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inux下 解包/打包 Android 映像文件 system.img, boot.img, ramdisk.img, userdata.img.

2016-04-21 17:30 816 查看

Android eMMC Booting


1 eMMC
1.1 Creating
the GPT table
1.2 Modifying
.IMG Files
1.3 TI
Android build setup


This is the efi partition table as exists on the emmc
Sector#    Size Name
256     128K xloader
512     256K bootloader
2048       8M recovery
18432       8M boot
34816     512M system
1083392     256M cache
1607680     512M userdata
2656256    2183M media

the GPT table

On TargetConnect a USB cable to the OTG port on your platform
Boot your platform up with a stock u-boot and MLO
Once you platform is booted you will see the following:
Fastboot entered...

On Host Machinelocate fastboot in you android filesystem
cd $mydroid/out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot

Search for fastboot devices
fastboot devices

Create GPT table on eMMC/SD card
fastboot oem format

From the android build these are the binaries that go into each partition:
Sector#    Size Name            Binary
256     128K xloader         MLO
512     256K bootloader      u-boot.bin
2048       8M recovery        recovery.img
18432       8M boot            boot.img
34816     512M system          system.img
1083392     256M cache           cache.img
1607680     512M userdata        userdata.img
2656256    2183M media           none

File locationsMLO --> x-loader/MLO
u-boot --> u-boot/u-boot.bin
boot.img --> need to create using zImage + ramdisk.img
recovery.img ---> need to create using zImage + ramdisk-recovery.img
system.img --> $mydroid/out/target/product/<platform>/system.img
cache.img -->
userdata.img --> $mydroid/out/target/product/<platform>/userdata.img

All these partitions can be flashed with the given binary using fastboot.
fastboot flash <name> <binary>

Example flashing of all partitions
fastboot flash xloader     MLO
fastboot flash bootloader  u-boot.bin
fastboot flash recovery    recovery.img
fastboot flash boot        boot.img
fastboot flash system      system.img
fastboot flash cache       cache.img
fastboot flash userdata    userdata.img

.IMG Files

Typically when you want to modify any of the partitions, you would need to unzip-modify-rezip and then fastboot flash.
Following section talks about how to do that for each partition
boot.img = zImage + ramdisk.img
zImage = kernel image
ramdisk.img = out/target/product/blaze/root/
--kernel zImage
--ramdisk ramdisk.img
--base 0x80000000
--cmdline "console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 init=/init vram=10M omapfb.vram=0:4M androidboot.console=ttyO2"
--board omap4
-o boot.img.new
Output: boot.img.new
**Note: bootarg is passed to kernel via --cmdline option above
**Note:For Pandaboard ES,--cmdline should be mmodified as "console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 init=/init vram=32M omapfb.vram=0:16M androidboot.console=ttyO2"

To "just" boot boot.img (before flashing) you can use:
%fastboot boot boot.img

 %mkdir root
 %cd root
 %gunzip -c ../ramdisk.img | cpio -i
<make changes to root/ contents...>
 %./out/host/linux-x86/bin/mkbootfs root/ | ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/minigzip >ramdisk.img.new
#output: ramdisk.img.new
** Note: any init.rc changes will need to use this method

Is just like boot.img.
recovery.img = zImage + ramdisk-recovery.img
*Follow the same steps as boot.img for packing/unpacking

 %./out/host/linux-x86/bin/simg2img system.img system.img.raw
#mount to directory mnt-point/
 %mkdir mnt-point
 %sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop system.img.raw mnt-point/
#modify any .so or apk in the mnt-point/ directory
 %sudo out/host/linux-x86/bin/make_ext4fs -s -l 512M -a system system.img.new mnt-point/
 %sudo umount mnt-point/
Output: system.img.new

Instead of having to reflash the whole big system.img, one can selective update any binary in /system folder on running target
%adb remount
%adb push <local> <remote>
%adb remount
%adb push out/target/product/blaze/obj/lib/overlay.omap4.so /system/lib/hw/overlay.omap4.so
%adb sync

 %./out/host/linux-x86/bin/simg2img userdata.img userdata.img.raw
#mount to directory mnt-point/
 %mkdir mnt-point
 %sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop userdata.img.raw mnt-point/
#modify any .so or apk in the mnt-point/ directory
#%sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/make_ext4fs -s -l 512M -a userdata userdata.img.new mnt-point/
# Above command won't work on GB/HC. For GB/HC, please use the following updated command
 %sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/make_ext4fs -s -l 512M -a data userdata.img.new mnt-point/
 %sudo umount mnt-point/
Output: userdata.img.new

#This is empty ext4 fs image
 %mkdir mnt-point/
 %sudo ./make_ext4fs -s -l 256M -a cache cache.img mnt-point/
Output: cache.img

Android build setup

Copy kernel zImage, u-boot.bin and MLO for your board in folder device/ti/blaze/boot/.
Rename as:
 %mv MLO MLO_es2.2_emu
 %mv MLO MLO_es2.2_gp
(based on your board being GP or EMU)

Next start standard android build and all img files are generated in:

A script is introduced in TI Android release to make this flashing process easier: device/ti/blaze/boot/fastboot.sh
cd device/ti/blaze/boot/
%fastboot.sh --emu
%fastboot.sh --gp

Running this script will flash whole android system on your board.

inux下 解包/打包 Android 映像文件 system.img, boot.img, ramdisk.img, userdata.img.

