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select distinct manager from emp_cxg001 where manager is not null;
--Step2:在manager不能为空的基础上,查询id不在manager id的员工
select id,name,job,manager from emp_cxg001
where manager is not null and id not in(
select distinct manager from emp_cxg001 where manager is not null
select distinct manager from emp_cxg001 where manager is not null;
--Step2在manager不能为空的基础上,查询id不在manager id的员工,并且计算平均工资
select deptno,avg(salary) from emp_cxg001
where manager is not null and id not in (
select distinct manager from emp_cxg001 where manager is not null
group by deptno;
select id,name,job,deptno from emp_cxg001 where name='scott';
select id,name,trim(
to_char(nvl2(comm,salary+comm,salary),'L99,999.99')) 合计工资
from emp_cxg001;
select id,name,hiredate from emp_cxg001
where hiredate>to_date('20020101','yyyymmdd');
select id,name,hiredate from emp_cxg001
where extract(year from hiredate)>=2002;
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>5000 and job='PROGRAMMER';
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>5000 and job=upper('programmer');
--查询所有的身份证号码(模糊查询like的使用:% _ )
select id,name,pid from emp_cxg001
where pid is not null;
select id,name,pid from emp_cxg001
where pid like '11%'
and pid is not null;
--查询所有的经理人:在manager和clerk中满足一个即可(in 和 not in)
select id,name,salary,job from emp_cxg001
where job in ('MANAGER','CLERK');
select id,name,salary,job from emp_cxg001
where job not in ('MANAGER','CLERK');
select id,name,job,salary+nvl(comm,0) 合计工资 from emp_cxg001
where job in('PROGRAMMER','SALESMAN')
and salary+nvl(comm,0)>6000;
--查询工资4000到6000的员工(between and 包含边界和不包含边界的区别)
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary between 4000 and 6000;--[4000,6000]
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>=4000 and salary<6000;--[4000,6000)
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>all(4000,5000,6000);
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>any(4000,5000,6000);
select name,job from emp_cxg001;
select distinct name,job from emp_cxg001;
--查询工资的排序order by(默认升序asc,降序desc)注意别名的使用
select id,name,salary from emp_cxg001
order by salary desc;
select id,name,salary,comm,salary+nvl(comm,0) from emp_cxg001
order by salary+nvl(comm,0) desc;
select id,name,salary,comm,salary+nvl(comm,0) 总工资 from emp_cxg001
order by 总工资 desc;
select id,name,salary,comm,salary+nvl(comm,0) 总工资,deptno from emp_cxg001
order by deptno,总工资 desc;
select min(hiredate) 最早入职
,max(salary) 最高工资
,count(comm) 领奖金的人数
,count(salary) 领工资的人数
,sum(salary) 工资总额
,sum(comm) 奖金总额
,avg(salary) 平均工资
,avg(nvl(comm,0)) 平均奖金
from emp_cxg001;
--统计每个部门的平均工资(分组统计group by)
select  deptno,avg(salary) from emp_cxg001
group by deptno;
select  deptno,avg(salary),count(salary),sum(salary) from emp_cxg001
group by deptno;
select  deptno,avg(salary+nvl(comm,0)) 平均工资 from emp_cxg001
group by deptno
having avg(salary+nvl(comm,0))>5000
order by 平均工资,deptno desc;
--每个员工来自那个部门(关联查询 JOIN ON/USING主键和外键相同的时候使用)
select id,name,salary,deptno from emp_cxg001;
select deptno,dname from dept_cxg001;
select id,name,salary,dname from
emp_cxg001 e join dept_cxg001 d
on (e.deptno=d.deptno);
select id,name,salary,dname from
emp_cxg001 e left join dept_cxg001 d
on (e.deptno=d.deptno);
select id,name,salary,dname from
emp_cxg001 e right join dept_cxg001 d
on (e.deptno=d.deptno);
select id,name,salary,dname from
emp_cxg001 e full join dept_cxg001 d
on (e.deptno=d.deptno);
select id,name,salary,dname from
emp_cxg001 full join dept_cxg001
using (deptno);
select id,deptno,job from emp_cxg001 where name='rose';--PROGRAMMER
select id,name,deptno,job from emp_cxg001
where job in(
select job from emp_cxg001 where name='rose'--step1SQL
select round(avg(salary+nvl(comm,0)),2)平均工资 from emp_cxg001;
select id,name,deptno,salary from emp_cxg001
where salary>(
select round(avg(salary+nvl(comm,0)),2)平均工资 from emp_cxg001--step1SQL
select distinct deptno from emp_cxg001 where job=upper('salesman');--10,20
select id,name,job,salary,deptno from emp_cxg001
where job!=upper('salesman')
and deptno in (
select distinct deptno from emp_cxg001 where job=upper('salesman')--step1SQL
select min(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20;--4000
select id,name,job,salary from emp_cxg001
where deptno=10 and salary<(
select min(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20--step1SQL
select max(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20;--6000
select id,name,job,salary from emp_cxg001
where deptno=10 and salary>(
select max(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20--step1SQL
select distinct deptno,dname from emp_cxg001 join dept_cxg001
select deptno,dname,loc from dept_cxg001
where deptno in (
select distinct deptno from emp_cxg001 join dept_cxg001
select min(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20;
select deptno,min(salary) from emp_cxg001
where deptno!=20 and deptno is not null
group by deptno
having min(salary)>(
select min(salary) from emp_cxg001 where deptno=20
select id,name,job from emp_cxg001 where salary=6500 and deptno=11;
select round(avg(salary),2)平均工资 from emp_cxg001 group by deptno;
select id,name,salary,deptno,平均工资 from
emp_cxg001 join
(select deptno,round(avg(salary),2) 平均工资 from emp_cxg001 group by deptno)
using (deptno)
where salary>平均工资;
select 员工.id,员工.name,员工.salary,经理.name,经理.salary from
emp_cxg001 员工 join emp_cxg001 经理
where 员工.salary>经理.salary;
select row_number() over (order by salary desc) rn,
from emp_cxg001;
select * from (
select row_number() over (order by salary desc) rn,
from emp_cxg001)
where rn>2*(3-1) and rn<14;

