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Android 之Hierarchy Tool Window

2016-03-14 17:18 591 查看

IntelliJ IDEA 15.0 Help

/Hierarchy Tool Window

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Visual StudioNetBeans 6.5
EclipseDefault (Mac OS X 10.5+)
OS XOS X Eclipse
IntelliJ IDEA Classic (OS X)Xcode
Visual StudioReSharper
ReSharper OSXEmacs
Console Tool WindowInspection
Tool Window

Hierarchy Tool Window

View | Tool Windows | Hierarchy


The tool window is available only after you havebuilt
a hierarchy for the first time.

Use this tool window to analyze and navigate through
hierarchies of classes , calls, methods .

The contents of the tool window are not automatically updated as you navigate through the source code or switch between the editor tabs. The tool window shows the results of the latest hierarchy command and is updated when you run the next hierarchy command,
unless the tab with one of the previously built hierarchies is pinned .

Toolbar buttons

ItemDescriptionAvailable In

When this button is pressed, the hierarchical tree shows both the parent and child classes of the selected class, which is marked with an arrow

the tree of results.

For the interfaces this button is disabled.
Class hierarchies

Depending on the hierarchy type:

For class hierarchies - when this button is pressed, the
tool window shows all classes that extend the selected class.

For call hierarchies - when this button is pressed, the
tool window shows the callees of the selected method.

Class hierarchies

Call hierarchies

Depending on the hierarchy type:

For class hierarchies - when this button is pressed, the
tool window shows the hierarchy of each supertype of the current class.

For call hierarchies - when this button is pressed, the
tool window shows the callers of the selected method.

Class hierarchies

Call hierarchies

When this button is pressed, the elements within a tree are sorted alphabetically.All hierarchies
ScopeUse this drop-down list to limit the scope of the current hierarchy:

Project - IntelliJ IDEA traces usages of the method across
the project.

Test - IntelliJ IDEA traces usages of the method across
the test classes.

All - IntelliJ IDEA traces usages of the method across
the project and the libraries.

This class - the scope is limited to the current class.

In addition to the pre-configured scopes, you can define your own one: select Configure from
the drop-down list, and define the required scope in theScopes dialog
box that opens.
Call hierarchies
In a method hierarchy, the
tree-views of the following classes are available:

where this method is defined.

where this method is not defined, but defined in the superclass.

where this method should be defined, because the class is not abstract.

If you made any changes of the classes or the class structure, they become visible in the Hierarchy tool window only after you press this button.All hierarchies

Toggle the Autoscroll to source mode. When the button is pressed, every time the node is focused, the corresponding line of source code is highlighted in the editor.All hierarchies

When this button is pressed, the current tab will not be overwritten; instead, the results of the next command will be displayed in a new tab.All hierarchies

Click this button to export a hierarchy into a text file in the specified location.All hierarchies

Click this button to close the selected tab of results.All hierarchies

Click this button to show reference page.All hierarchies
Console Tool WindowInspection
Tool Window
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