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2016-03-14 08:32 806 查看
create or replace function getClassifiedCode(p_planCode               in varchar2 -- 险种代码
p_usageAttributeCode     in varchar2 -- 使用性质代码
p_ownershipAttributeCode in varchar2 -- 所属性质代码
p_vehicleTypeCode        in varchar2 -- 车辆种类代码
) return varchar2 is
v_classified_code varchar2(10);
v_vehicleTypeCode varchar2(200) := p_vehicleTypeCode;
v_message         varchar2(2000);
-- 定义字符串数组类型
type type_array is varray(9) of varchar2(200);
vehicleArray type_array := type_array('A010:A011:A012',


for i in 1 .. vehicleArray.count loop
if (instr(vehicleArray(i), p_vehicleTypeCode, 1, 1) > 0) then
v_vehicleTypeCode := vehicleArray(i);
end if;
end loop;

select max(class_rule_code)
into v_classified_code
from class_rule_factor
where factor_code = 'F00085'
and factor_value_set = p_planCode;

if (v_classified_code is not null) then
return v_classified_code;
end if;

select max(class_rule_code)
into v_classified_code
from class_rule_factor
where class_rule_code in
(select distinct class_rule_code
from class_rule_factor
where class_rule_code in
(select distinct class_rule_code
from class_rule_factor
where factor_code = 'F00039'
and factor_value_set = p_usageAttributeCode)
and factor_code = 'F00040'
and factor_value_set = p_ownershipAttributeCode)
and factor_code = 'F00042'
and factor_value_set = v_vehicleTypeCode;

if (v_classified_code is not null) then
return v_classified_code;
end if;

select max(class_rule_code)
into v_classified_code
from class_rule_factor
where class_rule_code in
(select distinct class_rule_code
from class_rule_factor
where factor_code = 'F00039'
and factor_value_set = p_usageAttributeCode)
and factor_code = 'F00042'
and factor_value_set = v_vehicleTypeCode;

if (v_classified_code is not null) then
return v_classified_code;
end if;

select distinct  max(class_rule_code)
into v_classified_code
from class_rule_factor
where factor_code = 'F00999'
and factor_value_set = 'OTHER';

return v_classified_code;
when others then
v_message := sysdate || '日运行错误,错误号:' || SQLCODE || '错误原因:' ||
substr(sqlerrm, 1, 1800);
-- dbms_output.put_line(v_message);
return null;
end getClassifiedCode;

public String getClassifiedCode(Map paramMap) throws PafaDAOException {
String classifiedCode = null;
this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForObject("apply.getClassifiedCode", paramMap);
classifiedCode = (String) paramMap.get("result");
}catch(DataAccessException e){
throw NBAExceptionFactory.createPafaDAOException(this.getClass().getName(), "getClassifiedCode", "根据险种代码查找classifiedCode异常 .", "参数:paramMap = "+paramMap, e);
return classifiedCode;



<!-- 获取任务分类 -->
<parameterMap id="getClassifiedCodeParamMap" class="java.util.Map">
<parameter property="result" 					jdbcType="VARCHAR"   		 javaType="java.lang.String" mode="OUT" />
<parameter property="planCode" 					jdbcType="VARCHAR"           javaType="java.lang.String" mode="IN" />
<parameter property="usageAttributeCode" 		jdbcType="VARCHAR"           javaType="java.lang.String" mode="IN" />
<parameter property="ownershipAttributeCode" 	jdbcType="VARCHAR"           javaType="java.lang.String" mode="IN"/>
<parameter property="vehicleTypeCode" 			jdbcType="VARCHAR"           javaType="java.lang.String" mode="IN"/>

<procedure  id="getClassifiedCode"  parameterMap="getClassifiedCodeParamMap">
{ ?= call epciscde.getClassifiedCode(?,?,?,?)}

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