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TO SOLVE THE ISSUE OF MySQLStartupItem.pkg missing from MySQL DMG

2016-04-28 13:32 691 查看


I downloaded the Mac OS X 10.9 DMG Archive from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/

I mount and open it, and all I see is the mysql-5.6.21-osx10.8-x86_64.pkg.

I dont see MySQLStartupItem.pkg anywhere before or after installing the mysql pkg

What is going on here?I had the same problem. But then I noticed that mysql was actually installed on my preferences pane. I suspect it is now included in the one installer but they haven’t updated the documentation. I rebooted in between install of mysql and noticing it as already installed, so I don’t know whether or not that mattered (I suspect no). Check your preferences pane under Other and see if it’s there…

I had the question too. But if you try the latest installation pkg, say mysql-5.6.23-osx10.9-x86_64.dmg, when you reach “installation type”, you click “customize”, you will see that the package actually includes: 1)MySQL installation file, 2)MySQL startup items installation file and 3)MySQL.prefPane


http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-macosx-excerpt/5.6/en/macosx-installation-prefpane.html Please read this hyperlink. “Previously, the OS X packages included separate MySQLStartupItem.pkg and MySQL.prefPane files. They have since been merged into the main package file.” So, you just install that package and follow the instruction of this page. What is different is that you need to click mac system preference and search mysql then run mysql.

But it seems a terrible solution thought :(



It’s hilarious that I found out there is not such PKG AS MySQLStartupItem.PKG according to SOLUTION1 in my version of MySQL. Cause They have since been merged into the main package file together.


Those tutors indicated former versions has this PKG(SUCH AS VERSION 5.5.40) which I’ve been browsed lately.

So that I decided to download this version of MySQL named mysql-5.5.40-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg .


Afterward, I unzipped this package and found out the PKG File I was looking for. Then ,I opened it and mounted it carefully .

IN THE MEANWHILE, I typed command + shift + G for entering the location,which contented “MySQLCOM” file in Finder. And It was a happen ending thought :) .


Start MySQL Server
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start

Stop MySQL Server

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop

Restart MySQL Server

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM restart

Or using MySQL control panel in System Preferences to regulate Server ,

TIPS: USING alias to simplify commands

In Mac OS System 7 and later, an alias is a small file that represents another object in a local, remote, or removable[1] file system and provides a dynamic link to it; the target object may be moved or renamed, and the alias will still link to it (unless the original file is recreated; such an alias is ambiguous and how it is resolved depends on the version of OS X). In Windows, a “shortcut”, a file with a .lnk extension, performs a similar function.

It is similar to the Unix symbolic link, but with the distinction of working even if the target file moves to another location on the same disk (in this case it acts like hard link, but the source and target of the link may be on different filesystems). As a descendant of BSD, OS X supports Unix symbolic (and hard) links as well.

type these commands in Terminal,

open .bash_profile

And then when you fished the string of command your mac is gonna automatically bounce out a configuration file like this ,

You should append

#command: mysql -u root -p
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/Users/Don/Library/Application Support/GoodSync":$PATH
alias mysql='/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql';
alias net='/Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM';

into this configuration file that just bounced out.


source .bash_profile

After that It’s more convenient to regulate MySQL Server in Terminal , just like that

net start
net stop
net restart

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标签:  mysql mac