select empno,ename,max(salary),deptno from emp where group by deptno,job;
select deptno,max(salary) maxsal from emp group by deptno;
select a.ename,a.salary,a.deptno,b.maxsal from emp a,(
select deptno,max(salary) maxsal from emp group by deptno) b
where a.deptno=b.deptno and a.salary<b.maxsal;
--查询EMP 中那些工资高于他们所在部门的管理者工资的员工。
select * from emp a,emp b where a.mgr=b.mgr and a.salary>b.salary;
--找出EMP 中那些工资高于他们所在部门普通员工(不包含管理者)平均工资的员工。
select ename,sal,deptno from emp a
where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp b
where mgr is not null and a.mrg=b.mgr group by mgr);

select s.student_name,sub.subject_name,p.test_score
from t_student s join t_performance p
on s.student_id=p.student_id
join t_subject sub on sub.subject_id=p.subject_id
where s.class_id=1;
select s.student_name,sub.subject_name,sum(p.test_score) total_score
from t_student s join t_performance p
on s.student_id=p.student_id
join t_subject sub on sub.subject_id=p.subject_id
where s.class_id=1
group by s.student_id,s.student_name
order by toal_score;

select s# from c,sc where c.c#=sc.c# and cn='税收基础';
select s#,sn from s where s# in(select s# from c,sc where c.c#=sc.c# and cn='税收基础');

select sn,sb from s,sc where s.s#=sc.s# and sc.c#='c2';

select s# from sc where c#='c5';
select sn,sd from s where s# not in(select s# from sc where c#='c5');

select toal_student=count(distinct s#) from sc;

select sn,sd from s where s# in(
select s# from sc group by s# having count(distinct s#)>5
select * from table t where t.id in(
select id from table group by id having count(id)>3
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