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IE 11 设置默认编辑器为 sublime text

2016-03-23 00:00 495 查看
摘要: IE 11 设置默认编辑器为 sublime text


IE11: set Sourcecode editor

From IE8 to IE10 setting your preferred source code editor was easy, an option was available via Developer Tools (F12). This option has been removed with IE11. IE11 also merges the two editors that have been traditionally available. There was the "Default HTML editor" (set via "Internet options, Programs", launched via "File, Edit with ...") and the "Default View Source Editor" (set via F12, launched via "View Source"). IE11 merges the two and the HTML editor you set via Internet options, Programs sets the View Source editor, too. That makes sense.
The default is Notepad. The problem starts when you want to choose a program that is not in the editor programs list for Internet options, Programs, for instance Notepad++. Once there was a simple way to add programs to this list (OpenWithList). This method doesn't seem to work anymore. I'll write more about this way once I know it works now.
The only way to set your preferred View Source editor I know of at the moment is to do it via registry. It's done in almost the same way you did that with IE7 (or Windows XP, for that matter). Set the Default value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name to the path of your preferred program. Make sure you use the HKCU hive (for the current user) and not the HKLM hive (for the whole machine). This is the main change here (all older tutorials will mention HKLM as the hive to change). This will not put your editor in the editor Programs listbox, but it will launch your preferred View Source editor from now on.
Beware: Do not set the "HTML editor" via the Programs listbox after you set the View Source editor. This will overwrite your changes and you are at square one. As long as you stay away from the listbox the two settings will remain different.
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