const unsigned int EPOCHS_BETWEEN_REPORTS = 10;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct fann *ann;
struct fann_train_data *data;

printf("Creating network.\n");
data = fann_read_train_from_file("q:\\and.data");

printf("Training network.\n");
printf("Testing network. %f\n", fann_test_data(ann, data));

//    fann_save(ann, "q:\\and_float.net");

fann_type input[2];
fann_type *calc_out;
input[0] = 0;    input[1] = 0;
calc_out = fann_run(ann, input);
printf("and test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", input[0], input[1], calc_out[0]);
input[0] = 0;    input[1] = 1;
calc_out = fann_run(ann, input);
printf("and test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", input[0], input[1], calc_out[0]);
input[0] = 1;    input[1] = 0;
calc_out = fann_run(ann, input);
printf("and test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", input[0], input[1], calc_out[0]);
input[0] = 1;    input[1] = 1;
calc_out = fann_run(ann, input);
printf("and test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", input[0], input[1], calc_out[0]);


fann_save(ann, "q:\\and_float.net");


一旦将fann 的状态保存起来了。后面在使用就很方便。比如下面这样。

struct fann *ann;
ann = fann_create_from_file("q:\\and_float.net");


Creating network.

Training network.

Max epochs 1000. Desired error: 0.0001000000.

Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2458046824. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 10. Current error: 0.1185930669. Bit fail 2.

Epochs 20. Current error: 0.0314348340. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 30. Current error: 0.0145781031. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 40. Current error: 0.0055742161. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 50. Current error: 0.0024458752. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 60. Current error: 0.0015401742. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 70. Current error: 0.0008485225. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 80. Current error: 0.0004349701. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 90. Current error: 0.0002433052. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 100. Current error: 0.0001541690. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 103. Current error: 0.0000989792. Bit fail 0.

Testing network. 0.000095

and test (0.000000,0.000000) -> 0.000000

and test (0.000000,1.000000) -> 0.012569

and test (1.000000,0.000000) -> 0.007818

and test (1.000000,1.000000) -> 0.987361


4 2 1
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1


Creating network.

Training network.

Max epochs 1000. Desired error: 0.0001000000.

Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2500112057. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 10. Current error: 0.2502280176. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 20. Current error: 0.2500012517. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 30. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 40. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 50. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 60. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 70. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 80. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 90. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 100. Current error: 0.2500000298. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 110. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 120. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 130. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 140. Current error: 0.2499999851. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 150. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 160. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 170. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 180. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 190. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 200. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 210. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 220. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 230. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 240. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 250. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 260. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 270. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 280. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 290. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 300. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 310. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 320. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 330. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 340. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 350. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 360. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 370. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 380. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 390. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 400. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 410. Current error: 0.2500000298. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 420. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 430. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 440. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 450. Current error: 0.2499999851. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 460. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 470. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 480. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 490. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 500. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 510. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 520. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 530. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 540. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 550. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 560. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 570. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 580. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 590. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 600. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 610. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 620. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 630. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 640. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 650. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 660. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 670. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 680. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 690. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 700. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 710. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 720. Current error: 0.2500000298. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 730. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 740. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 750. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 760. Current error: 0.2499999851. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 770. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 780. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 790. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 800. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 810. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 820. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 830. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 840. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 850. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 860. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 870. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 880. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 890. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 900. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 910. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 920. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 930. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 940. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 950. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 960. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 970. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 980. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 990. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 1000. Current error: 0.2500000000. Bit fail 4.

Testing network. 0.250000

xor test (0.000000,0.000000) -> 0.500042

xor test (0.000000,1.000000) -> 0.500058

xor test (1.000000,0.000000) -> 0.500064

xor test (1.000000,1.000000) -> 0.500080

可以看到训练无法收敛。如果将神经网络改为 3 层,就具备表达异或的能力了。


const unsigned int NUM_LAYERS = 3;
const unsigned int NUM_NEURONS_HIDDEN = 2;

这两行的意思是将网络层数改为 3,中间那层包含 2 个神经元。之后运行的结果如下:

Creating network.

Training network.

Max epochs 1000. Desired error: 0.0001000000.

Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2500394285. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 10. Current error: 0.2503248155. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 20. Current error: 0.2500005960. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 30. Current error: 0.2500000596. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 40. Current error: 0.2500004768. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 50. Current error: 0.2487613261. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 60. Current error: 0.2448616028. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 70. Current error: 0.2345527709. Bit fail 4.

Epochs 80. Current error: 0.1928165257. Bit fail 2.

Epochs 90. Current error: 0.0843421519. Bit fail 1.

Epochs 100. Current error: 0.0168493092. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 110. Current error: 0.0046176752. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 120. Current error: 0.0023012348. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 130. Current error: 0.0014233238. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 140. Current error: 0.0008981032. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 150. Current error: 0.0005876040. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 160. Current error: 0.0003150564. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 170. Current error: 0.0001641331. Bit fail 0.

Epochs 175. Current error: 0.0000839768. Bit fail 0.

Testing network. 0.000091

xor test (0.000000,0.000000) -> 0.011072

xor test (0.000000,1.000000) -> 0.993215

xor test (1.000000,0.000000) -> 0.992735

xor test (1.000000,1.000000) -> 0.011975

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