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2016-04-14 13:21 701 查看

组合索引,又称复合索引,两个或更多个列上的索引被称作复合索引。对于复合索引,他们都遵循左侧原则,也是就是说一个查询可以只使用复合索引最左侧的一部份。例如索引是key index (a,b,c). 可以支持a | a,b| a,b,c 3种组合进行查找,但不支持 b,c进行查找 .当最左侧字段是常量引用时,索引就十分有效。


create table test(
a int,
b int,
c int,
KEY a(a,b,c)


优: select * from test where a=10 and b>50

差: select * from test where b = 50

优: select * from test order by a

差: select * from test order by b

差: select * from test order by c

优: select * from test where a=10 order by a

优: select * from test where a=10 order by b

差: select * from test where a=10 order by c

优: select * from test where a>10 order by a

差: select * from test where a>10 order by b

差: select * from test where a>10 order by c

优: select * from test where a=10 and b=10 order by a

优: select * from test where a=10 and b=10 order by b

优: select * from test where a=10 and b=10 order by c

优: select * from test where a=10 and b=10 order by a

优: select * from test where a=10 and b>10 order by b

差: select * from test where a=10 and b>10 order by c


1. ORDER BY 中的字段必须按照SQL语句中的顺序来建索引;

2. ORDER BY 中的字段的排序顺序必须一直,否则索引无效。

3. 建了索引不一定就有效,用实际的SQL检查一下。


1.索引越少越好 。



3.避免file sort排序,临时表和表扫描.
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