Linux下 解包/打包 Android 映像文件 system.img, boot.img, ramdisk.img, userdata.img.
2014年10月20日 ⁄ 计算机视觉 ⁄ 共 1372字⁄ ⁄ 暂无评论
转自: http://blog.csdn.net/yulix/article/details/12968705 Android源码编译成功后会输出映像文件:system.img,boot.img, ramdisk.img,userdata.img等等。有时我们需要修改里面的内容,下面列出在Linux下如何解包/打包这些映像文件。


解包: 新建一个工作目录,把当前目录更改为该工作目录,执行下面命令(注意: img文件位置可能不同).
[plain] view plaincopy
gunzip -c  $HOME/img/ramdisk.img | cpio -i
[plain] view plaincopy
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../newramdisk.img
参考文档:  http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack%2C_Edit%2C_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images


解包工具: Android自带的unpackbootimg,以及一些脚本工具比如split_bootimg.pl
打包工具: Android自带的mkbootimg。
参考资料 :
中文请看: http://blog.csdn.net/wh_19910525/article/details/8200372

  英文请看:  http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack%2C_Edit%2C_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images

system.img (EXT4)

system.img 是 sparse image格式文件,现有的mount命令无法直接处理。
我们得把sparse image格式转变为普通的img格式,Android源码中带的ext4_utils可以做这个,没有Android源码也不用担心,该工具的源代码已被剥离出来,可以自行下载编译,地址是:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1081239
我们得到工具有: simg2img,make_ext4fs等等:
[plain] view plaincopy
simg2img system.img system.img.ext4
mkdir mnt_dir
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop system.img.ext4 mnt_dir
[plain] view plaincopy
sudo make_ext4fs -s -l 512M -a system system_new.img mnt_dir
userdata.img (EXT4)
和system.img(EXT4) 一样处理
( file_context_open: Error getting file context handle (No such file or directory) 

No such file or directory )
the problem is that this version requires a file_contexts file. This can be extracted from boot.img. The filename is file_contexts 

1. extract boot.img (i used AndroidImageKitchen for this) 

2. call make_ext4fs with -S parameter 

make_ext4fs -l -s 2690M -a system -S <PATH_TO_FILE_CONTEXTS_FILE> system.img.ext4 <WHEREEVER_YOU_MOUNTED_SYSTEM_TO>

btw: the name of the mountpoint doesnt matter. So calling your mountpoint sys was no problem
If you have extracted boot.img the file_contexts-file should be located in the ramdisk folder. 

Don't panic if there is no such file. In this case you just have to use an earlier
version of make_ext4fs.
The file_contexts file is used by versions of android which use SELinux. I only found this on android versions >= 4.3.
./make_ext4fs -s -l 550M -a system -S ./file_contexts system_new.img mnt_dir
make_ext4fs [ -l <len> ] [ -j <journal size> ] [ -b <block_size> ] 

    [ -g <blocks per group> ] [ -i <inodes> ] [ -I <inode size> ] 

    [ -L <label> ] [ -f ] [ -a <android mountpoint> ] 

    [ -S file_contexts ] 

    [ -z | -s ] [ -w ] [ -c ] [ -J ] [ -v ] 

    <filename> [<directory>]
#make_ext4fs -s -l 512M -a root -L linux  ./rootfs_qt.img  ./root
执行之后即会将root文件打包成  rootfs_qt.img 文件系统镜像。
-l 512M"是分区大小,i9100的system分区是512M; 

-s  就是生成ext4的S模式制作;
-l 512M 是分区大小;
-a root 是指这个img用于Linux系统若为-a system即表示为android系统,挂载点即是/system。使用这个参数,make_ext4fs会根据private/android_filesystem_config.h里定义好的权限来给文件夹里的所有文件重新设置权限,如果你刷机以后发现有文件权限不对,可以手工修改android_filesystem_config.h来添加权限,重新编译make_ext4fs,也可以不使用
“-a system”参数,这样就会使用文件的默认权限
./rootfs_qt.img 表示在当前目录下生成镜像文件。
./root 指定源路径
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